Gege sat next to Lu Yan and said casually, "Your mother just called my mother and said that you are in love. Whose girl is it?"

Lu Yan-han had already guessed who it was, and it was a big mistake to run over and ask Aunt Lin Mu.
Fortunately, he has a good quality in his heart, or he will hit a tree with a car after hearing this.
The place where Lu Yan took Gege was a private restaurant. Xiao Wang’s family listened to him boasting about how delicious his food was all day and repeatedly begged the monitor to take Gege to his house for dinner.
When they look at this place, it is really a luxury car. It seems to be unremarkable.
Xiao Wang was happy to see the two of them coming, and introduced them to his family. It was the son who cooked the food more delicately.
Unfortunately, I met two people here who didn’t want to face the problem. They fell into a banquet here and met him when Gege went to wash her hands.
I was glad to throw the cigarette butt into the trash can and walk towards Gege. "Why are you here?"
"My classmate’s home restaurant asked me to come and play."
"Come with who?"
"Harmony with Brother"
I don’t doubt it when I see Gege stuttering. It’s not a secret boyfriend, is it? But he didn’t show it, but went back to his room as if it had happened.
Gege breathed a sigh of relief and hurried back to pull Lu Yan away.
"What’s the matter, don’t you eat?" Lu Yan looked at Gege in panic.
"My dad’s here. We have to move quickly."
"No," Lu Yan gave her a look. "They will know about it sooner or later." A storm is hard to hide, and he is ready to come back this time.
"Oh, you don’t think about it yourself, but you also want your comrade-in-arms restaurant to think about it. Aren’t you afraid that he will be angry and tear down his home?"
Section 61
"That’s true." Lu Yan was dragged and picked up his coat and walked out.
A dozen doors, a pair of cold faces, crashed into my eyes and stared at Lu Yan with murderous look. It seemed that I wanted to tear him up.
Uncle, his fist has swung at him before he dropped his voice.
Lu Yan hid in the past and dumped his fist, which made him even more angry. This little guy dared to hide.
A punch is fiercer than a punch. Lu Yan dares to hide and dare not fight back
Fortunately, he is getting better and better in the army.
Gege is waiting outside the room. It’s a mess inside, afraid of hurting herself.
What can I do? My good dad is not a vegetarian. He hasn’t exercised at all these years. Yan can avoid it for a while, but he will be beaten sooner or later.
Hey, this scene came so fast.
If she calls mommy, she may be able to find her, but it’s so far away that she can’t put out the near fire. Try it. "Mommy and daddy want to fight Lu Yan?"
"What? What’s the matter? " As soon as Lin Mu answered the words, she heard Gege worry and said that Shen Manli was here with her neck stretched out. Just now, she was so excited to have a daughter-in-law that she looked for it.
"I was having dinner with Lu Yan, and when my father saw me, he felt that Lu Yan was going to harm his daughter." He mumbled and said.
The trees immediately turned white. "You and Lu Yan?"
Gege nodded awkwardly and the trees opened their eyes wide. "I’m white."
After hanging up, Shen Manli heard her son’s name and asked, "What’s the matter?"
Trees looked at Shen Manli with a sigh. "Your son and Gege have dinner together."
"Then what?"
The forest looked at Shen Manli. "Are you not white?"
Shen Manli blinked. "White what?"
The frown on the trees is so stupid for a while. "What did you say?"
Shen Manli patted her thigh. "Are they both?"
Trees nodded his head.
Shen Manli suddenly got up excited and laughed at the sky. "I’m such a pig’s brain. How could I forget Gege? These two children have been like enemies since childhood. I told you, this is fate. I didn’t expect it to be true. It’s really a sjms."
Forest support "Don’t be too happy yet"
Shen Manli looked up "what? You don’t want to? Our family is very good. You should rest assured when you come to our home. "
"This is the afterlife, and the important thing is the immediate thing."
"At present? What is it? Something happened to them? "
"It’s your family’s road that is going to have an accident. They were knocked over when they were eating together. He will teach you a lesson."
"Ah?" Shen Manli leng moment.
Enduring the pain, I said, "It’s okay to fight. After the fight, it’s equivalent to recognizing my son-in-law." Isn’t this how I encouraged the gentry from childhood? Anyway, I dare not kill myself if I fight.
Besides, he has been fighting to stop the gentry since he was a child. This is what he should accept. He regrets it now, right?
The forest is ashamed. This mother is also great, and she is not afraid of being beaten.
She called to dump again.
Lu Yan gradually can’t hide in the past. After all, this room has a limited place to lean and can’t make a move, so it’s harder than one.
Lu Yan got a lot of fists, but he somehow avoided tilting his face, and finally he couldn’t get enough, and he swung a stick and hit him with a stick.
Gege is anxious to ask his father to really go, and he doesn’t care if he is a good friend.
He doesn’t even hit the key. It will hurt but not kill him.
Gege screamed and attracted a lot of people’s attention. Xiao Wang came here at the first time, and someone hit his monitor. He was so angry. This man was so unreasonable. Didn’t you see that the monitor had been hiding and didn’t fight back? And fight like hell
He smoothed his sleeves and rushed in with him. Gege was caught. "What are you doing?"
"Help the monitor. You didn’t see the monitor being beaten. Why didn’t you help?" He knows Gege can play well, too.
Help what? Help Lu Yan beat her dad. She doesn’t want to live.
However, she can’t help Xiao Wang, but she can help her to let Xiao Wang in. Xiao Wang strikes back and wrestles with him.
"How dare you find help when you are so young?"
Lu Yan fell to the ground and touched the blood "Xiao Wangrang" at the corner of his mouth.
Xiao Wang refused to "monitor him hit you"
"If you beat him, he will ignore me and Gege. It’s worth it."
As soon as he said, "I can’t kill you."
A stick wheel used to rattle in front of Lu Yan and hold his falling arm. "Dad almost got it."
"Mommy’s words" Gege signaled that the words in his pocket rang.
Section 619

