MuYunZe hook lip Angle slowly way "I mean the wedding"

This time, don’t say that Han Zhaolin was stunned when he was present.
Mu Yunze has always been unmarried in their circle, which is almost recognized by everyone.
So when he entered their circle with a high voice, it caused quite a stir
MuYunZe temper present who also dare not say who knows 100%.
However, it is impossible for Mu Yunze not to get married, and his attitude towards singing can be vaguely guessed from his marriage with Gao Ge.
Marriage is just a piece of paper for a family like theirs. The agreement can be destroyed at any time when it wants to, but the wedding is of extraordinary significance.
Banqueting guests for the wedding is almost a recognition of singing their identity, so that after the wedding, they don’t want to leave, so they can leave as little as the company shares and involve a lot of interests, just as Han Zhaoxue and Essence don’t just get a divorce certificate and get things done.
Xu Anyan’s face is whiter than just now. Some fingers slowly curl up into fists and carry the table cup, whether it’s wine or drink, just look up and drink it off.
"Good." Jimo first reacted and raised a glass to them. "Congratulations on the wedding. When?"
"I haven’t decided on the year after."
Years ago, there were many things and many things were not ready. He didn’t want to perfunctory the wedding so casually.
If there is no accident, there should be this time in my life. Whether he is singing or singing, it is a grand ceremony.
Han Zhaolin joked, "Tell us now if you get married after the new year. Are you planning to let us prepare wedding gifts well?"
Chapter 25 is very nice
Chapter 25
MuYunZe shrugged "have this meaning"
"Really sinister"
Han Zhaolin muttered a word, then raised his smile and raised a toast to Gao Ge. "Congratulations, Sister-in-law, congratulations on recovering this Uber for the majority of women, which has alleviated the pressure on our male compatriots to find a partner."
"You should thank me."
MuYunZe took a sip of his wine, hooked his lips and pressed the bass in his high-pitched ear, saying, "You’ve recovered this Uber."
Singing and laughing, I touched him with a cup of "Let’s celebrate our mutual elimination of pesticides."
Han Zhaolin jumped onto the sofa and picked up the microphone avenue. "Well, today we are double happiness, and everyone is not drunk! Enjoy! "
Said the point of a "war" will instantly ignite the atmosphere.
Han Zhaolin has a good-looking voice, and it is so difficult to sing properly. There is no such thing as crying and screaming in V, which is very enjoyable.
After singing a high song, I applauded him face to face. At the end, I quipped, "I didn’t leave home and have nowhere to go. I’ll introduce you to my friends in the music world and give you a hand to make an album."
Han Zhaolin laughed. "If there is no problem, I will find my sister-in-law to sing when I have no food to eat."
As he spoke, he went to his brain and turned his head and asked, "Sister-in-law, why don’t you sing a song?"
"I’ll stop singing. I can’t sing well."
Laugh and refuse
Every time the crew finished filming, they went back to V to shout, but she didn’t like that kind of occasion. Most of the time, she left after eating and going to V.
Besides, singing is really not her forte. Although she can’t speak five tones, it’s not only really unpleasant.
"Sing one."
This time it’s MuYunZeKou.
Sing zheng twist a head to look at him.

"Son, why are you here?" At first glance, Queen Ling’s spirit suddenly improved, and then she waved her hand and said, "Go away!"

Mammy Luo hurriedly had the medicine bowl and the floor cleaned, and then everyone returned. She personally ordered tea and then stood at the door.
"There’s something I want to talk to my mother." South Wen Rui sat down on the other side of arhat bed.
"What is it?" Queen Ling sat up straight.
"I deployed something before, but it failed." South Wen Rui took the teacup and took a sip of tea, then looked at Queen Ling. "Not surprisingly, the little uncle did it."
He pondered for a long time and sent someone to stare at those brothers early in the morning, which is unlikely. After all, those influential roots can’t compare with themselves.
For example, although the boss is long, he is ordinary, and her mother princess was just a dowry girl around her mother. There is no help at all, so he has the heart and the strength
Although Mei Guifei is dead, Mei’s family’s influence in three counties is not underestimated. However, he has always kept a low profile and has not moved in recent years. When his father sent his post, he also volunteered to go to the Ministry of Industry, which is the most powerless department in the six departments. The possibility of dispute is not great.
In old Laojiu, it is even more impossible. In the frontier all the year round, my father almost forgot this man. Laojiu is his own follower and he is not worried about what he says.
Then there is the seventh uncle, which is the most likely. What’s worse, the father’s throne was still obtained from him. Then it is normal for him to be unwilling.
In pretending to be sick … that’s just to live. If he had been a good father, he wouldn’t have lived to this day.
"South escape minister? He sabotaged your deployment? How is it possible? " Queen Ling was surprised. "Are you sure?"
"Not sure yet" South Wen Rui raised his eyebrows slightly. "He was going to die before, but he didn’t die after so many years." He sighed. "What do you think this is?"
"What what?" Ling queen frown "deadly bai" that guy is really deadly vomiting blood several times to look at all not a line, the result can be rescued is really a miracle.
Chapter two hundred and seventy-nine Father ChiRuanBuChiYing
South Wen Rui shook his head. "Mother, I think everyone has been fooled by him over the years." Just the mother’s brain might not be able to keep up if it weren’t for her own mother.
"You mean he has been pretending to be ill?" Ling queen could not help but exclaim a.
"Mother, you are smaller," South Wen Rui growled. "Is this a guess that you want the whole palace to hear?"
Queen Ling quickly shut up, but her reprimand made her feel even worse, and then she lowered her eyelids. "He loves me as much as he doesn’t."
As soon as you listen, South Wen Rui knew that her mother was unhappy and couldn’t help laughing. "Mother, I was a little worried just now. Don’t blame me."
Queen Ling looks up at her son and has some grievances.
"Mother, my mother and I are sharing weal and woe, and there is a town, a country and a government, so don’t care about those small details, okay?" South Wen Rui also looked at Queen Ling. "Only when I am emperor can you keep your wealth and prosperity and keep the town government? Are you white?"
"Stop talking about the truth and tell me what you want me to do for you?" Queen Ling waved her hand. Of course, she wanted her son to be emperor. Then she could be queen mother.
"You sound out the queen mother and see if that South Escape Minister is faking it." South Wen Rui lowered her voice slightly.
"The queen mother can know?" Ling queen frown "she …"
"Why don’t you go and find out?" South Wen Rui interrupted Queen Ling’s words, "And father, if you have it, see his reaction."
"I …" Empress Ling wanted to say that he couldn’t see the emperor for several times, but after all, he didn’t say it and nodded "good" depressed.
"Mother," South Wen Rui didn’t leave immediately. "You are already the queen and will be the queen mother."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I want to say that those women are concubines. You are the right wife. You have to show the majesty of the right wife." South Wen Rui ordered a table. "How did you get the phoenix seal from so many women in the past?"
"I …"
"Father, the man is soft and hard, you should learn to coax." South Wen Rui felt tired.
"Didn’t you just say let me majesty? Now let me coax him? "
"The queen mother coaxed the man into not conflicting with the majesty of the queen." South Wen Rui felt tired. If it wasn’t his mother, he wanted to slap her to death. "It wasn’t you in those days, but after you let my father insist on marrying you, my father became king. You once let my father stay in your palace for half a month. It’s only been 20 years, and you forgot?"
"I …" Ling Queen’s face suddenly became red. Can it be the same then as it is now? At that time, she was still young, but now she has been high for more than 20 years, and still let her do that …
"Mother is just a son." South Wen Rui’s tone softened again
"Know" ling queen finally nodded "I’ll … think of some way to"
"Thank you, Mother." South Wen Rui got up and shouted at Queen Ling for a fuels.
"Well, let’s mother don’t need to say this." Empress Ling waved her hand. "I’ll let people write to you when I have the news."
"I excused myself there." South Wen Rui left Fengming Palace.
And ling queen hesitated for a while after her son left, and then called Mammy Luo in. "Mammy Luo, you go to a hospital to find a doctor who cures Zhu too much and say …"
"Empress it one thousand …"
"Go, he knows what to do, just in case."

Xiao Qinglong hid in the corner of the corridor and gnashed his teeth and roared, "Brother Hua, you go first and I’ll take someone to rob him. Don’t worry, even if I die, I’ll get someone back for you!"

