
1. **北运河郊野公园**:这个公园内不仅有丰富的户外活动设施,如房车区、烧烤区、垂钓区等,还有宁静的绿道和美丽的滨水景观。在这里露营,可以选择一个靠水边的地方,边品茗边欣赏运河的美丽景色。

2. **西青河郊野公园**:位于天津市西南部,这里有保留的原始地貌,如湿地、苇塘等,非常适合喜欢亲近自然的朋友。在露营的同时,可以在河边或树荫下品茗,享受大自然的宁静。

3. **东疆湾**:东疆湾的艾威国际房车海滨营地是一个绝佳的海滨露营地点。在这里,你可以一边在海边露营,一边品茗,享受海风和海景带来的惬意。

4. **狼山**:狼山以其秀丽的山水景观和深厚的文化底蕴著称。秋季的狼山,树木五彩斑斓,是一个宁静而迷人的露营地点。选择山顶或山脚下的露营点,可以一边品茗一边欣赏山间美景。

5. **大沽口水库**:大沽口水库是天津市的重要水源地,也是一个适合秋季露营的好去处。水库周围的山林在秋季变得绚丽多彩,是品茗的好地方。

6. **东堤公园**:位于中新天津生态城,东堤公园有着超三公里的海岸线,是观海、看日落、赏星海的绝佳地点。在这里露营,可以在清晨或傍晚时分,边品茗边欣赏海景。

7. **南堤公园**:南堤公园的草阶舞台区域的草坪和绿荫中,是享受阳光、湖光相映成趣的惬意之地。在这里露营,可以一边品茗一边享受湖光山色。

8. **北辰郊野公园**:河水干净,环境宁静,是一个适合放松心情的地方。在这里露营,可以选择河边坐下来,边品茗边享受自然。



1. **滨江道晨曦**
– 镜头捕捉了滨江道在晨曦中的宁静与美丽,街道两旁的树木在朝阳的照耀下显得格外生机勃勃。

2. **老字号店铺**
– 摄影集中展示了劝业场、百货大楼等老字号店铺,记录了这些店铺在历史长河中的变迁。

3. **金街繁华**
– 金街作为滨江道与和平路商业街的连结,展现着新老商店比肩而立的景象,繁华程度可见一斑。

4. **茶歇时光**
– 在滨江道上的茶馆、咖啡馆,人们悠闲地品茗、聊天,享受着悠闲的时光。

5. **历史建筑**
– 拍摄了渤海大楼、亨得利钟表店等历史建筑,记录了天津近代历史的印记。

6. **市民生活**
– 展现了滨江道上的市民生活,无论是逛街购物还是闲庭信步,都充满了生活的气息。

7. **夜景**
– 夜幕降临,滨江道华灯初上,霓虹灯、招牌灯交相辉映,宛如一座璀璨的舞台。

8. **新地标**
– 摄影集中还捕捉到了津塔、海河、世纪钟等天津新地标,展现了这座城市的发展与进步。




1. **社交活动**:在天津,人们去茶馆喝茶,是一种社交方式。朋友、亲戚或者邻里可以聚在一起,边喝茶边聊天,增进彼此的感情。

2. **休闲娱乐**:天津的茶馆往往提供各种曲艺表演,如相声、京剧等,喝茶的同时欣赏这些传统文化表演,成为了一种休闲娱乐的方式。

3. **文化传承**:天津的茶馆文化历史悠久,承载着丰富的文化传统。喝茶在这里不仅是日常习惯,也是一种文化传承。

4. **养生保健**:在天津,人们认为喝茶有益健康,可以消暑解渴,还具有养生的作用。

5. **生活方式**:天津人的生活节奏较慢,喝茶是他们日常生活中的一部分,体现了天津人悠闲、舒适的生活方式。



1. **天津街茶楼**:天津街附近的茶楼,通常环境优雅,茶具精致,是品茗休闲的好去处。这里可以品尝到各种茶类,如绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶等,同时还可以享受茶艺表演。

2. **咖啡厅与茶室结合店**:在天津街周边,有一些咖啡厅同时提供茶饮服务,顾客可以在品尝咖啡的同时,选择一杯清茶来平衡口味。

3. **“天津味道”咖啡街**:正如您提供的参考信息中提到的,重庆道上的咖啡馆,其中不乏有提供茶饮的店铺。这里的咖啡馆风格多样,既有传统中式茶室,也有现代简约风格,适合与三五知己在此聚会品茗。