After all-

Jiang Zhuoning is actually trying to be soft-hearted.
When she first entered the school, she knew that he was a little interested in her, but she was accidentally injured several times in front of him
His male chauvinism was that it was extremely easy to pity the weak, and the ghost husband was too tough.
Jiang Jiang sometimes thinks that maybe Jiang Zhuoning is not calm. cool thin girls always admire him, but few people can haunt him like Meng Jia Wu.
If it were someone else, it might not be an opportunity to tie up and fight.
When he feels pity, he will cherish and maintain his girlfriend. There is no big problem and he should be with him forever.
Section 579
He is naturally a man with a sense of responsibility.
However, it is far less calm and safe to treat feelings than to treat other things. In fact, he is a little bit hot and cold outside. It is extremely suitable to think about marrying Tong Tong carefully.
You know-
Tong Tong loves him so much that he can easily impress him first.
Jiang Jiang knows Jiang Zhuoning quite well.
I don’t know whether it’s good or bad for Demi and Joey to come here at this juncture.
She also felt tired when her mind turned around. She simply talked nonsense for a while and urged Joey and others to go to rest first.
The living room quieted down.
She also took a nap against the sofa for a while and then woke up in a trance, just when she felt that someone had taken a thin blanket to cover it for her.
"You AE?"
Jiang Jiang one leng hurriedly sat up "you come back? Where’s my dad? "
"Your mother called to talk." Song Ming smiled and sat on the edge with a gentle voice. "When I came in, I saw how sleepy you were and didn’t go to sleep. The weather forecast says it’s not good to catch a cold with snow. "
His eyebrows and eyes are warm and moist, and his voice is as soft as the spring breeze in March.
Jiang Jiang also smiled, "I just sent some classmates to rest. I’m sleepy when I think about things here."
"It’s hard to have a baby." Song Ming’s eyes rested on the fruit bowl not far away. It was still warm and gentle. "What are you thinking? But are you nervous about getting married? "
"Well," Jiang Jiang hesitated a little and asked him, "What kind of girl does you like?"
“?” Song Ming accidentally glanced at her.
Jiang Shao smiled, "I’ll just ask."
"…" Song Ming looked at her with a very Bao Dao tone. "What’s the problem? Why are you beating around the bush?"
"I think you are such a gentle and courteous person." Jiang Jiang first boasted that he was a little embarrassed to see him looking at himself in distress situation. "I want to ask, um, some people say that in love, people should complement each other and others say that they should be like-minded first. Do you think a well-behaved and clean man would prefer hot girls or reserved girls?"
"This question" Song Ming’s heart "Everyone is different, but I can’t answer it"
"What if you?" Jiang Jiang asked
Song Ming slightly wanted to think, "If it’s hot, it depends on how hot it is. After all, men have a bottom line, but there are some things that they won’t endure if they say implicitly …"
Song Mingfeng smiled lightly. "Love should be a little bit less if it is not interesting."
"… all right"
Jiang Jiang didn’t know what to say at the moment. Come on, wear a woman’s match to counterattack.
Song Ming looked at her eyebrows tight cu she met something slightly wanted to think and added, "what? Is there a rival in love before you get married? I don’t know if it’s you or you? "
She asked euphemistically, but Song Ming was not stupid. How could she not guess that she meant something?
Seeing his eyebrows smiling, Jiang Jiang was a little annoyed and sat up straight and bit his lip. "I didn’t say me."
Song Ming smile does not refute.
Jiang Jiang saw that he knew exactly what he was doing, but he felt so tired.
Suddenly think of Yan Shaoqing and feel ashamed.
You can’t blame Song Minglian for coming to her. Who let Yan Shaoqing happen to be the kind of person with clean rules?
Among them, she is really not implicit. Yan Shaoqing restrained her purity, that is, she took the initiative to dedicate herself. Later, in that kind of thing, she was mostly pestering him.
Others just don’t know.
Most people will think she is clever and smooth when she is touched by her looks.
She thought about it and went to Song Ming again, or she bent over and took an orange and sent it to her.
Jiang Jiang just woke up and talked for a while, but he felt thirsty and didn’t pay attention. Naturally, he took it and handed it to his mouth for a few minutes to wait for her to realize that she had eaten more than half of an orange.
"Ahem …"
A mouthful of sugar juice choked her throat, and she immediately blushed and coughed.
Song Ming quickly got up and took a glass of water for her to see. She rushed to drink water and endured a smile. "Eating an orange can choke. Is this a common saying that baby brain has been in three years?"
Jiang Jiang bowed his head guiltily.
Where did she choke because she ate oranges? She was just served by this man.

You want to be beautiful!

Wu Yuyan eyebrows a pick will JiYan but see liu’s stubborn face to swallow the words back again.
She has seen people like Liu clearly.
The security guard at the bottom of the body is extremely inferior and has extremely high self-esteem.
He’s an idiot who value fame more than life.
I’m afraid he really won’t go back if he doesn’t apologize.
Wu swift dark scold a good pressure anger toward Liu grind way
"Ok, I promise you!"
Chapter 1 You are not nobler than them
Back to the company Wu Yuyan black face toward Hu Dong ordered.
"Go and get the security guards together!"
Hu Dong fart Dian fart quickly put the security guards in the hall.
The security guards didn’t know anything, but they all looked strange after seeing Liu and Zhang Xiaohui.
Aren’t these two people removed? Why are they back?
Wu Yuyan face heavy as water came to the front of the guards frown way
"Former Liu and Zhang Xiaohui made some mistakes and I removed them."
"But I’m so kind-hearted that I don’t want them to beg?"
"So let them come back to work again today."
"Well, let’s let this thing go!"
Wu Yuyan said disgust waved.
"Wait a minute!"
Liu a listen to quickly looked at Wu Yuyan angrily in the previous step way
"You didn’t say that when Minister Wu came."
"I need you to apologize!"
Wu swift’s face became more ugly than angry way
"Don’t go too far!"
At this moment, a lazy sound suddenly started.
"Liu, you can go if you are not satisfied."
They looked around and saw a young man leaning against the door frame of the captain’s office with his hands in his pockets.
Looking towards this side is a full face of ponder.
Who else can it be if it’s not Ling Tian?
Liu saw Ling as a happy heart and then nodded heavily.
"Okay, I’m leaving!"
Say that finish Liu turned and walked out.
Wu Yuyan was frightened.
"Wait a minute. Don’t go."
Liu stopped cold hum a way
"Why should I stay if you don’t apologize?"
Wu Yuyan was about to get angry, but she shivered at the sight of Ling Tian’s playful face.
Quickly bowed their heads and eyes hatred a flash and irate way
"I just apologize!"
Say that finish Wu Swift turned and looked at the guards took a deep breath and said
"I’m here to apologize to Liu"
"I’m sorry, I was wrong!"
The guards were dumbfounded and couldn’t believe it.
Master Zhang, who has always been arrogant and extinct, apologized to a security guard in Daliu in public?
Oh, my god. You’re not dreaming, are you?
Liu’s body trembled and tears filled his eyes, holding his fist tightly to prevent tears from flowing.
"And you have to apologize to me!" Zhang Xiaohui aside nasty said.
Wu Swift suddenly became short of breath and was about to get angry only to find that Ling Tianbing looked up with cold eyes.

"In this case, then I choose to get it from Yu Laoer …" zhaojie’s face smiled and said, "Extract props from the other person’s personal warehouse!"