"Let’s go, team leader, let them go." The little white tiger pulled Kehua and ran hard.
"People must get it back!" Kehua shouted at Xiaoqing Dragon.
They lead to the cockpit corridor scattered small tsing lung relieved with small sports wide and ran in the opposite direction.
At the same time, Lao Zhan found the corridor and was deliberately abandoned by Xiao Qinglong and others.
"No.1 target got it, but No.3 target didn’t see it." Lao Zhan reported at Fu Zhen.
The accident happened again when everyone finished the preliminary preparations and evacuated some people first.
Hai Wang, the chicken thief, didn’t come to Kehua after the gunshot because he knew that it was the most dangerous for the enemy to come to Kehua, but the whole ship was so big that he had nowhere to run, so he hid in a room in the cabin corridor.
And then he suddenly saw his heart very hate small tsing lung a flash from the outside.
There was smoke around and the scene was chaotic. An evil idea flashed through Hai Wang’s mind
For Hai Wang, the nature of military intelligence is to gamble on his future with his life, but now he is playing with his life, but his future is blocked
What should we do? !
Hai Wang looked gloomy and glanced outward.
Area 4
Cocoa sat in the office frowning at Jiang Xiaolong and asked, "I just have one question."
"What’s the problem?"
"You said that Feng Ji’s battlefield in the ninth district was tantamount to taking over the Helu Corps, so the two sides will now be as solid as they seem?" Cocoa slowly got up. "It was only when Zhou Zou was free that he accepted the control of the first EU area, but it is also very important that he is not the direct control force of the first EU area."
Jiang Xiaolong blinked. "What do you mean?"
"… I’ll think about it." Coco walked to the window with her shoulders, and looked at the night with big eyes and didn’t know what to think about.
Gu Yan, the old triangle, asked Meng Xi, "Do you have any ideas after you go?"
"I don’t know the Red Scarf Army, but Feng Ji He Chong is an old face." Meng Xi loosened his neckline and replied, "I have a little idea, but it’s not perfect yet."
Chapter DiEr629 Mr. Wang calculation
fishing boat
Xiaoqing Long Xiaozhao Guang and other three people are preparing to take advantage of the chaos to find a place to hide through the smoke and wait for Fu Zhen to evacuate them, but they didn’t notice that Hai Wang was hiding in the cabin and stared at them.
Deck deck
Zhao Baobao was carried by three military personnel to the edge of the hull and tied with ropes.
"Where’s Rogge Rogge!"
Although Zhao Baobao hasn’t been beaten less these days, the whole person looks very miserable, but he hasn’t forgotten that he is cheap at the moment, and his big brother is passive in tying the rope and asking Fu Zhen and others.
"He’s all right, you go first!" The military personnel waved the rope directly to the floor after he was in prison.
"Whoosh …!"
The rope was locked and lowered, and the booster snapped up. Zhao Baobao went directly from the ship. He was a literati. I saw this scene. When I saw the rough sea, there was opaque black water everywhere, and I almost scared myself. "Get me a life jacket …!"
No one paid any attention to Zhao Baobao. A military personnel pressed him on the surfboard and shouted, "Hold my leg and don’t pull my belt. Calm down! !”
Fu Zhen has moved to the deck with six people, and then Lao Zhan and others have already retired after their success.
When the two sides met, Fu Zhen asked in a low voice, "Did you find the No.3 target?"
"no!" Lao Zhan immediately shook his head. "The face is too messy. I didn’t see that person. We can’t come. We have to go!"
"If you don’t catch Little Qinglong behind No.3, they may be in danger!" Fu Zhen sweated on his forehead and waved his hand directly at everyone. "You go first and I’ll find a circle!"
"Don’t be a jerk!" Old Zhan Di shouted, "We can’t meet each other’s support helicopters. This is the sea. Once it is held back, no one can leave!"
"I know, you take Rogge first!" Fu Zhen stamped his eyes and urged, "Hurry up!"
Old Zhan ao can’t beat this mental illness to urge his own people to "withdraw!"
They were ordered to take the lead in protecting Rogge and ran to the stern.
Fu Zhen and others bent down with guns to move in the direction of the cockpit again.
"All the retreating personnel should pay attention to the target No.1 and No.3 along the way. If you find a horse, report it!" Fu Zhen kept shouting after entering the cabin from the deck.
Half a minute passed in a blink of an eye, but Fu Zhen still couldn’t find the target No.3. It seemed that the other side couldn’t finish the ship, and at this time, his reconnaissance helicopter had urged him to evacuate Fu Zhen and his people three times in a row because the other side’s support was coming.
Fu Zhen hesitated, bent down to hold the headset and said, "The rear cover team should leave first!"
Xiao Qinglong, clutching his arm, had moved out of the smoke, while Guang asked him, "Are you all right?"

"It’s not difficult to teach you on weekends," Yan Shaoqing replied quickly.

Jiang Jiang sent a smiley face symbol.
"Naina" ChuYuYing knocked at the door with milk.
"Well," Jiang Jiang put the phone aside and pressed the mouse to return to the brain homepage. He got up and smiled and took the milk and put it on the table.
"Who are you texting?" Chuyuying obviously noticed that she had moved softly to ask questions.
"Just one classmate"
"Boys and girls?" Chuyuying looked at her inquiringly "it’s so late"
"It’s not nine o’clock yet." When Jiang Jiang looked at his eyes and brain.
"Also," ChuYuYing pull a chair to sit in the past and hesitated a little. She looked at her solemnly and said, "Mom has something to ask you."
"You say" Jiang Jiang nodded.
"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?"
"You ask this?" Jiang Jiang rubbed a "no" with his hands crossed
"Really not?" Chuyuying a little don’t believe it
"Well, no" Jiang Jiang certainly nodded.
"Even if there is, it’s nothing." Chuyuying’s eyes drifted to the side and smiled. "Your mother can understand these things when your horse is twenty years old. It doesn’t mean anything …"
She seems a little embarrassed. "Now these children are more free when they make friends. Is mom worried that you have been cheated by others and I don’t know if you have?"
Jiang Jiang leng yi "do you want to ask me if I have slept with anyone?"
Chuyuying looked at her and said nothing.
"No," Jiang Jiang turned away from her tone slowly. "You don’t worry that I’m not a three-year-old and I don’t have a boyfriend."
"That’s good" ChuYuYing breath a sigh of relief.
"is there anything else?"
"It’s nothing," ChuYuYing got up and said, "Mom just asked casually, and I hope you and Shao Qing will have less conflicts in the future. Don’t mind drinking milk and going to bed early."
"I know" Jiang Jiang nodded and watched her go out.
Chapter 32 Intention to frame up
The night in the garden is as cool as water.
Jiang Qing walked briskly all the way into the living room with an undisguised smile on her face after the phone call.
Jiang Yu and ChuYuYing and others all went back to the bedroom.
Zhangqian is cleaning.
"Small Qian" Jiang Qing quickly called a past with a smile.
"Big Miss" zhangqian put the rag aside respectfully.
"Twenty thousand dollars" Jiang Qing directly took out a bank card and stuffed it into her hand. "The password is one to six, so thank you for your hard work."
"Thank you, Miss Big" zhangqian bowed his head and put the bank card in his pocket.
"But there is one more thing to trouble you." Jiang Qing looked around and leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"This?" Zhangqian looked at her "no" in surprise.
"Why not?" Jiang Qing frowned slightly. "It’s easy for you to testify. Can I still lose your benefits?"
"But this?" Zhangqian Trail "Miss Er will be rejected by Mr. and Mrs."
Thinking of what I saw during this period, zhangqian felt that the two young ladies, Jiang Jiang, had been wronged too much. She had already helped Jiang Qing, so how could she frame her without conscience?
"How come?" Jiang Qing smiled inadvertently. "After all, she is a parent who kissed her daughter and got angry. It’s not that serious."
"It’s not that serious. Why do you have to do this …"
"Nothing" zhangqian looked up at her. "I won’t refuse if Miss Da can help you, but it’s really no good. What if something happens? Madam, you know how angry you are when the time comes. "
Jiang Qing looked at her with a cold hum
Didn’t she think ChuYuYing was angry?
Otherwise, why politely ask a servant for help!
"Why don’t you find someone else? I’m really …" zhangqian sipped her lips and said that her voice was so small that she could hardly hear her.
"Find someone else?" Jiang Qing funnily took two steps to press the bass. "How can you find someone else when you clean several bedrooms? If you find someone else, the first suspect is you. Of course, you have to testify that you can get away and get money. "
"But I …"
"Oh, what’s the good news?" Jiang Qing waved her arm. "How about giving you ten thousand dollars in the past? You just touch your lips and say two words. "
"Well," zhangqian bowed her head slowly in her eyes. "Well, just this once, I really can’t help you again."
"Just this once, it’s really good." Jiang Qing touched her hair and whispered again. When she nodded and agreed, she turned around and went upstairs with a smile.
Jiang Jiang stayed at home for four days