4. **文艺咖啡馆**:在重庆道等网红街道上,可以找到一些装修风格独特的咖啡馆,它们往往在提供咖啡的同时,也会提供茶饮,营造出一个既文艺又舒适的品茗环境。

5. **特色茶馆**:天津街周边可能会有一些特色茶馆,提供多种茶类,并可能提供茶艺表演,这样的地方不仅可以品茗,还能体验茶文化的魅力。



1. **茶学院毕业者**:根据您提供的信息,一位茶学院毕业的专业人士可能拥有各种茶叶的渠道,擅长品鉴茶叶,适合为您提供商务用途的茶叶礼品。

2. **天津礼品公司**:天津有多家礼品公司可以提供茶叶礼品,如天津礼通天下礼品有限公司,这是一家集礼品设计、开发、定制和销售于一体的专业性规模性公司,提供多种品牌的茶叶产品。

3. **拼者商城**:拼者商城(pinzz.com)是一个专业的礼品批发网站,汇聚了天津礼品公司,包括商务礼品、特色礼品等多种选择,您可以在其平台上找到适合的茶叶礼品。

4. **天津金龙礼品**:天津市金龙盛世商贸有限公司是天津最大的礼品公司之一,主要针对其他礼品公司做批发,提供多种礼品选择,包括茶叶礼品。

5. **古文化街**:古文化街是天津的特色购物街区,您可以在这里找到各种特色礼品,包括茶叶,很多外地客商的礼品都是从这里挑选的。

6. **天津特产商店**:在天津的特产商店中,您可以找到各种天津特产,包括特色茶叶,适合作为礼品。

7. **天津雅玛屋食品有限公司**:这家公司提供预包装食品,批发兼零售,如果他们有茶叶产品,也可能是一个不错的选择。


– 茶叶的品质和种类是否符合您的需求。
– 提供的礼品包装是否精致、符合商务用途。
– 价格是否合理,是否提供定制服务。
– 是否有良好的售后服务。



1. 天津古文化街:位于天津市南开区东北隅、海河西岸,是津门十景之一。古文化街不仅有着古香古色的建筑和店铺,还有着丰富的茶文化体验。游客可以在这里品尝到津味儿美食,如耳朵眼炸糕、煎饼果子等,同时欣赏到吹糖人、画糖人等传统技艺表演。茶馆中的相声、快板表演更是引得听众阵阵笑声和掌声,让人在茶香中感受到天津的民俗风情。

2. 天津国际茶博会:为全面贯彻党的二十大精神,天津积极推动高质量发展,打造国际消费中心城市。天津国际茶博会吸引了众多国内外知名茶企品牌参展,成为茶文化爱好者的聚集地。在这里,你可以品茗观展、参与茶工艺制作,感受博大精深的茶文化。

3. 百年老字号茶叶:天津拥有许多百年老字号茶叶品牌,如百年老字号茶叶。这些品牌传承了源远流长的历史,沿袭着传统的制茶工艺。每一片茶叶都蕴含着匠人们的心血与智慧,呈现出丰富的层次和浓郁的香气。在这里,你可以品尝到岁月的沉淀,感受百年的茶韵。

4. 天津口岸茶叶出口:近年来,天津口岸茶叶出口量持续增长。天津海关积极为企业提供政策支持,引导企业把控农产品质量,提升国际竞争力。天津口岸的茶叶出口不仅满足了国内消费者的需求,还远销海外,成为展示中华茶文化魅力的窗口。



### 活动内容
1. **茶叶品鉴**:品尝不同种类的茶叶,如绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶等。
2. **茶艺表演**:专业的茶艺师进行茶艺表演,展示泡茶技艺。
3. **茶文化讲座**:邀请茶文化专家进行讲座,介绍茶的历史、品种、冲泡技巧等。
4. **互动交流**:参与者可以交流自己的茶艺经验,分享茶叶故事。

### 活动信息
– **时间**:具体时间可能根据主办方安排而有所不同。
– **地点**:天津盛和家园或其他指定地点。
– **报名方式**:可能需要通过线上或线下方式报名。
– **费用**:部分活动可能免费,部分可能收取一定费用。

### 注意事项
– 确认活动时间、地点和报名方式。
– 了解活动内容,准备好相关的茶具或用品。
– 如果有特殊饮食或健康需求,请提前告知主办方。


Keep looking?