Suddenly an image of a slot machine appeared in zhaojie’s mind and stopped after a rapid rotation. Then a sound rang in zhaojie’s mind.
"Because you killed (assisted four passers-by with evil value), you have a good value of 4 points and have a 21-chance to draw an enemy prop."
"You successfully extracted the special prop" Array Map "from the personal warehouse numbered o391, and it has been included in your personal warehouse. Please pay attention to it!"
Zhaojie closed his eyes and stretched out a golden light flash across his right hand. A quaint old thread suit appeared in his hand.
The little girl pouted and wanted to think and nodded, "Yes! What didn’t they make exclusive skills? "
"My cloth man once told me that his eldest brother instructed five people to be the five occupations of A Chinese Odyssey, and all he had to do was to promote these five people to achieve the most exquisite cooperation, so I wondered if all turn-based game walkers should be in groups of five? Because every game will have a special way of fighting, it is difficult for a profession to take out any one in a round game to give consideration to skills. This kind of passer-by should fight through 5V. The so-called is not a specific number, that is to say, against an adventurer, they are five people, and a hundred adventurers will be five people. "
"In this way, things will be much simpler. Since their main occupations are compatible with each other, it is obvious that exclusive occupations should also be compatible with each other in order to make the cooperation perfect!"
"We didn’t see them make exclusive skills when they fought, which proves that it’s not that they don’t want to, but that they have already gone, but we can’t see it, but what kind of skills are made but won’t be now? There are two kinds of aura effects, such as group increasing blood volume, attack increasing defense, but isn’t it too bad to have this aura and match their skills? I said before that this is an adventurer’s game, which is manipulated by those behind the scenes who brought us into this world. They will never let bugs appear and affect the’ game balance’. It is absolutely impossible for everyone to have a halo. The other is the array effect, just like we saw this little fan. I asked you how many crystals you got after the first main line? "
Yuan Yifan’s cute little face covered herself with tension. "What do you want?" Let’s say that I have this money first! "
Zhaojie spread his hand and said, "Don’t worry, how could I give you that little idea!"
Yuan Yifan grinned in disbelief, but still said, "My experience is a difficult novice’s main line. Finally, I even killed the monster and got the magic crystal for crystal coins in a total of 17oo crystals."
"That’s it!" Zhao Jie nodded and said, "My experience is a terrorist-level mainline. If the monster’s contribution is not counted, the magic crystal has also been completed with 1ooo crystal, and those five guys can kill 17 adventurers. Obviously, it is also difficult to experience less mainline, and they have killed so many people. If I am not mistaken, even the evil value passer will get the opportunity to extract the other party’s crystal coins after killing. Now, it is obvious that it is more appropriate to extract crystal coins than equipment from the poverty level of the passer-by. So they must have extracted the crystal coins of the deceased." According to my calculation, these five people should have seven thousand crystal coins, but according to my calculation, except for the second child, the other four crystal coins will not add up to one thousand points. Where are the six or seven thousand crystal coins left? "
"There are two possibilities: one is to get the crystal coins into the body and get rid of the old body, and the other is to buy some expensive equipment or props to do all these bad things. For the wicked, they know better than we do that the more money they spend, the more money they earn. The second possibility is that they have bigger breasts."
"To sum up, I guess that all of them are exclusive occupations of’ array mage’. After upgrading the rank of array mage, they can buy a certain array to strengthen the array, which means that the higher the rank of array mage, the stronger the array, and the greater the power they can wield."
"So I choose to bet on a game. My inference is correct and I am lucky to bet on myself at the same time! It turns out that I bet right! "
If Yu Laoer is still alive at this time, he will definitely surprise zhaojie, then kowtow and kneel ian’s toes and polish his shoes, and use his body as a stirrup. Like the third grandson, zhaojie will serve Shu Shuyin. zhaojie’s guess is almost identical!
After the evil five came to the other plane, they were given the profession of array mage by other exclusive classes. When they were given the first class, each person had an increase of 1, the second class, the second class, the third class and the third class. That is to say, after the third class, five people could have a 15 bonus to the array.
However, although the profession of array mage is also very strong, the problem is that five people don’t array, and the distributor also tells them that they can buy array through the store in the personal warehouse, but the problem is that even the lowest three-phase array in the store needs 5ooo crystals. How can a group of five people have the money to buy it? So after another desperate robbery, I happened to kill a man who had experienced the "big" difficulty of terrorist level, and then I saved enough money to buy a "Array Map-Fengyang Array". Unfortunately, I changed hands and gave it to zhaojie before it came.
"Hmm ~!" The little girl Joan snorted heavily in her nose and nostrils. "You’re just lucky! You’re in G, but why don’t they use this array against us when they have this array? "
"You!" Zhaojie smiled and scraped the little girl’s nose. "It’s not because of you?"
Volume 1 Do you like my bear? 2. There are wolves coming again.
"Because of me?" The little loli grabbed zhaojie’s white fingers and put them in her mouth, biting and humming, "What’s wrong with me!"
Zhaojie messed up the little loli’s pink long hand and pulled her finger out of the cherry small mouth while she was tidying her hair. She laughed, "You should take a big move, and the powerful magic Li Laosan immediately let their main output drop, and then we took advantage of the chaos to kill two dps occupying two side positions, and I’m afraid that no matter how fast it takes, it won’t be able to endure us?"
"Hum! Who let them be so polite to make my mother unhappy! " The little girl proud way
Zhaojie a chestnut gently knock on her head with serious way "you! After can’t be so impulsive, this time is the other underestimation will let you take the lead, if just want to take the two of us are more than two words, I’m afraid you will have to explain to me there even can’t save you. "
"Slice! I don’t believe it! " The little girl shrugged off pie pie.
"Then I ask you, what will you do if I give you a sleeping spell if the second child comes?"
"I …" Little Loli, after a long time, I didn’t figure out a way. Suddenly I grabbed zhaojie’s slender and weak arm and took a bite. Then I cried proudly in zhaojie’s howl, "I told you to bully me!"
Zhaojie was sweating and hiding from the little girl. As a result, the little girl threw the "Array Map" and stuffed it into the personal warehouse, grinning and rubbing her arm teeth.
But he didn’t know how tempting it was for two people in the distance to have such a small pain in the middle of his chest.
Imagine that in this horrible world, two big men worked hard to complete the novice’s main line, and then ran out from the resurrection and met five malicious guys. They had to be on guard at all times and their bodies were always in tension.
The last five groups were destroyed by two beautiful girls (they have consciously filtered zhaojie’s phrase "always a man". They have been tense, er, and their nerves suddenly relaxed. Now, how can they not get along with those two single beautiful women in one room? Just now, these two moans in zhaojie have thrown a nuclear bomb in the most prosperous city, or stuffed it into the bed of a pure otaku. How can people hold it? Compared with this time, even if Xifeng Furong appears, I’m afraid it’s delicate and charming in the eyes of The Story Of Diu Sim, who has been single for three years in sow competition. What’s worse, is it so beautiful? The two men suddenly turned their heads and looked greedy at zhaojie!
Zhaojie feel two people eyes suddenly looked up sharp stare back.
But his snake-like light is different from that of lovers in the eyes of two men who have just been carried away by lust, which brings more intense excitement and vigorous sponge.

But one thing is that those who transport chaos are all born with the ability to be enhanced by the acquired method.

Even one of the four fierce beasts of chaos has only mastered a few chaotic abilities.
From birth to death, the root of chaotic power rises by a little bit.
It is a fable that unnatural people can master chaos.
No one has ever been able to master the power of chaos the day after tomorrow.
And people who try to master chaos often have no good field.
The only lucky exception is the ten great emperors of 15 elements today.
Although he didn’t master chaos, he mastered the law of five elements, from a bottom emperor to a ten-statue one.
However, from ancient times to modern times, only this special case ended in tragedy in other cases.
Now the eternal emperor has once again seen a new case, a case in which the acquired body has mastered the chaotic force!
Chapter 1113 The Great Yuan God
Looked at his left hand PangXia face sad and happy, as if everything had just been in his expectation.
In fact, Pang Xia didn’t know that there would be such a result before reacting just now.
In his opinion, it is very likely that he will be injured or blown out.
What happened just now was mysterious and mysterious, which happened to Pang Xia.
It’s like being forgotten can make Pang Xia remember it in a flash.
Slowly raise his right hand, Pang Xia looked at that palm of his right hand as if there was something worthy of his attention.
And at this time, five colors and five lines of light flashed in Pang Xia’s right palm and kept spinning and dancing.
Move your mind, and the five lights with different colors will collide and turn into a gray airflow in your palm.
With one hand and one grip, the gray airflow was squeezed away directly, and then Pang Xia’s mouth was slightly tilted.
The body is constantly circulating, and the five great source forces are now more and more integrated with the speed of circulation.
Among them, the mark belonging to the original emperor is almost no longer there.
In other words, these five great source forces are now completely owned by Pang Xia.
Moreover, the chaotic force created by the unity of the five elements has made Pang Xia’s strength and realm grow rapidly.
Looking up at the Eternal Emperor, Pang Xia smiled and said, "If I have a ten percent chance to beat you just now.
So now I have a 30% chance to beat you. It’s really wonderful. "
Floating on the ground, the eternal emperor looked at Pang Xia and his eyes narrowed slightly. "Arrogance!
Although there are not many races that can make use of chaos, it is definitely not rare.
Just the chaotic force should make you have such an illusion. It seems that you should know what the emperor is! "
A virtual image of a man in luxurious armor emerged behind the eternal emperor.
Pang Xia looked at the virtual image and found that its appearance was 50% to 60% similar to that of the eternal emperor
Obviously, the virtual image of the eternal emperor must have a lot to do with it
I have to say that Pang Xia’s guess is really correct.
Because the great majestic male virtual image is the law of gravity of the eternal emperor and the great god who unites the great god
It can also be said that the strongest state of a great emperor has the most intuitive power.
The yellow flame of the eternal emperor rose and spread directly to the emperor Yuan Shen behind him.
Blink of an eye, and the Great Yuan God will solidify.
And in the eternal emperor control waved toward PangXia took the past.
Seeing this, Pang Xia quickly retreated his hands, and the five elements of light flow merged in a flash, and the chaotic airflow surged out.
The first time to exert chaotic force, its power far exceeded Pang Xia’s expectation.
Chaotic gas turns into a huge whirlpool, which sends out an amazing pulling force, which is right on the palm of the emperor Yuan Shen.
See the emperor yuan god palm burning yellow flame crashing down in front of PangXia condensed chaotic airflow vortex.
"bang! Boom! "
Violent shocks spread from their relative positions.
The chaotic vortex constantly wears away the yellow flame of the palm of the emperor Yuan Shen.
And the yellow flame of the emperor Yuan Shen’s hand is constantly erupting to tear up the chaotic vortex.
In this way, the eternal emperor and Pang Xia were deadlocked.
However, Pang Xia still has some distance from the emperor level after all.
After a period of stalemate, Pang Xia condensed the chaotic vortex and finally lost to the yellow flame and was torn.
The chaotic airflow instantly forms a layer of protection around Pang Xia.
At the same time, the yellow flame fell on the protective layer formed by chaotic airflow and swallowed Pang Xia instantly.
The yellow flame is stirring everywhere, and the whole cave is constantly shaking, and more cracks are exposed.
Compared with the surface of Lien Chan Temple, it has caused cracks, which obviously has reached the limit.
Pang Xia stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth on the broken stone stage that had already shown cracks.