+3 energy

To prevent losing contact, please remember to reserve the domain name L A.
Behind the hidden gold longbow is this bright gold ring, which is also an excellent attribute. This is perfect for barbarians and druids. It can be said that all melee characters need the ring most. You can imagine how popular this ring will be if you steal it with both life and mana.
Tidy up the scattered gold coins and potions, and take out a blue saber. Now that you have killed the tooth skin, it is natural to leave some teeth skin to collect it by yourself. However, the skin of this salamander is really hard. Now Chufei’s strength is chopping at the dead body, and he can see a small mouth. Although the damage of the saber in his own hand is too low, it can also be seen how strong this guy’s defense is. If there is no deformation to help this guy, it will not be so easy to be eliminated.
It is said that the battle just now was really dangerous. With the support of Chu Fei’s vitality skills, the tooth skin and the surrounding small monsters were separated. Then at this time, Chu Fei used the deformation technique. The tooth skin assault technique is much more powerful than the ordinary claw viper. Except for the three mutant skeletons, the ordinary skeleton will be attacked one after another, which can make them broken. Even the clay stone demon can resist it twice. Moreover, this guy with tooth skin is also good at summoning the claw viper. If it is not Chu Fei’s confusion curse, I am afraid it will be cast.
But in the end, this guy died when the metamorphosis was finished. This guy’s life had been worn away by half. At that time, when the tooth skin appeared, it was still full of Penny calling nine sea snakes. At that time, the tooth skin was also badly hurt. Chu Fei immediately chased this guy before his life recovered. Because of Chu Fei’s metamorphosis, the 35-level mage Penny became a sheep and was killed by it. Then it was killed by a small bone because of the metamorphosis. This is tit for tat.
"Hello is Hector? You two make the scroll back to Lugoin now, right, master? I have won the victory. You will return to Lugoin now, and I will go back. "Chu Fei took out the musical note stone, a magical prop, which is quite expensive, but since he knew about it, he immediately equipped himself with two pieces, one for Hector and one for Bilaise.
Gambling with Haigs has already won the victory. The first step for Chufei is to force debts. And since there is Master Penny, who knows if there will be any other masters who can kill Penny? It is absolutely impossible to expose the deformation. Then, if there are many people, I’m afraid I will be in trouble. So he ordered Hemoulong to return to Lugaoin immediately, which is not far from where Haigs stayed. He will certainly find the tooth skin body. If that guy is shameless enough to inform him that the two companions kidnapped Hemoulong, it is also a big trouble. Now let Hemoulong stay away from it.
I still want to find out the situation first. A 30-level mage died in the claw viper temple. This is definitely a big thing. I’m afraid that even the family department of Lanruo will cause a big sensation. Chufei now really wants to take a look at the expression of Haigs. This is the so-called victory secretly pleased.
"ChuFei is you!" The sentence "Envy when an enemy meets" is really suitable here. Haigs’ eyes are bloodshot. He is discussing with seven wizards whether to move on. Penny’s body is hidden in a corner by him. He is not ready to face Penny’s death and go out to react. He pretends that Penny first detected the other seven wizards, and he doesn’t doubt it. But at this time, Chufei actually appeared in front of him and finally recast his psychological defense line, which immediately collapsed.
"It’s a pity that Haigs hasn’t seen you for a few days, but I still want to show you something. Please don’t be too surprised." Chufei looked at Haigs and the other seven wizards and looked puzzled. Haigs’ expression was ferocious and hateful, but the other seven wizards’ expression was cold. Don’t they know that Master Penny died? He quickly glanced at Penny’s body, which had been lying there, but it was gone. Looking at Higgs’ expression base, he also guessed something.
The claw viper’s body is red, the snake’s body is gray, and the whole claw viper temple has teeth and skin, and the body is blue from beginning to end. At this moment, after Chufei takes out the blue snake head from the box, everyone is white. The gambling fight is over, and the winner is naturally Chufei.
Boom, a light sound, Chufei really saw what it means to crush silver teeth. Haigs’ eyes opened wide and his mouth suddenly closed. Two rows of teeth collided with each other with great speed and strength. One of them suddenly disintegrated, and then Haigs spit out one mouthful of blood. Then he shouted, "Kill him quickly or kill him quickly, otherwise it will be too heavy for me or Lanruo. Did you seven hear me and kill him quickly!"
"Haigs Pavilion, please don’t just tell us that only Lord Petunia is qualified to make a decision. Please be careful!" One of the seven wizards, a lady with long blue hair, did not hesitate to interrupt Haigs’ almost roaring speech. A man should not be like this even if he loses!
"By the way, he killed Penny. You must take revenge on Penny and kill him quickly!" Higgs suddenly roared and told the news of Penny’s death.
"Haigs shut up! Although the Duke ordered us to help you, we don’t mind picking you up if you talk nonsense! " Magicians started yelling and their hands lit up with all kinds of lights. Of course, they wouldn’t believe that Master Petunia of Grade 35 was dead when Haigs lost his mind!
"Poor Haigs, a member of the Afar family, has no responsibility at all! It’s my misfortune to take you as my opponent for four days. I’m very tired. Now I’m going back to Lugaoin to take a day off and then I’ll go to your place to receive my No.30 rune. Please be ready. You’d better not try to default. "Chufei sneered and immediately hit the scroll back to the city and entered the blue delivery door. A moment later, it appeared in Lugaoin. It’s delightful to be next to it. Two little girls, Hemolulu, also returned to Lugaoin at the same time.
"Master (adult), congratulations on getting the 30th rune this time." When Hector and Monroe saw Chufei, they first expressed their joy.
"Ha ha, we are rich this time. Let’s go to the best hotel to celebrate the 30th rune. I didn’t expect to have it when I was in the 23rd grade." Chufei is naturally higher.
The third chapter 32 Haigs bewitch
"Kill ChuFei, you know what I mean? Now the best way is to kill ChuFei and use Penny’s death as an excuse." Heggs is now preoccupied with trying to save the decline without knowing that he is going crazy.
"Hercules, say it again and I’ll give you a stimulating massage for three minutes, so that you can even stand up with that thing!" Next to the wizards, Haigs is a fart master Penny, but the youngest in the family has broken through the level 35 super genius. If it weren’t for this guy and his master, he would have been disposed of long ago. Now there is a flash of this guy’s failure and he is unceremoniously thrown at him. Haigs has a convulsion.
"I’m telling the truth!" Haigs was foaming at the mouth and ran to a corner and pulled out a female body. There is no doubt that it was he who hid Penny’s body!
Ah ah ah! Exclaimed from the mouth of these women, even those who changed jobs were, after all, women. After seeing Penny’s body, seven of them came to prepare and then cleaned up. Master Haigs immediately screamed. This really made people believe in the 35-level mage. Less in Lugaoin, it was the absolute strong one. Even in the face of the strongest Duriel nearby, it was absolutely unscathed. Although Haigs kept saying that Penny was dead, they didn’t have this idea in their hearts.
"Did you see that Penny died this time?
The third chapter 33 Hotel War
"If you are an Afar family, I don’t need to say that this kind of thing needs to be confronted by both sides. You wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t say it alone. I’ll go to visit the Afar family when Haigs comes back. This truth is getting more and more argued. If you argue irrationally, you will be guilty." Chufei sneered. I didn’t expect Haigs to really dare to find the door because of this sudden guy. His mental network was shipped again. As a result, it was unexpected that Haigs mental reaction was moving rapidly here.
"What do you mean, do you want to say it or not?" The middle-aged man’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, which seems a little unpleasant. His position is lofty, and few people refute him. Although he has also heard the name of Chufei, his consciousness still produces a kind of young and frivolous idea, which is the habitual idea of the elderly. Otherwise, there will be the term "leaning on the old and selling the old"
"Do you want to know? Then please sit with me and change places!" After ChuFei suggested that middle-aged people switch places, ChuFei ordered Hector and Monroe to say, "You two go there and don’t ask what you want to go there."
Although Hemenglou is puzzled, the two of them are most obedient when they leave the table and walk to the other side, while ChuFei is in the middle-aged man’s oblique rear facing the middle-aged man, looking back and wondering, "Can you please lower your head a little?" It takes a minute. I’m not teasing you. If you want to know part of what you really want, just follow me. "Chufei’s words are sincere. Although there are some puzzling things, this middle-aged man still bowed his head and made up his mind. If Chufei plays, he must teach this arrogant young player a lesson.
Bang, bang, someone came running from the stair surface. From the spirit induction, you can be sure that this is the guy Haigs, but before Haigs appeared, seven wizards suddenly appeared in a place ten meters away. Four bright blue chills and three big fireballs were directly shot out of their hands. The goal was Chufei!
Lazy donkey rolling! From the depths of the soul, the danger signal made Chufei’s body react before consciousness. Lazy snowballing in this past life was curious and learned to flee for life. Immediately, the right leg was pushed out and the left leg was naturally bent. With this force, the whole person directly rolled to the middle-aged man who claimed to be a member of Afar family.
Although ChuFei escaped from the past at a critical moment, these people did not hesitate to show the second round of attack, which was the same as one. Two fireballs directly attacked ChuFei when he fell to the ground, which was a gesture of never giving up without killing ChuFei.
"What are you doing!" Middle-aged man raised his head in amazement and drank a lot. Whoever saw Arihoshi attacking himself in this direction would not be happy. A huge stone statue with a burning flame instantly appeared in front of the middle-aged man. The blue cold was directly dissipated by the flame, but the fireball was inhaled by the stone statue. It was impressively a level 30 necromancer who was able to summon the flame stone demon.
"Duke Lanruo belongs to the traitor Chufei who killed the job-changer. The guy in front of him should hide quickly or he will kill you together!" Haigs finally couldn’t help jumping out. He finally bewitched the seven wizards and was about to kill the thorn in his side. But I didn’t expect such a guy to get in the way. It must be a level 30 necromancer, but the blue power is still feasible in Lugao. Generally, people who change jobs still dare not offend the blue power.
"Sun, your mother!" Chufei got up from the ground and roared out. The white bone staff waved continuously without hesitation. The bone spear was shot directly at one of the wizards. There was this man who claimed to be Afar family as a shield. Chufei of course took the opportunity to retaliate. At the same time, the summoners also appeared in the hotel and went straight to the seven wizards to fight at a touch!