Chu Yun was not ashamed to steal the teacher’s skills while thinking, but he didn’t think about what he was doing here this time.
Since Swift can’t make up your mind, let me meet you.
Thoughts together
A bitter from the hand toward Uchiha Itachi maser.
Very straight. Target Uchiha Itachi’s crotch
In fact, the breath sound of the ninja is not big.
But it is like a thunder in the ears of people who train all the year round.
Enemy attack!
When Uchiha Itachi’s fingers bent for a moment, five shuriken appeared one after another.
Turn around and wave
The strength is twisted from the foot to the waist to change the direction of the strength, and then the right arm throws four shuriken fingers along the twisting force of the waist.
Four shuriken arcs attacked Chu Yun.
If an ordinary eye can see two of them, the other two arcs are too big to exceed the blind spot in front of the human eye.
To be precise, it is a detour to attack the route behind the head.
But supercilious look … Clear.
At that time, Chu Yun suddenly felt like a plug-in to beat a child’s bad uncle
At this time, Chu Yun attacked and the horse was in the middle of the hip
Chu Yun can’t help but think maliciously that she doesn’t respond now. Does she suddenly want to be a woman and let me lend her hand to clean her body?
Chu Yun’s idea was doomed. Uchiha Itachi didn’t fail to deal with four attacks, Chu Yun and shuriken, one of which was a bitter attack.
That’s from Swift’s failed attack.
The turn-back then blocked Chu Yun shuriken.
"Gee, you’re pretty good at being handsome. People like you should play billiards. It’s so boring."
Said Chu Yun’s right hand, one Yang, three shuriken flew straight out and knocked down three shuriken from three trajectory attacks.
Chu Yun "I want to be serious when I pick it up."
"pa!" A ring Chu Yun had an idea "Flying Raytheon" in his heart.
Won’t Chu Yun feel ashamed of hanging the attack mode?
If someone asks Chu Yun and Chu Yun, they won’t even look at it. That person asks, isn’t sharingan dead?
Chapter one hundred and sixteen Wow a cry
Itachi Uchiha
I entered Ninja School at the age of six.
Graduated at the age of seven
Age of Awakening Kaleidoscope sharingan
Be promoted to forbearance at the age of ten

Nearly an hour, 50% of the shares of Bai Tuan fell into Bai Jiaqi’s hands.

Bai Jiaqi naturally won’t do anything more when she gets what she wants. She gave the recorder directly to Qiao Cen without necessity. Of course, Qiao Cen was not that stupid. Before transferring the shares, she confirmed that it was indeed Jia Lin Xiyin.
All this seems to be a little too smooth. Bai Jiaqi is obviously happy but vaguely nervous.
Qiao Cen got up and looked at the sofa and was confirming the file. Bai Jiaqi’s lip angle was slightly raised. "I forgot to tell you that Bai Xiling has transferred this villa to my name. Please move out as soon as possible." She added "After all, this is my site."
She turned and took a few steps and stopped. "I’ll have someone check it before six o’clock this evening. If you are still there, don’t blame me."
Say and turn away.
Behind him, Bai Jiaqisheng roared "Bai Xiling!"
She never thought that her worthless brother would turn his elbow outwards, preferring to give it to an outsider rather than her sister.
She was in a good mood when she looked at the share transfer document in front of her.
Now that she has a 50% stake in Bai Tuan, what is she afraid of?
Not long after Qiao Cen went out, he received Qiao Mubei’s words "Out?"
"Well," Joe Cen replied.
Words that Qiao Mubei obviously in a good mood "so stupid Bai Tuan that rotten stall even if it is returned to Bai Zhiyuan, it is hard to get back up. What’s more, she has reached out to miss this dress."
Qiao Cenwen’s thin lips gently revealed "stupidity"
Although Qiao Mubei went abroad for a while, they kept in touch.
If the Bai group continues to operate according to the original management, it will go bankrupt sooner or later, but Qiao Mubei also remembers that the Bai group was formerly known as the Ye group, even if it is a thought, it must be kept.