Ye Dumped in the hope that Thomas is really good, because the better Thomas is, the more he will pull him into the team, and the strength of the team will also rise by a big margin.

"Come on, who’s afraid of who!" Ye Qing rushed out from the base after typing.
He jumped out of the box behind the box and observed the position of Thomas. As a result, he found that the guy was still in the same position just now, so he confidently flashed out from the left side.
When he flashed out, he took advantage of the opportunity to show his posture. Just after one shot, he found that his body had fallen backwards. The sniper rifle looked at the screen dully and with a long leaf. It was a turn of events. Just now, Thomas was killed by him, and now he is killed by Thomas.
"It’s true that your gun is fast and you must have some ability to keep fighting. Kill four people and I’ll see how many people I’ll lose!" Ye Qing typing to Thomas way
"Well, I also want to see how many kills I can win from professional players!" Thomas kept his arrogance.
Ye Qing moved his posture more flexibly and quickly after he rushed out of the base. His slender fingers were beating fast on the keyboard as if playing the piano. At this time, his posture was running to the extreme, and almost there was a ghosting. Thomas was shocked to see this scene.
"This posture is too weird!" Thomas sighed in his mind that he had never seen such a strange posture that he gave birth to a feeling of aiming at the fact that he really shot Ye with his feeling, and his posture was flexible enough to lock other methods.
At the same time, the leaf leaning method was running at a high altitude and fired several shots very accurately. Thomas was stunned for a moment, which caused him to be pierced by the leaf leaning bullet. He felt very incredible. How could anyone have such a fast posture and there was no way to predict it? He couldn’t hit a shot by feeling.
Thomas rushed out again. This time, he shot at the mirror so as to minimize his exposure to the air. Thomas shot at the head by the other side. In the melee, the gun speed was extremely fast, but the hit rate was as high as 10%. That is to say, he can kill people with less than ten shots. This kind of shot rate is already very scary.
The killing rate of those instantaneous mirrors in the video is 100% false, either plug-in or editing Thomas. This shot of the instantaneous mirror hit Ye Qing’s thigh, of course, not the root of the thigh but the middle of the thigh, which seriously injured Ye Qing.
Ye Qing didn’t expect that he would run his posture to the extreme, and the other party could still hit him. He couldn’t help but admire Thomas’ marksmanship. He didn’t go back to avoid it, but continued to maintain his posture. Thomas briefly flashed behind the bunker, followed by a second shot, which was still an instantaneous mirror.
This shot still failed to hit Ye Qing’s left leg and knee, but the two injuries added up to Ye Qing’s death. Ye Qing was very excited to rush out from the base again. Thomas sniper rifle method was really something. He was very happy to see that Huang Qiusheng was going to send a show.
Thomas retreated to the back of the bunker, wiped a sweat on his forehead and said to himself, "It’s really fucking stressful. It’s the first time I’m so nervous. This guy’s posture is too difficult to deal with. I can rely on the instantaneous mirror to strike many times."
Chapter 461 Extraordinary strength Thomas
Ye Qing and Thomas played very fast because they both fought in the middle of the road and didn’t hide around. Almost all of them met each other and someone died. Soon, they filled 40 people, and Thomas was slightly better.
4 to 37, Thomas won three kills. Ye Ye said to Thomas very respectfully, "You really have some ability to beat me in one-on-one combat, so I am qualified to be called a top sniper."
"Now you? Now you can’t find your opponent in the first district of Sichuan? " Thomas asks.
Ye Qing couldn’t help but smile when he saw his typing, and quickly replied, "No, I dare not say so. Among amateurs, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is even worse. There is also a gun god like K in Sichuan District, but now I can’t be easily defeated. I still have this confidence."
"You are so confident. I said that my strength can compete with the sniper and 7kg!" Thomas is very proud tunnel
"Dude, you are more confident than me. You are sitting on the scene watching the match between Sniper God and 7kg. You really feel that they are powerful. You can only feel me when you play against them. To be honest, you still have a gap with them. It is impossible to compete with them!" Ye Qing is not giving a face tunnel.
Thomas saw the words typed by Ye Qing and immediately became anxious and busy. "Your view is too one-sided. I haven’t played against them yet. Is it too early for you to draw a conclusion?" You and I beat you three times, so you can look down on me? I just let you go again. I won’t let you this time. It’s no problem to win your twenty heads! "
Ye Qing saw Thomas’ anxious eyes and said, "I’m not coming. Well, I admit that you are very good. Are you interested in joining a professional team to play?"
"Of course, I’m interested in wearing a team to play in the highly anticipated game. Is there anything cooler than this? Damn it, you don’t want me to join your team, do you? " Thomas asked.
Ye Qing saw that Thomas was interested, and he quickly said, "It would be better if you could join our team. If you don’t want to, I don’t want to see your own wishes. Our team really needs a sniper now."
Thomas hesitated. "Did your team get any place in this competition?"
"Our team didn’t get any rankings because you are still picky, but we are rarely qualified to participate in this level of competition!" Leaf tilt is very depressed tunnel
"Dude, don’t get excited. I’m just asking. I really want to be a professional player, but I don’t want to join a weak team. The starting point is too low. I don’t know when I can win the championship. If I join a strong team, my ability will add strength to my teammates. I don’t want to win the championship in a long time. Can you understand my mood?" Thomas explained.
"Well, I can understand the situation of our team. It’s not convenient for me to tell you, but there is a great chance to win the championship if you join in. Do you think my strength can help you?" After Ye Qing said these words, he suddenly felt that he was not so demagogic. He was not as cunning as Huang Qiusheng, and Huang Qiusheng had to go out to do such a thing!
"Your strength is not bad. If you talk to me, it is still impossible to win the championship. I don’t want the tide to go down. I still have a real job now," Thomas replied
"Of course there won’t be you and me. Our team is planning to deploy stronger players to make the team a super team. What are you doing now?" Ye Qing asked
"Being an actor … is what you often say! You know I have the advantage of having a foreigner’s face. I often play the role of priest and have lines! Unfortunately, it has never been famous, but I believe that one day, "Thomas replied."