"Stop it! What the hell is going on here! " Being used as a shield by ChuFei, the middle-aged man suddenly roared with a wave of his hand, and all around him fell into darkness, which was a curse. However, this curse was too severe, that is, the spiritual network of Chu enclave was blinded, and so on. There were ten skeleton warriors and six skeleton wizards suddenly appeared in this place, especially those skeleton warriors, whose bones were jagged. This is really amazing. Ten skeleton warriors said that this guy’s skull recovery skill level reached level 26. This guy is really tough!
The seven mages were surrounded by skeleton soldiers, and the mage was afraid to move with a sickle on his neck. Similarly, Chufei also dared not take the opportunity to beat Reservoir Dogs, because the six skeleton mages’ eyes were condensed in his body, and he was stared at coldly by the soul at twenty o’clock.
"Nonsense is nonsense. What the hell is going on here? This happened to me just after I got back from Harrogas!" Middle-aged men are almost angry, but when they hear his words, everyone around them breathes back from Harrogas. Doesn’t this mean that this guy’s skill level is over 50! Chufei didn’t expect this guy to be so tough at level 50. No wonder the tone is so crazy. This guy must be an Afar family elder.
"Ah is Jon grandpa! Grandpa Jon, the guy behind you made a hateful move to sneak attack on Master Penny. He killed Master Penny. Grandpa, please order the skeleton wizards to kill this traitor! " Haigs’ eyes were wide open. I didn’t expect it to be the fourth elder of the Afar family. How did this one suddenly return from Harrogas! However, since he has achieved this level, he certainly won’t cry and admit that he has failed. At this time, he must bite his own reasons!
"A dirty lie, the Afar family commanded Lanruo’s hand to attack my body, which said something about this matter and you, Haigs, why are you so active!" Chu Fei retorted Haigs with a cold hum and then turned to Jon, who shocked the scene with this sudden hand. "How do you want to listen to the accusations of your younger generation?" Chufei has prepared a transfiguration in his hand. Once this old guy favors Haigs or wants to detain himself, he will be turned into a lamb and killed immediately!
"I don’t know exactly what’s going on now, but it’s crazy for you to fight directly here. Naturally, no one will favor the present department to go to the palace inspection office. I will supervise you. Once anyone wants to make any other moves, don’t blame me for using force!" The middle-aged man is not an idiot. There are so many job-changers around here and it’s so noisy. Even if he wants to protect Haigs, he can make it worse. This kind of thing should not be intervened by the Afar family. Let’s leave it to Jayne.
"It’s all right. You just saw that it was the seven Lanruosi hand wizards who attacked me first. It was them who did such despicable things. I just fought back in self-defense. It’s irrevocable. Those skeleton wizards locked me and I promised that I wouldn’t attack you. You just need to control those people." Chufei responded coldly, but he summoned things to pose for battle, especially the ghost wolf and four mutant skeletons.
"All right, you put away your summoning things and I control them personally." A man named Jon Afar family nodded and agreed to Chufei’s incident. He was also a witness. It was obvious that seven wizards suddenly appeared and then immediately attacked. There was something strange about this incident, but it was more doubtful that Lan Ruosi, on the one hand, was a little strange about how Haigs suddenly got entangled with Lan Ruosi!
"Master, we will go with you." Hector and Monroe immediately ran over. The normal attack was too sudden. By the time they reacted, they took out the crossbow and prepared to fight back, the necromancer had taken control of the scene.
"Very well, you two must follow me, otherwise it will be bad if someone attacks you again." Chufei sneered and glared at the seven wizards. The irony in his tone was beyond words. He didn’t expect that Haigs was bold enough to attack himself directly and wanted to humiliate this guy here. It was really dangerous just now if the hotel was not full of job-changers. If it wasn’t for the chance that the Afar family elders talked to themselves, maybe he would really be planted here today!
Good, Higgs. We’re done with this vendetta. I’ll repay you and Lanrose! In the face of ChuFei glared at Haigs, his eyes were left with despair and hatred. Those eyes were like poisonous snakes, but at the moment, where would ChuFei care about him, resent him, and plan to destroy this guy?
The necromancer named Jon controlled Chufei and Haigs and his party to go downstairs, and then walked directly to the palace. After they left, all kinds of information were immediately blown up in the hotel and flowed out.
The third chapter 34 lion’s mouth
In name, it was temporarily supervised, but in fact, the people including He and Monroe Chufei were arranged in a side hall of the palace. Now King Lugoin is Jayhein, and other royal descendants, including Lan Ruosi, are all salivating outside. All the halls Chufei were arranged in such a place.
After all, the palace is a palace. Although it is not very lively because it has not been inhabited for a long time, the decoration and facilities are quite complete. There are blue crystals smaller than broken sapphires embedded in the walls, which not only give off cold air to cool the whole palace, but also produce a sound like waves every once in a while. It is really enjoyable to live in such a room in this desert area.
Wearing a veil and a towel, the maid came in and out from time to time, bringing in fruits, wine and food. It was Chu Feifei who wanted to see a potions. The third requirement was immediately realized. Touching this thick potions gave him a big surprise. This should be the royal family’s hiding. It’s not half as thick as this in the public library outside facing the job-changers. No wonder they all want to develop their own power and re-enter the palace. This life is really enviable.
"Well, relax a little, don’t you see that even leisure poems and dramas have been sent? This says that Jayhein is kind to his master, and I think things will be solved smoothly soon." Chufei is very leisurely * On the deck of the lounge chair, there is a layer of unknown animal fur that smells cool and refreshing. This may be a kind of ice Warcraft fur. This world is also a beast that has mutated due to the invasion of hell, but these beasts are a little stronger than ordinary beasts. It is not necessary for those who change jobs to eliminate Chufei to distinguish what animal fur it is.
Although the two sisters, like Chufei, entered the palace for the first time, they didn’t feel so comfortable as Chufei, and they always seemed cautious. This is normal, but the original is just that ordinary mercenary archers suddenly entered the palace and faced with luxury that they have never seen before. How can they be released immediately? Chufei couldn’t help but feel a little funny when he saw their caution. He spoke in an attempt to ease the mood of the two sisters.
"You sit right there, pick up poems and dramas, watch them if you like, and there are fruits and snacks next to you. You can make yourself at home if you like." In Chu Fei’s command, the two sisters dared to sit on the soft and comfortable sofa and curiously picked up the poems and dramas next to them. These royal specialties have magical images to trigger, so it is amazing to watch small pieces of similar shadow images.
"Master, aren’t you really worried? This time you have offended the Afar family and Lanruo at the same time?" Hector and Monroe carefully tried several novelty feelings and remembered another thing after the past. After all, they were inexperienced. The little girl worked hard since she was a child, but she didn’t see the current situation at all.
"First of all, just because Haigs is a member of the Afar family doesn’t mean the Afar family, and if I simply offend the Afar family or Lan Ruosi, I may be a little afraid, but if I offend both of them at the same time, I won’t be afraid of anything. Just rest assured, I guess we will be let go home soon, and maybe the elders of the Afar family will come and apologize in person!" Chufei confident way
Penny’s death is really because of herself, but the 3.5-second transfiguration is the root that can’t be detected, and absolutely no one in this world would have thought of having this kind of magic. Although Hagers attacked himself for this reason, it would be a white lie for anyone to detect Penny’s death! It just happened that there were also seven wizards in Lanruo’s hand.
Since the hotel war, Chufei has been thinking about almost all the intentions of Haigs, and he has guessed it. I have to admit that Haigs is an ambitious guy who can also throw caution to the wind. He is much taller than his younger brother Preston who knows pure jealousy, but it’s a pity that he failed after all. Later, Lan Ruosi will probably put all the charges on Haigs. After all, this time Lan Ruosi chose to cooperate with Haigs or deal with himself, but now he has lost his wife and lost his troops. This anger will naturally vent on Haigs \
According to the simulation of Chufei, it is probably that Lanruosi will shift all the responsibility from gambling to Haigs, which is of course beneficial to master Petunia’s death to frame Chufei. After all, Haigs has no profit and value, and he doesn’t want to be a big guy. If the Afar family doesn’t come forward, maybe Haigs will continue to go to Chufei in Lugaoyin. Now he knows that Penny is a thirty-five mage and a Lanruosi family. A star rises in Ran Ran, but I’m afraid Lanruosi will have a headache for a long time.
I really want to have a look at Lanruo’s expression now. I’m afraid that guy vomited blood directly! Ha, ha, ha, but what will happen next? Haigs is completely finished this time, but after all, there is still an uncle who has a big position, and his parents are not only war heroes, but also the Afar family was proud in those days. Even if Lan Ruosi holds all the charges on him, the Afar family will probably keep his life. The key is to what extent!
"Lord Fadil Marquis of Chufei is waiting outside the door, whether to invite him in = novel 52 starts = =" A maid asked Chufei at the door that this maid’s dress is really loving. I didn’t expect Jayhein and his interests to be similar, which is much more beautiful than those black scarves.
"Ask him to come in" ChuFei nodded the name although I don’t remember it very clearly, but I also have a little impression, but it must be something to come to myself at this time.
"Lord ChuFei, you are really amazing this time." A middle-aged man came in and was definitely an ordinary man. This guy’s title was actually a marquis! However, after a careful look, I have some impressions of this man, which should be seen. However, this guy was excited and praised Chufei as soon as he entered the door, but he can be sure that he was born.
"I didn’t expect that you have just become a guardian knight and achieved this step. Impey Ni died. Now Lan Ruosi has been relieved by the Presbyterian Church and has been asked to reflect on this matter. It has become the laughing stock of all major families. Since inheriting the duke’s title, Lan Ruosi has been reckless, and now he is finally afraid to be so arrogant. It’s really a way to restrain this excitement." After coming in, this person gushed out his feelings.
"Oh, I see. Then tell me what you came for." Idiots generally don’t just gloat when they encounter this kind of thing. It’s no wonder that Beatrice has been trying to revitalize the family. Her relatives are so happy and get carried away!
"My coming here is also entrusted by people. This morning, the Afar family was stationed in Lugaoin. Two elders came to the family. This has not happened for nearly a hundred years. The Afar family was also present at the coronation of Laneros. This is really an honor!" Seeing this guy want to get excited again, ChuFei is very depressed, and slamming the teacup shows him to get down to business directly.
"Well, the two elders of the Afar family mean that Haigs bewitched Lanruo’s hand to attack you. Can you settle this matter privately? Don’t apply for a decision from the Association of Job Changers. In fact, this time it is mainly to inform you that this matter has been discussed in the family. The conclusion is …" The ordinary middle-aged marquis was interrupted by Chufei before he finished.