It was too long when Bai Zhiyuan took over the company, and Ye’s old employees were few. Now they are worried about foreign troubles and they have resigned one after another.
Qiao Mubei thought of a way to re-establish a company under the name of Yip’s group, which is exactly the same as the former Yip’s group in terms of both types and scope.
In the past, the old employees of Yip’s group have now become the new shareholders of Yip’s group. Originally, Bai Zhiyuan replaced the Bai group with a group of people’s departments, and now it is just a shell.
Of course, Qiao Mubei won’t be cheap. How did Bai Jiaqi get it?
Bai Jiaqi got the last document of the Bai Group. After Qiao Cen came out of Baijia Villa, Qiao Mubei filed for bankruptcy in the name of the largest shareholder.
Asked a few words of los narration situation two people then hung up the phone.
Qiao Cen looked down at Lin Jiaxi, who was holding a recording pen in his hand. We should make a good calculation!
Huo Yanming and Huo Mengshu were waiting for her when they returned to Jinghu Yaju.
See her come in HuoMengShu hurriedly took her to change clothes "quick dress up beautiful must be colourful! Let everyone know how beautiful our Huo wife is! "
Joe Cennai teased a few words and pushed herself to change clothes with her.
Because it is an ordinary celebration dinner, there is no need to dress too formally because it is a casual meal in someone’s home.
Joe Cen picked out a dress from the coat and hat, white, simple and generous, and wore a windbreaker outside and left the room.
Huo Yanming came over and tightened her trench coat. "I will bring more clothes later when I come back." It is particularly cold in autumn from day to night.
Joe Cenchong winked at him. "You won’t be cold if you hold me."
Huo Mengshu "…" She is a little naive. "Come on, come on, the more you two talk, the colder I get!"
Qiao Cen chuckled and Huo Yanming didn’t say much about taking his own coat from the hanger.
The second uncle in Huo Mengshu’s mouth is not Mr. Huo’s master, but Mr. Huo’s brother. Mr. Huo’s father is the boss in the whole family, and this is the second uncle.
The second uncle’s family is not in business, and he is a professor, and this celebration dinner is to celebrate his son’s success in getting a doctorate.
A celebration dinner is actually an ordinary family dinner, where family and friends get together and have fun.
Qiao Cen thinks that Huo’s family is quite magical, unlike other families. Instead of fighting in the company, there is a sense of harmony, just like when she saw Huo’s father and mother.
I want to come to the whole Huo family. Master Huo is so rigid, right?
The second uncle’s courtyard is a courtyard transformed by Chinese style, surrounded by a garden with red tiles and blue walls, which looks very antique.
Qiao Cen doesn’t feel that the secret passage is indeed the place where the professor lives is so distinctive.
In fact, Qiao Centing quite likes this style, and the house view, lake and elegant residence are simple and generous, so the house seems to have a more intimate feeling and make people daydream.
Joe cen slightly raised eyebrows pulled HuoYanMing sleeve he bowed his head.
Qiao Cen whispered, "What kind of person is your second uncle?" People who live in such houses are either more feudal than Master Huo or casual.
The simple word "very easygoing" Qiao Cen knows that it belongs to the latter.
She added, "This room is much more beautiful than your villa." She was just talking about it. After all, it was the first time for her to meet people living in such a quadrangle.
"You like it?" Huoyanming asked a sentence
Qiao Cen nodded. "Well … I just think it’s interesting."
A line of three people entered the quadrangle, facing the door. Only when they entered the living room did they know how big it was.
Qiao Cen looked at it roughly, so she guessed that it would not be smaller than Jinghu Yaju.