Ye Qing didn’t expect Thomas to be a walk-on. Now many crews need foreigners to act, but there are some communication problems. With a fake foreigner who speaks Chinese so well, there are many things left. So Thomas should still be very popular with those crews who make war movies.
"Since you have such a great job, I won’t delay your future. You’d better continue filming. You should have no future if you play F," said Ye Qing.
This is a typical provocation, but Thomas still eats this set. He immediately said, "What do you mean I have no future in playing F? I still have a future playing F. Am I not as good as a professional now? Tell the truth, am I worse than a professional player? "
"I admit that your strength has surpassed that of ordinary professional players, but it’s too ambitious for you to join a strong team as soon as you debut. Do you think those strong teams will be short of people? Besides, you don’t have access to high-level people of strong teams. "Ye Qing is very impolite to tunnel.
"What you said is also reasonable. Let me think about it again. Although I am very interested in my current job, it seems that the future is far away. I really want to wear a team to play games. I like the feeling of being looked up and I like being noticed."
"Then think about it. Let’s call it a day. Our team members will look for you. Then you can have a good talk with him. Personally, I hope you can be my teammate. It must be very interesting for us to fight side by side, and I can help you become a sniper like jr and make a name for yourself in the world!" Ye Qing will quit the game after typing this line.
Thomas, however, quickly typed a line, "Make the world famous? Dude, I have to admit that you said me! This * * * * I can’t resist it. When will your team come to see me? I have you at any time. Remember to give him my phone number. I will talk to him well. If the conditions are not bad, I think we will become teammates! "
"Although you can’t speak English, I always feel that your way of speaking is still a little westernized! But it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you have to keep your mobile phone open every day. Don’t forget to charge it or not. "
"Don’t worry, I’ll wait 24 hours. What does the guy who is going to interview me look like? To tell you the truth, I’m an ugly appearance controller. I can’t accept that I can’t even talk as white as you when I see him. "
"I sent a man to talk to you. You still ask for looks. Are you fucking gay?" Ye Qing is very authentic
"I’m still a woman, but it’s too obscene for a boy to look at Shu. I didn’t talk to him either * * *!"
"He’s average-looking. He’ll talk to you on behalf of the team. What conditions can you ask him for? If he can promise, he will definitely promise you. If he can’t promise, say that our team won’t promise either."
"Okay, okay, I’m not demanding. I won’t make it difficult for him. That’s it, buddy. I’ll go and hit you first. Help yourself!" Thomas typed this line and left the room.
Ye Qing shook his head and felt that Thomas was a bit interesting. He also left the room and dropped the game directly. After closing his notes, he jumped from the bay window. Dong Laoer and Zhao Junzhu didn’t know when they had entered the room to do something loving.
After sitting on the coffee table in the living room, Ye Qing took a sip of water from his glass, then picked up the remote control and looked at him for a stretch. Then he got up and went to the lamp and reached for the lamp in the living room, which slowly touched into his room.
When he entered the room, he remembered that Big Honey was still asleep in his own bed, and that Big Honey was drunk. He was not a dangerous person. He would never do something to her while Big Honey was drunk. He thought for a moment and felt that it was better for him to sleep on the sofa. If he didn’t ask Big Honey for permission, he would sleep with her directly. It is estimated that Big Honey will rush into the kitchen and grab a kitchen knife to chase him a few blocks the next morning when he wakes up.
When he was about to go out, he heard Dami talking in his sleep or drunk. He was always talking, "Hit him and hit him in the head! He will be left alone soon. If you kill him, we will be champions! "
Ye listened to Da Mi’s dream and wanted the team to win the championship. She was very moved and distressed at the same time. She was really under great pressure. A large part of it was caused by Ye Qing. He went to the bed and bent down to kiss Da Mi’s face. He held Da Mi’s hand in a low tunnel. "Honey, don’t worry about it any more. After a good sleep, all these things will be borne by me. The championship will belong to us sooner or later!"
With that, Ye Qing put the big honey hand in the quilt, and then got up and walked out of the room. There was no drama in which the heroine suddenly grabbed the hero’s hand and shouted, "Don’t go, don’t leave me." Then it happened naturally. The next day, the man opened his eyes and saw that the woman beside him had disappeared. After getting up, he saw two cups of milk on the dining table and the heroine was cooking fried eggs in the kitchen wearing a man’s shirt.
Ye Qing was not disappointed. He knew that it was not yet time for him to lie on the sofa and didn’t think much. He soon fell asleep. If Dong Laoer knew that he was still sleeping alone on the sofa in this situation, it is estimated that he would hate iron to produce.
Dong Laoer’s strategy to deal with women has always been to kill the wrong woman rather than let the beautiful woman go on the bed. What makes sense? Let’s talk about all the consequences first, and then think about them slowly after waking up, while Ye Qing is obviously much more calm.
Chapter 462 Quarrel
The next morning, Ye Qing rolled from the sofa to the ground. When he woke up, he opened his eyes and found that it was already dawn. Now, the team is not well organized, and the daily training is not in a hurry to go to the club. Besides, the boss of the club is still in his bed.
He rubbed his temples, then got up from the ground and took the cup. He first took a glass of water and drank two times, then pushed his door and went in. He saw that Da Mi was still lying in bed sleeping, and a pair of jade legs were exposed together, and her hair was scattered on the pillow.
Ye Qing went to the bed and shook her big honey gently. "Honey got up and it was dawn!" "
Big honey moved and then absently opened her eyes. She touched her head and said, "My head hurts."
Ye Qing knew that this was a symptom after a hangover. He shook his head and said, "You really told you to drink less. If you don’t believe that you are drunk, you know you feel sick. Let me get you a glass of water!"
After that, he went out of the room and brought a glass of water to Dami. Dami took the cup and drank it. Then she leaned against the bedside and straightened her hair. She looked at Ye Qing with blurred eyes and said, "Where am I?"
"You haven’t known where you are after a night’s sleep in my room?" Ye Qing is very authentic
Big honey looked at the room and the situation suddenly shrank into a ball in horror, then pulled it up and looked inside. Only then did she relax her temperament and asked, "You didn’t do anything to me, did you?"
"Then will you sleep with me at night?"
"I’m not sleeping on the sofa!"

Sometimes when he is alone, he will wonder if he is dreaming.