Less than a few hours after we woke up, an awakened person came to us, because we didn’t know anything when we were in a coma.

And the awakened ones know that there are awakened ones here when they refresh here.
As we can see, these developments np and the first awakened ones don’t know that everything will be arranged closely during this period, as if they were afraid of any other troubles.
Of course, it is also possible that we don’t think so, but it probably feels like it.
The tables, chairs and hard seats were restored one by one, and people stopped talking. Their eyes became white and they went back to their seats in an orderly way.
In our eyes, it’s like zombies are being controlled by people, even if we do the position and someone else does it directly.
We have to give way and watch all this happen.
The zombie dogs, the big brown bear and our equipment have all been put away, because the whole world seems to be quiet.
We were there holding Lin Weiwei root, not long after the fight.
In a moment, "Boom!" The world has returned to its original appearance. Yes, it has returned to its original appearance and has been refreshed.
Joking, talking, jokes, and some noise.
It was refreshed back in a short time.
It seems that none of this has happened just now, and they will still go to their place of travel. Nothing has changed, but everything has changed.
At this moment, we saw the Ministry and knew what was going on. Otherwise, it was absolutely unbelievable, and the more Nai sighed, "It really is a unified game. If you don’t become an awakened person, you won’t know that you are controlled or np."
Most of the other women are shocked by this idea.
At this time, some workers came over and said, "The train is crowded, please find a seat quickly until it needs a little more."
I don’t know anything. I’m still that person. A real person.
We also nodded, and first found some empty places to sit together.
Zhu Yeqing also said, "The world is crazy. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe there would be such a track."
I said with a smile, "Don’t think about it. Let’s think about it now. Lin Weiwei has become our partner. There are already five people. There is also a crying girl. I don’t know her name. It’s hard to find it, but I can find it when I get back to school. But let’s meet here and meet these two awakened people. I feel that there is a problem that won’t end so easily. At least two hands are dead. The guild will send people to investigate. There must be a preparation."
Zhu Yeqing and Ning Xi repeatedly nodded and said, "Yes, so you mean the car will be found from here now."
This train has been away from Tang Cheng for some time, and it is moving forward. We will not die if we jump.
But the system has to be refreshed. We suddenly left
And let’s come. I think there must be something else. It’s definitely not the rescue of Ning Xi and the interception of Lin Weiwei. Otherwise, it’s not arranged like this.
I said, "Let’s try to do less things that are different from ordinary people, because even if they come to us, they are ordinary people, and even if the killer has a chance to escape, it is easy to reveal it now."
That’s very reasonable. They didn’t refute it. They just showed up after the refresh. No one knows we did it.
And I said, "We have finished the novice assistant and officially become a player. I got a hint when I fainted. That’s it. There should be some rewards and some other certification classes. Let’s check and check before we reach our destination. Make sure that even if something is strong first, we will not be afraid to go to the trouble to find the door."
If there is nothing to do when you arrive, just say that I think too much, then go back the same way and take the train back to Tang Cheng, and get rid of this matter completely without exposure.
They all went to check and started the system.
And I have a little indication here, and it seems to have been sent out long ago
"Player Zeng Xiaofan has successfully completed the novice deputy, and the official player can freely participate in the deputy and will be selected by the system to participate in the distribution deputy.
The overall score is recognized as’ Bronze Five-Star Warrior’, and the bronze level is limited.
Give away 5 points to destroy the corpse spirit and get 30% points. Official players can wear two epic equipment.
Give a formal player gift package outside. "
It’s fairly simple. There’s nothing special. It’s just that a full player can join other official pairs.
I don’t know what bronze five-star warrior is.
The original virtual score, I am a bronze Samsung, and what does this bronze five-star represent? I don’t care about other things. Let’s ask this question first, "What is the level of bronze five-star?"
Tong said, "In the system, players are evaluated in four grades: bronze, silver, gold and holy warriors."
Each level is divided into five-star bronze, one star goes to the bronze five-star, and after going to the silver one star, it lists the five-star holy warriors who reach the gold.
You will also get different restrictions. For example, a silver star warrior can form a guild and start a guild.
Yu is temporarily with the player when he is going high. "
very simple
It’s the rating that calms down your ability. My ability is bronze. I can form a guild at a high level with five stars, which is quite attractive.
Then I looked at other things to see what else could be. Now I can integrate this into a formal player, and the function is also needed to be well understood in case it is not needed.
Chapter 39 Another article
I said to him first, "Take out my physique and see if there is any change."
I got more than 15,000 points at second profit and rose to B+.I don’t know if there are any gains or benefits when I get to the official player.
System immediately listed out.
Physique b+
Physical strength b+
Minjie b+
Remote means
Close attack means high wind jumping, fatal blow, flashing blade.
Weapon tangdao
If the base has not changed, just say that I have risen too much, and the reward root will not increase much, but it was said at that time.
My promotion as a novice assistant will be suppressed.
At this moment, I am an official player, which should be stronger. It is good to hit those two senior awakens just now, saying that there is still appreciation.
Is it facing? It is my second epic equipment.
This is a good thing.
And my seven-star tangdao is actually a seven-star treasure knife dedicated by Cao Cao to Dong Zhuo, which is unexpected and really good, but my ability is low and I can’t play it out.
What to wear for another dress is really a problem. You can wear one more dress if you attend one more pair.
You can wear two now.
Lingbao boots and Guo Yi armor are all very good.

"It seems that Mr. Vegeta seems confident about your strength now! Ghost "

With Zeus’s words, the bald man walked out slowly and said to Vegeta, "Mr. Vegeta, we all know that you have mastered the super Saiyan and know your status as a noble king, but my king is telling the truth. Will you like to play with me?"
"No problem!" Vegeta’s face smiled cruelly. "I just want to see what’s going on with you guys who blow the enemy away."
"Then please move the arena!" Ghost with a smile
"Wait, before that, let the unlucky guy feel my strength. I don’t want to be bullied by them." Vegeta pointed to Sun Wu and others.
"Good" ghost face remains the same.
"Ah ah ah ah!" Vegeta’s hands clenched fists and shouted at his body muscles, which swelled up slowly. The body had a golden smell visible to the naked eye, which rose slowly, and then it exploded. His hair instantly turned golden and his long hips gave off momentum, which almost blew away the white clouds on the throne.
"such as? Are you going to fight me with this power? " Vegeta hands arms sneer at a way
"Yes …" Ghost said quietly without frowning. "Well, I’ll show my strongest strength so that Mr. Vegeta can probably bridge the gap between us …"
"beyond the realm of materialization!"
He screamed in the sky, and when the breath spread around him, he suddenly closed his eyes. Hundreds of tons of giant armor were born outside his body, and his head and limbs floated around him.
As soon as the ghost breath broke out, it completely suppressed the three gas fields of Vegeta Super Saiyan. At this moment, he floated in the giant armor and smiled at Vegeta. "This is my transformation … war machine, please enlighten me!"
"… are you kidding? How can there be such a strong spirit … "Sun Wu and his two sons, Vegeta and Torankusu, are shocked. Saiyan usually recognizes the strength of his opponent from the aura. Even the strongest Sun Wu is definitely not an opponent. If you have to compare words, probably the magic man Buou is weaker than the bald man in front of you.
"Hum! I will try to see how strong you are! " Vegeta cold hum took the lead in flying to Yunduanfang Arena.
Ten minutes later …
"I’m sorry … my hands are a little heavy." Ghost squinted and smiled.
Behind him, Vegeta’s broken body lies in the protoss special treatment nutrition warehouse
Zeus also showed a satisfied smile. "As I said, your current strength is not enough to fight against future opponents … Do you want to learn the transformation of Super Saiyan IV with my strength?"
The third volume I have sold my soul to the ghost Zhao Jieyang for … Prepare for war!
The third volume I have sold my soul to ghosts and gods] Zhao Jieyang seeks … Prepare for war!
Zhao Jieyang seeks … Prepare for war!
Fifteen days after the binary fusion …
A traveler knelt down and said to zhaojie, "My Lord! The dead have destroyed the planet! "
Zhaojie plate sitting on the ground holding the eye closure posture "regardless of them".
A resister knelt down and said to Beyonce in the battle of Super 17, "The big dead have destroyed it!"
Beyonce waved the Super 17 Qigong bomb away and gasped, "Let them go."
A warrior in shining armor knelt down and said to the four Saiyans who were in the super-order, "The great dead have been raging and seem to be looking for an opponent!"
Ghost blocked Sun Wu’s fist and said coldly, "They can’t scamper for a few days. Whatever!"
Sun Wu stopped to jilt to jilt black hair and sweat. "Is this really good? The people of the earth are being slaughtered! "
The ghost breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don’t forget that we still have the Dragon Ball. If you are not strong enough to defeat them, you will only lose two more lives!"
Vegeta, who was fighting in Sun Wufan next to him, replied, "He’s right. People can live with the Dragon Ball, but if we die, everything will be over!"
"Yeah …" Sun Wu sighed slightly.
In the face of the ravages of the dead on the earth, the other three parties remained silent, as if they knew nothing about the slaughter of the dead. Generally speaking, this can be a bitter experience for the earth and human beings, and cities have been razed to life.
"Mr. Anbeck, all the earth humans have been wiped out except some who have escaped from sight with a little strength!" A snake beauty swam to the front of Six Arms Anbeck and said respectfully
"Really … how’s the dragon ball harvest?" Ann baker will hand half body to one side and asked
"This ….. Mr. Anbeck, although we found the Dragon Ball Detector from the home of Bouma who was killed, it seems that the root of it is broken and it doesn’t show the position of the Dragon Ball."
"Will this happen?" Ann baker was a little surprised.
"Yes, we called you out, not Sun Wu." You smiled.
"Mortal, what’s your plot? I can’t see the hopeful light from your eyes, "said the dark dragon floating in the sky."
You cocked his head and wanted to think "hope? I don’t know what it is, but don’t you want to destroy this planet? Don’t you want to kill Sun Wu and others? Now I’ll give you a chance … "
You reach out to the dark dragon. "Join me and I’ll give you a chance to kill them."
The dark dragon laughed. "I think you’re probably wrong about one thing, right? I appeared to destroy all living things … including you here! "
"alas! I knew you must be the most difficult to control. "You nai sighed.
Behind him, Shahrukh asked coldly, "Shall I kill him?"
You don’t seem to feel the danger of the dark dragon at all. You usually laugh. "Shah Lu, even if you have been transformed a hundred times better than before, I’m afraid you are still no match for this dark dragon!"
"What shall we do?"
You smiled strangely and took out a small mirror from your arms. "I didn’t have this."
"Ha, ha, ha, are you crazy? Trying to destroy me with a mirror? I really don’t know if you are an idiot! " The dark dragon laughed wildly.
You shrugged. "Who knows? Don’t you just try it? "
Then he pointed the crystal mirror in his hand at the dark dragon and immediately emitted a light.
Because I didn’t feel the darkness of energy, the dragon didn’t avoid the idea, but straightened his chest and let the light shine on him
When the light from the mirror fades away, the dark dragon is still intact, and it can’t stop mocking and looking at you.
"What the hell is this thing?" Felisaz beside you can’t help but ask instead.
"Let me explain to you-this thing is called a soul-sucking mirror, which is an artifact, that is, copying an opponent’s soul to the mirror, and the reflection is the same as all the state parts of the external entity."
"So what?" Felisaz strange way
You raised your forehead and sighed, "it’s really a muscle guy in your head. I said it wasn’t obvious enough?" If the dark dragon soul outside the mirror is damaged, the soul inside the mirror will also be damaged, and vice versa. This is the mirror and this mirror comes with its own attack, such as this … "
Then he made a gesture, and suddenly a long knife appeared in the mirror, instantly chopping at the virtual soul of the dark dragon. At the same time, in front of several people, the dark dragon cried and fell to the ground in pain and rolled up.
"damn it! What did you do to me! ?” The dark dragon howled.
You nai way "not explained to you before? So now do you want to be a servant to me? "
"Damn mortals, you can’t dominate the dragon!" The dark dragon roared, and seven dragon balls in the body flew out in all directions instantly, and the whole body turned into a black smoke.
"He ran away!" Sha Lu just wanted to chase but was stopped by you.
"Don’t worry" you sneer at the knife in the mirror and cut it in the dark dragon body again. Indeed, it was almost at the same time from afar. Soon seven dragons with different looks appeared in front of you. The chest was inlaid with a dragon ball and a dragon ball. How could you … "
"Even if you are separated, you are still from the same dragon soul. This mirror is still effective for you … so I ask again, do you want to take refuge in me?"
It’s been a month since time flies and the blink of an eye.
"Old Lord Kaiōshin!" The only woman, Kaiōshin … West Kaiōshin, rushed into the Old Kaiōshin Cabin Avenue. "Those guys who are called dead have already broken into the star I manage. Nothing grows where these guys live. It is estimated that all the creatures on my star will die soon!"