Chu Yi nodded slightly and was obviously very satisfied with the process of the new ship entering the water. Several shipyards were in charge. Chu Yi slowly said, "Master Lin, please ask how many such ships can the shipyard have in a year now?"

Hearing that Master Lin took a deep breath and said to Chu Yi, "If the report is abundant, the shipyard workers can make dozens of big boats a year."
When he said this, Master Lin’s face was somewhat proud. Obviously, he felt very proud of such achievements.
Chu Yi has not visited one shipyard or two shipyards, so he has a clear understanding of the shipyard’s ability.
This is a large shipyard located in Tianjinwei, which is big enough to rank among the top three. There are dozens of big ships a year for the shipyard, but Chu Yi feels a little slow.
Notice the change of Chu Yi’s look. Seeing Chu Yi’s frown, he is not very satisfied. Master Lin’s heart thumped and whispered, "But if you work overtime, the shipyard’s production capacity can almost rise by about 30%."
Dozens of big ships will be about a dozen if they are promoted by 30%, which is quite a lot.
At Master Lin, he heard Chu Yi-dao "May guarantee the quality of shipbuilding? If there is anything wrong with the quality of the ship, Wang definitely doesn’t mind cutting off a few more heads! "
Suddenly, several people in charge of Lin slammed into Chu Yi and kept kowtowing, "I dare not wait!"
With the wave, Chu Yi beat these people and didn’t say much. In recent years, Chu Yi still knows something about big officials.
When these officials do things, they can do it 100%, but many times they do it 90%. Few people can do their duty.
If it’s a newcomer, it’s natural that it’s not clear, but it’s clear, but it takes a beating to ensure that these officials do their best, instead of doing 90% of their best.
After seeing Chu Yi and his party leave, the first few officials in charge of Lin Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Chu Yi’s power was too strong. Although Chu Yi looked very young, when he really faced Chu Yi, they were able to feel the power that Chu Yi gave off.
At the end of the day, Chu Yi’s fierce name is too strong. Even if it is a high official and noble person, Chu Yi’s hands are nothing. It is not less than a dozen to be directly or be destroyed by Chu Yi’s property. If Chu Yi is willing, he can easily destroy all of them.
Master Lin took a look at the crowd and said with a wry smile, "Your general manager ordered us to come, and everyone heard it. The next Japanese official hopes that everyone can go all out to build as many bigger ships as possible."
Chu Yi said he didn’t know what happened after he left, but he could guess even if he didn’t see Chu Yi himself.
Chu Yi, who was away from the shipyard, rushed to repair a military camp several miles away from the east of Tianjin Weicheng, but Chu Yi specially trained navy soldiers and horses.
The original navy inspector was made by Cheng Xiangwu, but now Cheng Xiangwu is attacking the prairie with a great army, so there is no time to train the navy soldiers and horses.
However, more than 10,000 navy soldiers and horses recruited by Chu Yi were stationed in the capital. These soldiers and horses were recruited by Cheng Xiangwu to Fujian and Guangdong coastal poor areas, and they were innocent and proficient in water.
At the beginning, Cheng Xiangwu recruited nearly 30,000 soldiers and horses, but this does not mean that there will be no follow-up. According to Chu Yi’s command, Cheng Xiangwu left some personnel in Guangdong, Fujian and other places to recruit foot soldiers on a small scale.
Not long ago, a group of almost 3,000 new recruits entered the barracks, bringing the total number of newly renovated navy camps to more than 10 million.
Cheng Xiangwu is not Chu Yi, but he arranged for Xu Tianzuo to be personally responsible for army training.
When Chu Yi entered the military camp, a hot training scene came into Chu Yi’s sight.
Xu Tianzuo was born well, although he was not the first brother of the Xu family, but he was also able to get in touch with the Xu family’s learning.
Xu’s alien inherited from Xu Da, the king of Zhongshan, but that’s a great number of people who are handsome and talented, especially Xu Dabing
Throughout history, what kind of figures are those who can keep troops, such as Taigong Jiang Shangbing Sheng Sunwu and so on.
Xu Da’s ability to be a soldier and to be successful shows Xu Da’s attainments in the art of war.
The great seal sea crossed the ocean for many years and hundreds of years ago, but the vast navy team disappeared. In the past 100 years, it was not the former foot soldiers, even the former ships are now disappearing in the long river of time.
Now it’s only been more than a month since Chu Yi carried out the sea policy. Fishermen and people in coastal areas such as Guangdong and Fujian have sneaked out to sea in Haiyuan. As soon as it became legal, many private boats were able to see the light.
Chu Yi has established more than a dozen coastal shipping companies to manage coastal commerce and collect business taxes.
In the original Otsu, there were no merchants who could legally trade in the market, and several market companies were gradually abolished or had already lost their functions.
Nowadays, there are more than a dozen markets. Needless to say, it is the businessmen who are the most happy. This means that it is no longer illegal for them to go to sea for business. Similarly, it is also the businessmen who scold Chu Yi behind his back. At most, the business tax levied by Chu Yi has reached more than 15%.
Although the business tax is very small compared with the business profit, most of these businessmen are not willing to pay even a penny of tax, and what’s worse, 15% of the total business value.
For half a month after the establishment of the shipping company, I didn’t see how many ships would take the initiative to enter these shipping companies to stop, and then report to the shippers according to the procedures and pay the tax.
Huating county is the mouth of the Yangtze River, and it is also the future sea, and now it has shown its geographical advantages
Huating, the imperial court, set up Huating Shipping Department to manage Huating merchants’ business affairs at sea. However, for half a month since the establishment of Huating Shipping Department, no businessman went to Huating Shipping Department to report and pay taxes in parallel.
In a restaurant in Huating County, several wealthy businessmen dressed in exquisite silks and satins are gathering together to talk about it at the moment. One of them frowned and said, "Since the imperial court, a large number of people from Guangdong, Fujian and other places have joined the sea trade. In just half a month, the prices of silk, tea and porcelain we shipped overseas have fallen by almost more than 20%. If we go on like this, I am afraid our profits will be greatly reduced."
Big silk, tea and porcelain are the giants of overseas trade. With these terrible profits, a large number of maritime merchants have risen and huge amounts of silver have flowed in.
A merchant with a ruby-inlaid banzhi flashed a bit of hatred in his eyes. "Chu Yihai has caused our interests to suffer heavy losses, especially Chu Yi, who is simply crazy to swallow up fifteen percent of the business value in one gulp. It’s really worthy that a eunuch has money in his eyes."