Later, Changsheng was pulled to the front line and became a head coach. He has been in the shadow of Golka, and he has seen that human feelings are warm and cold, and people’s hearts are sinister. He knows that this is not only an opportunity for teachers, but also an adventure full of risks.
Team C makes people like Golka smoke. He believes that in the locker room of the first team, it is even more complicated than team C.
However, he has an almost superstitious belief in his coach, believing that no matter how bad the situation in the first team locker room is, his mentor can handle it.
Hertha’s away game against Osasuna. He watched the game in front of the camera.
When he saw Hertha’s starting lineup, he was keenly aware that the boss had a problem-he had no one to turn to.
Many former main players were put on the bench by him, obviously because of the struggle of the Ministry
Although Sai Passareira is only ten years old, being laughed at and despised for a long time has long made him have a deep understanding of human nature through patience.
He is not that kind of silly and naive boy.
However, he and Carlos, the two bosses, did not let him down. In such an unfavorable situation, they still succeeded in getting three points by a substitution.
Although the process was thrilling, it finally won.
This deepened his confidence in the boss-the boss can win in such a difficult situation, so what can be hard to hold him?
The teammates in the dressing room are talking about who will be the lucky one to get into the first team.
Plug, Passareira is not heart.
I took a good first step thinking that my best friend and boss have achieved success.
Plug, Passareira can not but smile.
At this time, the locker room door was pushed by coach angulo.
When I saw the coach coming to the locker room, the discussion disappeared. Everyone turned their heads and looked at the coach curiously. Why did he appear here? The coach rarely came to the locker room.
Angulo at the door after scanning the locker room at Passareira hook "plug it out! Your boss is looking for you! "
When I heard this, my teammates around me looked enviously at Sai Passareira.
Everyone knows what the term "boss" means. When angulo says this, he says that Changsheng is outside the locker room and he wants to find Sai Passareira. Isn’t that knee-deep?
Plug is going to the first team!
Chapter 26 I can do it
Sai Passareira is not stupid before winning with a smile. He also knows what the boss suddenly calls himself. He didn’t expect the boss to let himself report to the first team so soon.
Carlos Campo feels quite normal to go to the first team. In the past two years, Carlos has been the main force of the C team. He has accumulated enough experience and outstanding strength in the youth team competition. Everyone knows that it is a matter of time before he enters the B team, and it is not a delusion to go to the first team.
But what about yourself? Although he has won a lot of honors and titles in the past six months, he knows very well that his experience is far less than Carlos’ and his ability is still lacking. He thought it was a good result that he could successfully enter the B team and then gradually hone himself and make progress in the B team competition.
He didn’t even dare to think about it.
But now this reality is in front of him!
Changsheng looked at the young man who was a little stronger than before, and his eyes were full of praise.
He just glanced at the golden pupil and found that Sai Passareira had been training him very hard this week. The data did not show signs of slipping with his departure and the withdrawal of the plug-in skill.
You know, Passareira can make such rapid progress and always win the famous skill "Genius is tempered in this way", and he found that this skill is to follow his own people and play it where his own people are. Even if he made it for Ambassador Sai Passareira, when he went to the first team, if Passareira didn’t follow him, this skill would automatically be separated from Parela and Passareira, and he would have to rely on his own efforts.
Now, judging from the result of this attribute, Passareira still works very hard after his absence, just like he is.
What he was worried about did not happen, which made him very satisfied.
This child is a real plastic talent!
Although Carlos Campo’s current strength is stronger than that of Cesar Passareira, although he can’t see the player’s current ability and potential, he can be sure that Cesar Passareira’s achievements will be higher than Carlos Campo’s in the future. This can be seen from the training attitude that Carlos Campo is not lazy in training, while Cesar Passareira is "desperate". The crazy training posture makes Seguro and angulo both worry that they will practice themselves badly.

"Quick blunt past! Can be a target here. "

"Yes, those guards have already launched a charge. Follow them quickly."
After two rounds of arrows and rain, players died, at least thousands, and the white light of death simply couldn’t stop like a fireworks show.
The maple crystal shield is still strong after resisting the second wave of arrows and rain, but the color of a blue crystal in the glove is darker than that of the glove, and the crystal shield will disappear when the gem turns dark completely.
"It seems that we have to find a way to get some rechargeable advanced crystals." Looking at the gloves, the crystal can recover at a turtle speed, and the maple is slightly depressed.
But at this time, after two arrows and rain, Feng has sneaked to the side of the bandit troops. Here, he will definitely not be baptized by the arrows and rain.
The players who are still alive have followed the guards to the front of the bandit troops, but just as the players are sharpening their knives and preparing for revenge, the front troops of the bandit troops suddenly split into two sides, and then a bandit cavalry unit rushed out of it with a scream of horses and entered the player group like a sickle of death.
"soldier! Soldiers go to the top! "
"Run, run, run, this can’t be played!"
"Don’t panic don’t panic! Cut the horse’s foot! Poof … "
After the bandit troops cavalry entered the player group, it was simply a tiger in the flock. At this moment, the shortcomings of the player army were exposed, but the root of the organization was a random fight. If the soldiers could form a formation to block the front and the swordsmen and archers output again, they would not be beaten so badly.
But none of the players present are stupid in front. Is it possible to die and sacrifice yourself for others to pick up cheap? If a player can do this, he is not a player.
Sneaking aside, Feng couldn’t even take a bite when he saw this battle. He came with the idea of easily getting rewards, but it’s only been a few minutes, and he’s almost half dead! And there are still many players who have withdrawn their jokes. They are here to see if there is any cheap money to make. Now they don’t even know what the reward is, so they have to give their lives to do it. The death penalty is very heavy.
However, although the players’ army was beaten to pieces, the guards of Mitte City were still very fierce. They kept the shield soldiers in front and the marines in the back, and they kept killing the bandits like a bulldozer, which saved a little scene.
But Feng doesn’t intend to join this bulldozer. He has seen many players who are following the guards to steal some badges, killed by bandit cavalry or shot through by archers. If you want to emerge in this battlefield, there will be no more security.
So Feng stopped to think about it. Now, in the business of killing bandit troops and getting badges, the risks and benefits are out of proportion, and he will have to wait until a better opportunity.
Just as Feng was thinking about where to look for opportunities, a scream suddenly sounded around him, and then he saw a man lying on the ground with several sharp arrows in his chest.
Stealth is seen through!
What happened to Feng instantly? A series of "surprises" made him forget the tracking technique. Some colleagues passed by and didn’t find them, but those bandit archers found them and came to a round of shooting.
It seems that I didn’t get caught because of my high level of going forward.’ Feng silently thought that he was almost in the same position as this dead stalker now. He died but he didn’t die, so there was a reason for the high and low level of stealth.
Knowing that there were dangers everywhere, Feng Qi started tracking and found that there were quite a few colleagues around him, but they were afraid to go on after seeing one dead, and they all stopped in the same place and hesitated.
Feng took a breath after hiding in a tree and made a decision to sneak into Sandel town!
He believes that the elite of the bandit troops have definitely come out, so now they are still in Sandel town, and they are bound to be scum, but no matter whether they are elites or scum, they will have a medal. This kind of situation is of course to pick a soft persimmon and maybe even trigger something after entering the city. It is better than staying outside in this dangerous battlefield.
After the tracking technique determined the position of several bandit archers in the distance, Feng spared them and carefully touched them toward Sandel Town. Before the operation, it was found that these archers were Feng’s greatest advantage over other stalkers, whether they were hiding behind rocks in the grass or trees, they could not hide from Feng’s perception.
Finally, after two changes of breath, Feng finally approached Sandel town, and he bypassed countless archers. One of them seemed to have sensed that Feng had looked towards him, so that Feng did not dare to move. Finally, it was thrilling to hide in the past.
There was a burning flame at the entrance of Sandel town, but it didn’t stop the imported maple. After observing that there was no ambush nearby, it sneaked into the town.
The scene in the town is almost the same as that in Feng’s imagination. There are some old, weak, sick and disabled bandit troops, and many injured bandit troops are continuously sent in.
However, there are not these wounded soldiers in the town, and many strong bandit troops are going door to door to catch one by one and throw them into the town center square, laughing and discussing today’s harvest with each other.
"Come and help! There is a hard point here! "
Just when Feng was thinking about what he could do, he suddenly heard a sad cry for help not far away, so Feng turned to look and saw a wonderful scene.
PS, take a nap and come back to a chapter on recommended votes ~
Chapter one hundred and fifty Smoke
Feng, who can beat girls, has seen a lot in the military camp, but it is the first time he has seen such a cruel girl!
Not far away, in the encirclement of the bandit troops stood a female player named Qingyan, who had exquisite short hair and wore a chain armor. A machete in her hand was covered with blood, and five bandit troops were lying quietly next to her.
After hearing for help, five bandit troops immediately rushed to Qingyan, only to see Qingyan rush directly to one of them without defending. He waved a machete and cut it at his bandit’s frightened broadsword to block it, but as soon as he blocked Qingyan’s left knee, he was severely kicked by Qingyan, and suddenly lost his balance and fell forward, but before landing, he was already headed by Qingyan Machete owl.
At this time, another robber had come behind Qingyan and raised his broadsword. Just as he was about to cut it, he saw Qingyan’s right elbow severely hit his abdomen, causing the robber to bend over. At this time, Qingyan simply turned around and cut off the robber’s head with a machete in his hand, and then Qingyan grabbed the head and smashed it to the left. After stopping his footsteps, she immediately turned and rushed towards the other two robbers.