If one day I can play football in front of thousands of people on this turf like Nan Ge, how happy it will be! I am excited to think about it! ! But when will this day come? Looking at the game, the train started in my head, which is not only him, but also the wish of all the youth team teammates around him. For these youth team members, the purpose of their hard training is to get into the first team, then play football in the eyes of tens of thousands of people, and finally tens of thousands of people pay attention to the stars.

Duan Tianhe and his teammates were just about to die when the situation on the court suddenly changed. At this time, the game was already in the sixteenth minute.
"Kaka || Lezzo struggled to dive! !” Moro exclaimed in the commentary box for a second. He gasped with Neapolitan fans and then looked incredulous. "Oh! ! ! Emperor! ! ! This is not what we want to see. How did this happen? "
Moro said this not because Kaka’s shot just now broke the goal of Naples, but because goalkeeper Lezzo, who had just struggled to save the life, was injured! ! !
Although Kaka’s shot angle was sharp just now, but his reaction was very quick, Lezzo still pulled the ball out of the baseline with his fingertips when the ball was about to fly into the goal, but this time it was a world-class save, and the result was that Lezzo hit the right column head and bled profusely.
When the referee De Santis saw this, he decisively stopped the game and directed the stretcher to enter the stadium. The game had to be interrupted because of the goalkeeper’s injury.
five minutes later
There is definitely no way to stick to the game.
How could it be so unfortunate to see the team doctor call himself a substitution gesture? Lezzo was injured early and late, but he was injured in such a key game near the end of the season! And passive substitution so early will definitely disrupt the strategic deployment of the whole game.
Rhea was depressed and worried about the injured Lezzo.
"Deni is not ready to warm up." Rhea waved his hand and the second goalkeeper Biagio changed to Lezzo.
Biagio didn’t expect to be able to show off in this game. He was unprepared. He hastily took off his coat and almost rushed to the sidelines to wait for the referee to allow him to enter.
Looking at Biagio’s panic and expression, Rhea can’t help but worry that if the game is so flustered, how can he stop Milan’s powerful offensive? Once again, I looked at Biagiorea, who was already in front of the door, and suddenly felt that the game became uncertain. It was not that he didn’t believe his brother’s actual performance in training was no worse than that of Lezzo. However, when he was calm and calm, Biagio was obviously a little insufficient compared with Lezzo, a 37-year-old goalkeeper. Moreover, he played four or five times a season in such a tense and suffocating game. It is hard to say whether Biagio can withstand this huge pressure.
In Rhea’s eyes, he was worried about his teammates, but he was encouraging. Biagio ushered in the first test of this game. Just now Lezzo pushed Kaka’s shot out of the baseline, and now it is an AC Milan corner kick.
"Deni calm down, don’t be too nervous, just like guarding the goal in training. Believe in yourself, you can do better in Biegner." The nearest big Cannavaro encouraged Biagio while commanding his defense teammates to pay attention to their opponents’ positions.
"Well, I will be the captain." Biagio nodded to the big Cannavaro for a second. Young Biagio no longer saw tension and confusion in his eyes, but he was determined and confident.
Biagio, whether you can become famous in World War I or continue to sit on the bench depends on the performance of this game. Come on! ! ! Biagio secretly cheered himself up, then quietly bent down and stared at Ronaldinho’s foot about to kick.
"Ronaldinho corner kick! ! ! The ball whirled strongly around the already crowded restricted area. At this time, the front door of Naples is also the place with the highest population density on the earth. This angle is of high quality, and anyone who touches it may score a goal. Who will grab this point? Oh! ! Biagio, attack! ! Biagio has attacked! ! ! He picked up the ball beautifully in the middle of the game and acted as if he didn’t tremble at all! ! ! Nice goal. Good job, young Biagio! ! ! We have reason to believe that the future goal of Naples will be guarded by this Italian young man who has just turned 22. "
Rhea breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Biagio’s steady attack and saved the ball. Deni, if you can stand the test in such a tense and important game, then you will be the pillar of Napoli’s defense in the next ten years. Can you? Can you turn a cocoon into a butterfly to protect the "butterfly" of Naples goal? It’s a blessing in disguise that non-Fobiagio may become a qualified goalkeeper of the first-class team after this game. ! !
While Rhea was still happy in Biagio’s steady performance, Biagio had quickly thrown the ball and launched a counterattack. His hand threw the ball to the side just right. Marjorie caught the ball and looked up at the position of his teammates in front. He saw that Qinan was not far in front of him. He did not hesitate to kick the ball to Qinan’s foot with one foot.
Gu Long said that there are two ways to draw a sword, such as starting with a knife and falling, Ximen Chuixue with four petals in one flower, or a pig killer with a clumsy head and a thousand knives and a cave. It is said in the Jianghu that Ximen Chuixue draws a sword faster than his opponent’s reaction nerve. He has achieved the unity of man and sword, and his sword drawing is an art.
Marjorie gave Qinan the ball or Qinan touched the ball in the first real attack in the game, so this is the first time Qinan pulled out his sword in the game. Although it can’t be said that it is as artistic as Ximen Chuixue’s sword drawing, it is definitely more elegant than the butcher’s! ! ! !
But after he pulled out the knife, could he do it like Ximen Chuixue, but his opponent had collapsed? ? ? ? ? ?
Volume III
Chapter two hundred and seventeen
It’s the game of playing the front waist. Qinan has always been in the front waist. He needs to be ready to attack at any time. In certain situations, he doesn’t have to come back to take part in the defense, such as the corner kick just now. What he needs to do is to stand like a sharp saber in the key position of AC Milan and then stab the fatal knife at the right time. Qinan is indeed the most feared one among all Napoli players. In this case, Qinan’s presence can also keep AC Milan from getting carried away. Now it’s not good for AC Milan to wake up from time to time. !
When Marjorie directly tackles the ball, Qinan leads the ball to the front with his left foot and then knocks it with his right foot. Not much to say, that’s acceleration! ! !
Not far behind Qinan, Ronaldinho just turned around in front of the restricted area in Naples and knew that he couldn’t chase Monica much. There were only a few two or three defenders in front. If the other side rushed in like this, the consequences would be unimaginable. Now he can’t come without a foul! Even if it’s a red card, it’s hard to imagine the consequences if Domenica is rushed up like this. There have been several bloody lessons in Serie A this season, which has proved this assumption. Even with this fame, Kaka told himself with trepidation that if I was a defender, my first reaction would be to put him down where he took the ball, even if I got a yellow card for it.
For the first time, Ronaldinho chose to return to the defense quickly. He hoped that the delayed central defenders Maldini and Starr could stop Domenica so that his teammates and others who had not come back could quickly return to their positions.
As Ronaldinho hoped, Milan captain central defender Paolo Maldini chose a foul in Qinan. He also heard Kaka’s words. Although he didn’t play against Domenica many times, he also saw Domenica’s horrible acceleration on the bench in a game.
Maldini pushed his hands on Qinan’s shoulder, and Qinan’s figure staggered to the ground, which was a clear foul! ! !
However, De Santis, the duty referee, insisted on the principle of offensive advantage and did not blow the whistle immediately. He waited for Qinan to fall before blowing, but Qinan insisted on not falling, although his steps were chaotic! He continued to move forward with his hands on the ground in turn. At this time, he practiced cuju hard since he was a child, and his body flexibility played its due role.
After five meters, he returned to normal, which made Maldini stunned. For nearly 20 years in Serie A, he had never seen a player who was pushed by himself without falling off his mouth. This shocking feeling directly led him to forget to continue to chase and defend.
Watching Qina go away along the middle road.
In front of Qinan, Lavezzi and Dennis formed a real offensive trident with him, and the two of them moved away to contain Milan, Milan’s other two defenders Stada and Zambrotta.
At this time, Starr and Zambrotta are neither retreating nor retreating.
However, Starr reacted in front of Zambrotta. The Milan man, known as "the strongest defender in Europe", decisively abandoned Dennis and jumped on Monica, who he thought was a greater threat! ! !
When Starr dived in front of him, Qi Nan took his left foot to the left and his left shoulder sank to make a breakthrough to the left. However, this step he took to the left was false. Actually, when his center of gravity moved to the left, his right foot shook his toes and picked the football to the right. Then his left foot moved to the right very quickly. It was very realistic and suitable for false movement! ! ! ! But Starr is Starr, and he was not deceived by this false move of Qinan. When Qinan broke through to the right, Starr’s figure had already stood in the path where he broke through, and Qinan had to keep breaking through.
I have to say that Starr is called "the best defender in Europe" for a certain reason. His body is as strong as steel and he is very skillful in defense. Instead of breaking Qinan’s foot ball, he chose to stick close to Qinan and keep his hands small, which doesn’t constitute a foul and can play a certain harassment. Even Qinan can’t help but admit that this man with a tough face like a sculpture does have one hand in defense and he can’t break through comfortably.
In the face of Starr’s strong defense, Qina didn’t choose to recklessly, and he didn’t want to recklessly because he had seen Dennis in the corner of his eyes.
People have been waiting for a defensive position for a long time. If he attacked Hiroshima around him, he could have a cigarette and watched a movie, and then come back to consider whether to shoot or which direction to shoot.
After several consecutive shakes, Qinan finally shook the ball, of course, and then gave it to Dennis. After the Argentine caught the ball in the restricted area, he faked a beautiful shot and then crossed the fallen abbiati.
The door is closed! ! ! ! !
Dennis chased the ball in two steps and swept it into the five-meter door in front of him very easily! Seeing that the football hit the net violently, Dennis turned around and spread his hands like a glider to celebrate. He ran to the nearest Naples bleachers and roared like a beast that had already thrown its prey to the ground, while Naples fans roared even crazily in response to him. In an instant, Sao Paulo Stadium became the original forest of the Luo Ji period.
"Dennis ! Dennis scored! ! ! Maybe he will be the winner in Naples and give him the key. It is suspected that Domonica is the fifteenth goal of Dennis’s season league and the 23rd assist of Domonica’s season league. Although there are still five rounds of the season to end, there is no doubt that the winner of the Serie A assist king will be our Domonica. Last season, he, Dennis and Lavezzi formed a trident and broke the opponent’s goal again and again, and this time it was AC Milan’s turn to experience this terrible three musketeers. "
However, Ancelotti AC Milan did not panic. In fact, a big-name cloud has won several honors and experienced several setbacks, and it is impossible for a giant team to panic after losing only one goal.
On the contrary, losing the goal makes them more active and bloodthirsty, just like an injured tiger facing a hunter who injured them.
When Zambrotta galloped in the left corridor of Naples, when jankulovski turned the right side of Naples into a racecourse, when he was as old as Paolo Maldini and could shoot vigorously in the front court of Naples, when Kaka Ronaldinho danced their samba steps in the half of Naples as always, you can imagine what happened to Naples after scoring first. The Milan people attacked the defense of Naples like stormy waves, and it was like yesterday’s yellow flowers.
Finally, Milan made unremitting efforts to gain results in the 49th minute of the half-time. Forty-nine minutes of the half-time were suspended for five minutes due to Lezzo’s injury, and the half-time stoppage was as long as one minute.

After being untied by Ye Yu, everyone was saved, panting and staring at Ye Yu with some fear.

After seeing Gabriel and Azazeru arrive, they all realized that men are not enemies, but this does not prevent them from being afraid of Ye Yu.
"Hum! Who knows what tricks you’ve played? Lord Gabriel, it’s been a long time! "
When Fox suddenly saw Gabriel’s figure, he suddenly cried with joy and looked like he knew someone.
"Ha ha, long time no see. Xiao Jiuzhong was still coquetry in your mother’s arms."
"Boo-hoo … Lord Gabriel, my mother was taken away and this bad guy bullied me!"
After seeing Gabriel, Jiuzhong immediately cried and jumped into his arms.
"Don’t worry, Xiao Jiuzhong, we will help you find your mother." Gabriel, a girl crying in her arms, said this, and the expression on the face of the blazing angel’s adult also seemed dignified
"Will it be a disaster group?" Ye Yu picked his eyebrows and said a name.
"It seems that it may be them." Gabriel nodded.
"By the way, what is the identity of this bad guy?"
Looking at Ye Yu and Gabriel very well, the small nine-fold sample is not asked by some curiosity
"He’s the strongest soldier in the history of the underworld. Oh, don’t worry. With this guy here, you can save your mother quickly," Gabriel said comfortingly
"What is a soldier!" Fox left the pie mouth and obviously looked down on Ye Royal, but Gabriel smiled and didn’t care.
"I didn’t do anything to you, did I? I became a bad guy for no reason. Be reasonable."
"Hum, bad guys are bad guys!" Fox said coyly, hiding in Gabriel’s arms and turning away.
"Well, this is not a place to talk. Selafoul is here in hell. Let’s discuss it together."
Azazeru said so, and they nodded their heads and set off together in Gabriel’s lead to a completely different place from the outside world.
Like the street combination in the Jiang Dynasty, ancient houses were built side by side, and strange creatures emerged from doors, windows and passages.
"I didn’t expect to set up a memorial arch in an unpopular place in the Golden Pavilion Temple, and then I turned into another world."
Ye Yu wowed and looked around. All the little monsters were curious to see him because of the human and animal harm. But no one dared to lean over because of the fiery angel Gabriel and the degenerate angel governor Azazeru around him.
It’s a little dark here, and it’s not the same as the outside world, because it’s the birthplace of monsters after all
"Welcome Gabriel’s adult … and Azazeru’s adult." A girl who looks very mature is greeted by a fox demon.
"Lord Leviathan is already waiting for you inside."
So, led by the fox demon, he first passed through the place where houses were built side by side and entered the forest with a small river between them. From this place, he continued to deepen and a huge red archway appeared.
There is a super mansion in front of it, which gives people an ancient and majestic feeling. Wearing it in front of the archway and Seraful are already there!
"Oh, you’re finally here. Oh, I’m so anxious. Ye Yu, did you bully Xiao Jiuzhong?"
Seraph joked in a lovely tone.
"Only … I’m not bullied. I’m a little devil like Lord Fox Fairy, and I can easily control him!"
Be Serra fuer hit home nine heavy immediately blushed up some excuse in a flurry.
"I wish Xiao Jiuzhong was all right. At first, after knowing that even the little princess had been taken away by strange people, the monsters were in turmoil for a long time."
What did I do? I didn’t do anything well!
While Ye Yu upset turned supercilious look.
Walked into the house a line of people sitting in the hall to Ye Yu also find out what happened.
The nine-tailed fox, who is in charge of this monster in Kyoto, left the house a few days ago to talk with the emissary sent by Indra of Sumi Mountain.
However, Miss Sakamoto didn’t feel something strange at the meeting place with the Indra Angel. When the monster launched the investigation, it protected the crow-dog who was accompanied by Miss Sakamoto and seemed to be in a dying state.
On his deathbed, the crow dog told the monsters that Miss Sakamoto had been attacked by someone and was kidnapped.
So the monsters made a thorough search for suspicious people in Kyoto, fearing that mother Jiuzhong would call indiscriminately when she saw Ye Yu, a stranger.
"I said that this time, I asked the three families to help save my mother."
Sit position nine heavy took out the little princess should have momentum so said
"Alas, this kind of thing is easy to happen when all forces want to join hands. Odin came to Loki that time? This time bear the enemy role is a disaster group guys? "
Azazeru pie pie said at Ye Yu once, but this guy directly solved Loki and Fenrir Wolf together.
"There’s nothing surprising about the disaster group. After all, it’s already our old rival. I just don’t know what their purpose is in kidnapping the Kyoto monster commander."
Ye Yu some casually say so immediately let all the people present lost in thought.
Chapter 35 Finding the Target
"This one is …"
While Azazeru Gabriel and Seraph were thinking about Ye Yu’s words, another person spoke at the round table.
Sitting on both sides of Jiuchong are the fox who just led the way and an old man with a long nose who is a yogi.
This old man is the elder of the dog, and he has been in contact with Kyubi no Youko since ancient times. In this Kyoto, he also belongs to the venerable.
At the moment, the three people sitting here represent the angel of heaven, the devil of hell and the degenerate angel, which makes the old man wonder what kind of identity Ye Yu is talking with.
"Him? His name is Ye Yu. He is a freak. You can regard him as a representative."
Azazeru unconcerned smiled to say so and Gabriel and Seraph nodded slightly in agreement. Suddenly, it was to make someone’s face move in the place.
This representative is not as simple as an ordinary representative, but a representative of three families!
"The governor temple devil temple blazing angel temple and the leaf master can think of some way to save the sitting princess? No matter how hard we talk, we are willing to do it. "
The dog elder than sincere said so.
After saying this, I also took out a painting for everyone to see, with a beautiful blonde in witch dress!
"This is Princess Sakamoto."
"Not the kui is a small nine heavy mother? It’s really a rare beauty." Ye Yu narrowed her eyes and gently praised the vigilant eyes of the fox
"It’s certain that those guys who took Princess Sakamoto are still in Kyoto," Azazeru said.
"Oh, yes?" Ye Yu asked Azazeru replied.
"There is no chaos in the whole area of Kyoto. The nine-tailed fox keeps a balance by collecting all kinds of gases flowing in this land. This is a large-scale position in Kyoto. If the nine-tailed fox leaves this land or is killed, Kyoto will change, and even the omen will not happen. That is to say, Princess Sakamoto is still alive and it is very likely that those people will still be kidnapped here."
"To what extent have the members of the Seraph demon investigated?"
"Let them make a detailed investigation, and let members who know Kyoto better act."
Azazeru asked Seraph, and Seraph answered them one by one, but it seems that the other party is hiding very well and has not found any clues until now.
"Maybe … I know where General Sakamoto is."
When Azazeru and Seraph were talking, Ye Yu suddenly looked up and spoke slowly.