Dong Fengling’s happy look gradually gained some meaning.

Of course, the actual performance is still the second time. Dong Yong’s inspiration interest is what to express behind these performances. Hehe, nine out of ten are for people who want to see it. Who said that ancient women never let go? Isn’t this straightforward?
The imperial concubine is just the opposite. This kind of thing has been experienced too much. She knows what everyone is good at. Chapter 44 is just like this.
And many times, the performance has always been the same, and it won’t change anything.
I don’t think there’s anything to see if I look at nature a few times.
After drinking a mouthful of tea, Guifei chuckled, "Do you really think it looks good?"
Dong Yuling picked his eyebrows. "Don’t you think that all your daughters and daughters are quite exquisite?"
Dong Yuling gestured with his forehead that a Chinese painting actually winked at a distant male guest from time to time. Is it really attentive?
The imperial concubine looked at it for a while and finally knew what Dong Yuling meant. She could not help laughing, "You are the most exquisite one."
So a look at the imperial concubine really feels interesting, especially some intentionality, and you can see more after seeing it.
For example, whose family is interested in combining with whose family is a bit tricky, and so on.
At that time, the imperial concubine didn’t feel that she was more interested in chatting.
Any imperial concubine who thinks that Queen Shu will naturally be unhappy becomes interested when she sees Jade Imperial concubine and Dong Wei whispering. She suddenly gets listless and gets up to watch the performances in the field, so she wants to stop and stop being an eyesore.
However, on so many occasions, the queen dare not call someone to come. It is because she inexplicably let people go, and she really embarrassed herself and suffered several complaints for no reason.
When I tried to hang hatred on Dong Yuling, the queen tried to reduce her hatred value by other means. Naturally, she asked people to invite her, and the effect was really good.
At the moment, everyone cares about the performance, including the elders, and they don’t want their daughters to give up a performance opportunity. Naturally, they don’t remember the sudden call of the queen. If they can get the ideal son-in-law, they will thank the queen for arranging it.
The imperial concubine and Dong Yuling naturally saw this, but we can’t stop the male guests from coming!
It is said that the queen still has a lot of means, that is, she often digs holes for herself before filling them, and I don’t know why she can play so happily alone.
"Sister Guifei and Shi Fei are very interested. What do you think of the performance of many daughters?" The queen endured and endured, but in the end she didn’t hold back her cynicism, but she had to be dignified.
Dong Yuling looked at the queen’s head and said something to this woman.
She called the imperial concubine three times, which is just the kind of jade imperial concubine, which simply shows her identity and makes me fair.
Then there is the imperial concubine, and naturally she is also dissatisfied and wants to dig a hole.
Now there’s another sentence: imperial concubine, sister, hehe, did you bring relatives and friends? How does this mood change?
Or the imperial concubine is the most calm. No matter how the queen’s address changes, she ignores it and takes it too seriously. That’s bitter for herself.
"Nature is good or Empress has a good eye. Knowing that everyone has a good talent, you should show it to everyone and see if it can’t be buried." The imperial concubine smiled and took the Queen into the ditch with an excuse.
Although the queen ordered the imperial concubine, it can be said that she came to the imperial concubine to answer the phone quickly, but she woke up again and pricked up her ears. Who is messing with everyone today?
Dong Fengling sniggered. This queen has been fighting and losing many times, and the Vietnam War has become more and more brave!
Even if she doesn’t care, why does she always poke it out and get caught?
Dong Fengling and Yu Guifei are all looking at it with enthusiasm. Where do you pay attention to the queen? Who will stab her if she doesn’t talk? It happened that I always jumped out to brush my feelings.
The queen’s face is stiff. Dong Fengling is more interested in watching her secretly grind her teeth. I guess I can’t wait to pull her out and behead her!
This queen is really worthy of the fact that some representatives of Secondary Two are not small!
"Where is it that every daughter’s family has grown up to be big? It’s not surprising that some talents are big. What about the princess? Palace is quite curious. I don’t know what surprises Shi Fei has made Qin Ruwang look so differently? " The queen’s spearhead was directed at Dong Yuling, which also attracted many people’s attention.
To be honest, they also want to know what is worthy of special attention in this world besides medical skills.
Smell speech Dong Fengling smiled from the bottom of my heart and waited for her? Is this the queen’s purpose today?
"Empress absurdly praised Lingxin where what talent? I don’t know in the world. Why don’t you ask the Empress for Lingxin? It’s better to understand the spirit. "Dong Yuling is not afraid of losing face. Anyway, her status as a peasant woman has been said to be no further.
Now if she broke any talent, wouldn’t she hit everyone in the face?
For the time being, Dong Yuling doesn’t want to pull the hatred situation like that. This is the queen’s proposal, so she must not do what the queen wants. Otherwise, will this time be over twice?
However, the second half of the sentence is wonderful. Others want to laugh but dare not. The queen’s face changes and looks very good.
Everyone never thought that Dong Fengling would say so, so calm, so … it’s not tangible.
It’s not somebody else’s topic to say that Dong Yong Ling is shameless, and they say that they are calm and don’t even have the slightest emotion, which makes them vomit? If you talk too much, it’s like they’re too ashamed to peep into the privacy of the world.
I want to say that being a princess is not reserved at all, but people have not said anything about answering the queen’s question seriously, okay?
Besides, aren’t these all recognized by everyone? That’s what it’s like to recognize her as a peasant girl …

Tian Yang’s fame is not necessarily the highest, but it must be a prominent player. If you want this list, you must get the common recognition of Tian NPC. That is to say, the list can only be made after the evaluation of the Great God. Of course, the highest player can also be listed, but the previous one must reach the "Xuanzihao", and there must be no one on the list in the early stage.