"I think everyone wants to try to hit pleasure in a game. Do you want to play an auxiliary profession and watch others play hard or do it yourself? Besides … Uncle really speaks out that everyone plays games. Of course, they want to be handsome and beautiful. The professional looks like a middle-aged man, and they are not liked. "Tianyu expressed his views.

"Ahem" Sitting in front of Tianyu, Dragon Butler suddenly coughed two times to indicate that he was an uncle …
If Yunyang smiled like a light, "I didn’t think about uncle’s appearance when I first chose a career."
"Yeah, but few people, few people, few advantages and few weapons are cheap, which is not like swordsmen and gunmen. Their weapons are better and they can’t even buy game coins, which is expensive to death." Erxiu said.
"Yes, there are only unpopular occupations and popular occupations. Although the occupations are similar, the essence is still related to the player’s own level." Tianyu went on to say
"There is no garbage occupation. Are there garbage players?" Two whew copied a network language replied.
Tianyu nodded and said, "Every profession has its own loyal players. Even if some professions will be strengthened into bug occupations in the future, some professions may be weakened into waterway occupations, but those professional players who can persist in loving themselves deserve our respect and will not give up."
"Silly bear, you know, it seems that many seem to be more than two wheezes." If Yun listens to Tianyu, he laughs.
"Silly bear, he played Korea, but he didn’t play now." Two whew answered for Tianyu.
"ah? This game and Korea ….. "If cloud surprised.
"Well, there’s still a day …" At this time, it’s not clear whether there is beauty in Tianyu, but there is definitely beauty in the future, and I heard that it happened later because the workshop in China is too strong.
"It turns out that dnf has such a big influence." If Yunyuan dnf is playing in China, I didn’t expect it to be abroad.
"Well, it’s just an agent. The update bases are all introduced from Korea … Business opportunities in the game are foreseeable," Tianyu answered seriously.
If the cloud nodded again.
Dragonfly all the way is to occasionally take a look at the corners of the mouth of the young master driving. "Young master laughs more than before. I don’t know if those two little guys can change the fate of the young master after getting home and driving."
After about 5 minutes, the black car drove into the villa area and stopped in front of a magnificent mansion.
"Master ~ Young Master is back!" A middle-aged woman looked at the iron gate and several people came from the car in a hurry to open the iron gate and then ran to the house and shouted
Chapter 19 Children play house
"Liuyi is still so careless …" If the words sound like a cloud, listening to the woman shouting in the room, shallow laughs.
Later, another person parked the black car in the garage, and the dragonfly took Ruoyun and three people walked towards the mansion.
Tianyu and Erxiu looked around at the lawn and were surprised that it was winter and there were green grass, and they didn’t know which kind of grass they were.
Two big solid wooden doors have been quietly opened on the ladder.
The glittering crystal chandelier in the room hangs upside down on the first floor ceiling like a multilayer cake. Looking into the room, a marble table comes into view, and there are several big sofas at the table. In the middle of the sofa, a middle-aged man is sitting.
The middle-aged man is wearing a black tank top sweater with a cigar in his right hand at the moment, and inside it is a warm coat with a white shirt, so what brand Tianyu can’t see clearly without glasses.
He is sitting there quietly, with a chubby face and round eyes. He looks a little old, but it makes people feel radiant. At the moment, wait for a while is staring at them.
"Dad, I’m back," Ruoyun said with his head down.
Master Yan took a puff at the cigar and spat out a sigh, but the cigar ash was a little long, but he didn’t move. He took another puff and spit it out gently, making his surroundings filled with tobacco smell.
I heard that Ruoyun said such a sentence and put the cigarette butt in a crystal ashtray next to a delicate wooden matchbox. He slowly looked up and said, "Aaron took the young master floor first."
"Dad, I know I’m wrong." If the cloud looks at the words, the master implores.
Master said stared his one eye and glanced at nearby Liuyi Liuyi almost shuddered and immediately walked to Ruoyun to hold the trail. "Young, let’s take a shower first and change clothes. You see that your clothes are so dirty."
Liuyi grew up looking at Ruoyun and her sex was strong-willed. What she said was also "presumptuous".
If the cloud is used to it, then I see Liuyi winking at myself and my father is not a good face. This time, I am in some trouble.
Tianyu and Erxiu saw this scene and knew that Dad was educating his son, but they didn’t reprimand him. Are they going to be under house arrest?
Master Yan glanced at Dragon Butler again and frowned when he saw that his arm was injured, but said nothing.
Dragonfly see master looked at his side immediately turned to look at if the cloud to see him a face of stubborn also gave him a wink.
If Yunnai knew that there would be no good fruit to eat if she were deadlocked here again, she turned to Tianyu and Erxiu and said, "I’ll come to you after taking a shower first."
Say that finish if the cloud is low head standing on the spiral ladder ran to the second floor.
Dragon housekeeper came to master Yan and bowed their heads and whispered a few words behind him, then looked at the two teenagers who had just entered the door with master Yan.
Master Yan pointed to the mobile phone on the table, and Dragon Butler knowingly picked up three mobile phones, two of which were Tianyu and Erxiu Yu Ruoyun. He gave it to Liuyi Liuyi, who took it to block Master Yan’s eyes with dragonfly flying and nodded slightly at the moment before running quickly to the floor to catch up with Yan Ruoyun ().
"You have things over there," said the master, pointing to one side of the sofa and the two main cabinets were cold and said.
Tianyu and Erxiu just took the dragonfly and handed it to the mobile phone, but they didn’t react. How could their mobile phone be in their hands? When they heard the master say so, they expected to go.
"I grass! This is the kidnapper’s nest? " Tianyu saw two main computer cases in front of a big vase, and a little further on the sofa, he found three bound men with white cloth in their mouths, and beside them were several thugs in black and gloves.
Because this pile of people stayed in the room without saying anything and in the corner of this big room, Tianyu and Erxiu didn’t dare to look around, but for the location of the two of them, it was really not easy to find something there.
"That a few people look familiar ….." Tianyu wondered.
Yu Erxiu’s eyes are nearsighted for 500 degrees, and his eyes are blurred until all around are golden.
"Take your things to leave," said the master without saying superfluous words, so coldly.
Tianyu and two whew heart in a surprised tianyu thought "it’s marching orders? How do you say that your children’s best friends come to his house to play, even if they don’t entertain them with fruit food, they won’t have to be thrown out before they are seated? Besides, if I’m not a cloud enemy or benefactor in a sense … How can this middle-aged man let me leave with Erxiu without saying anything? "
"That … Ruoyun’s dad, we are good friends of Ruoyun. Just now Ruoyun also said that he would come to see us." Tianyu straightened up and tried to control his tone and said with a smile.
"If cloud his dad …" Said master mouth again this call jokingly looked at Li Tianyu.