This list of Chitan Dan’s names is so dazzling and enviable.
The "class list" has a high status and the fastest player list. Chi Tandan is now a rich man but still has no ranking. The highest status in this list is "Tianmensheng"; This is the identity of Confucianism, which is divided into schoolchildren, students, tribute students, Tianmensheng, officials, cabinet elders and royal families with different surnames.
The gate valve is a general name for the noble family, the rich family, the royal family with different surnames, the gate, the gang and so on. The highest goal of agriculture is to be a noble worker, the highest goal is a gang, and the highest goal of business is to be a rich family. Because there are other categories in agriculture, industry and commerce, such as ranks, the ultimate goal is to put the doorway in the doorway, and the ultimate goal is to be a Buddhist monk.
Players who have won the chivalrous title in the list of good and evil can list their means of doing things, killing players at random, looting NPC property, etc., and are listed as chivalrous heroes, weeding out the strong and helping the weak. At this time, no player on the list has won the chivalrous title.
The number of forces participating in the campaign list determines the ranking of the list.
The more times you kill the wild monster BOSS and the first deputy BOSS, the higher the ranking; Because the deputy BOSS is a fixed place, this is not disputed, but the wild monster BOSS is not fixed. After they wander around and are killed, this wild monster BOSS will not appear in the cruising list, also known as the guerrilla killing list.
Chitantan once killed BOSS of Liuying Lake for the first time, but there was no list or announcement. At that time, he was still wondering whether Shen Mi people later appeared and laughed at him, saying that if the list was announced, wouldn’t it tell the staff of the game company that you had a secret? It’s thoughtless that Chitantan was full of cold sweat after listening!
The ranking standard of influential players in the list of influential young Xia is revised. Here, influential players do not refer to influential players, but include some foreign players who enter this influential territory. For example, Chitantan belongs to Luzhou power. If Chitantan is highly cultivated in the later Zhou Dynasty, his name will appear in the list of "Young Xia of Power".
This list of powerful young Xia allows powerful players to know which tough foreign players have entered and take precautions. Now Chi Tandan has just been promoted to "C", but he can’t find his name on the front page, and he is not worried that someone will find him trouble.
From the beginning of the game, the "Tianbuwu" competition was held, and the last week of each month was the minimum time for the finalists to need a "T" repair; As the game hasn’t reached the last week, there is no one on this list. Naturally, Tandan has also signed up to participate in the finals. The opponent of this competition is random. If the player is free, he will show up and ask if he will enter the competition.
If you agree, you will be sent to the ring to fight your opponent; There are no rules in the competition to take medicine and replenish blood, and all kinds of props can be played as they want. If there are some tricks, players will play for a long time because both sides have blood-replenishing props, but Chitantan has been instructed by Shen Mi, and some of them have learned that the other side will not even have a chance to replenish blood in a short time.
The list is refreshed from time to time, and every Sunday, the top 1 in each list receives various lottery prizes; At the same time, there will be some game activities to invite the top 1 players in each list to participate, but some lists are empty or few people, and they all fail after the activities are held.
As the name suggests, the challenge competition is to watch this kind of competition in a platform where everyone is fighting; However, the number of players signing up for the competition is too large, and the previous knockout rounds were held in the ring; Chitan Dan is the last round of the Tianbuwu Challenge. There are three rounds in total. I don’t have time to sign up for the first round so that I can be a spectator.
Every round of the ring match is uncertain because there are players who are free or not, and the number of rounds played by the players is different; However, only players who hit the same round will play the game, regardless of the regional map. Players can participate in the group match after three rounds, followed by Wan Qiang, Qianqiang, Baiqiang, semi-finals and finals.
With the light flashing, Chitantan appeared in the first dozens of rounds of the ring, and there was no difference between one thing and another; Because the opponent didn’t appear, Chitan Dan was restricted from acting, and the whole person was stupid in the same place. This setting is to prevent the first player from laying some malicious tricks in the ring and let the later players suffer big losses.
Opponents appear
The battle began.
The opponent’s grief and indignation inexplicably withdrew from the ring, and Chi Tandan talked about withdrawing from the ring; Chi Tandan, who trained in Shen Mi, has now learned a variety of combat skills, which allows him to beat those players who don’t know the skills for the time being in a very short time.
I remember that I was beaten by the strong players in the late Jin Dynasty outside the Liuying Lake, and I wanted to go to the latter Jin Dynasty to find revenge, but Shen Mi told him that it was abusive to fight with his current skill mastery and lack of resources. Chitan Dan felt that there was something going on after listening to it, and the secret people didn’t say that they wouldn’t tell him, but that they could tell Chitan something when it was not time to wait for a while.
Some of Chitantan’s "timing" is not white, such as calculating Shen Mi’s repeated remarks that it was not the right time and refused to answer many questions, which made Chitantan feel sad at last.
When I quit the ring, I jumped out of a slot machine to show that Chitantan has successfully completed three rounds of challenges, and now I can draw lots for the "group competition". Nowadays, the number of registered players of this game is over 10 million, and the number of online players is over one million. There must be millions of Chitantan who have achieved the "B" course. The math is not so good. How many players will there be after the final three rounds?
However, the game is divided into seven groups: "Heaven, Earth, Mystery, A, B, C and D". It is not clear for the time being how many players in each group can enter the Wan Qiang tournament. Then there are 1 in the top 1000, 1 in the top 100, 6 in the semi-finals and 3 in the finals.
When the slot machine brushes Chitan Dan "stops", he is assigned to the "Day Group", which is a kind-hearted grin. Then I heard a rush of footsteps. Because of the war, too many enemies were everywhere, and I was most afraid of the impact of a large number of troops. At the first time, I evaded to the side of the road to find a way out.
The official road is located in the "Tongcheng" of the post-Zhou Dynasty. Tongcheng is an agricultural city. When it comes to agricultural cities, it needs a city attribute. It is a city with attributes, namely, there is usually no characteristic city, commerce and agriculture. This is a city with characteristics, and the city has great development potential in agriculture, commerce, politics and culture. The fortress is full of men, which is a good place to recruit.
Most of the natural farmers in the agricultural city ran from Chitantan’s left hand, and all the players’ hoes, poles, dustpans, buckets and other things rushed past Chitantan. Chitan Dan was curious and took out a broom from his belt and followed the team.
After running for about ten minutes, I continued running from the official road to the east. At this time, there was a big pond in the east. At this time, a group of thousands of players were blocking the ditch of the pond. Chi Tandan followed the group of players, and there were also thousands of people. Before running in front, the players shouted, "Damn, block our ditch and want us to collect particles?"
"The trough agreed that the two sides should be together. Why did you block the canal of our city?" The player shouted when the canal was blocked.
"If you don’t have too much water, we will block it."
"Say a ball and hit him."
So the two sides scuffled together, and some players fell into the pond and some players fell into the mud pile, and the scene was extremely chaotic; Chitan Dan was at a loss with a broom, and suddenly a brick flew towards him. He shouted, throw away the broom, take out the "weeding pole", sweep away the thrown brick, and then rushed to the place where people were carrying the pole to continue squatting at the theatre.
There is no competition for water sources, caravans and resources; When Chi Tandan was in Chuzhou, Luzhou, he also led villagers in Chijia village to compete with nearby villages for water and fields. Because every village has a player born, the battle base in every village is between two players. If one player loses, the other wins.
When more than 2,000 players were beaten to death, more players joined the fray. About 20 minutes later, the troops from both cities dispatched to separate the two players. Then several officials began to yell at each other, and the two players followed behind their respective city officials, and the scene of the two armies was quite funny.
Every player is a valuable asset of the city, because the player is the main force in the battle. Without the player, the city will be at a disadvantage when it is attacked, just like the human brain. Therefore, the castellans are extremely protective of players who are loyal to them, and they will be injured by other cities. The castellans will send troops to safeguard the interests of city players at any time.
It is precisely because the city owners always maintain that the loyalty of players to the city will be higher and higher, and the interests of both sides will be tied together to form a virtuous circle of the whole game; The two castellans of Tongcheng Zhicheng obviously belong to the same camp, otherwise the army will not maintain order but directly join the war circle.
Officials from both sides were wrangling when a plum blossom dart suddenly flew from Tongcheng, knowing that the city official was not a martial man and was directly hit in the throat by the plum blossom dart. The official couldn’t believe it and fell to the ground with his neck covered. As a wartime official, his ability to cope with emergencies is very strong. Before the official fell to the ground, officials from both sides quickly ran to their own camps.
"Your plum blossom dart makes it really smooth. Hey, hey, are you addicted to war peddlers in Sao years?" Shen Mi’s voice reappeared after a few hours.
Chi Tandan didn’t answer. He threw the plum blossom dart at the soldiers of both sides, and then he was not allowed to return to Tongcheng immediately. After he ran into the city, he went to the government office and entered the words "water source, war". Soon there was a war.
"Dirty trade in war, the great war peddler and bloody villain Chi Tandan once again found the opportunity of war. He took advantage of the chaos to kill the officials of Zhicheng and provoked the anger of both sides’ armies to successfully detonate the feud between the two sides in Hehuatang Reservoir. But this is a conflict, not a war. The great war peddler and bloody villain Chi Tandan decided to make a deal with the late Zhou Lord Guo Wei, and this nasty deal will go down in history. "
"Before the conflict, seven Tongcheng officials were assassinated successfully, and then they went to the Black Bear Forest to meet Guo Wei. They sent troops to Tongcheng when Tongcheng troops were exhausted. Note that Guo Wei has sent 20,000 players and 10,000 troops to participate in this campaign."