Song Yuyan grabbed Gu Jiujiu’s hand for the first time and pulled her towards her.

It was almost a flash of flint. Shi Lei and several policemen rushed to hold Yu Zhenzhen and handcuffed Yu Zhenzhen.
Gu Jiujiu is under the pressure of Song Yuyan.
Gu Jiujiu lifted her eyes and glanced at the man’s lips, trying to say something, but her eyes doubled and she fainted directly.
Song Yuyan immediately got up and held the little man up.
"Someone fell. Go and have a look." A police officer shouted.
Shi Lei looked out of the railing and was surprised that Zhang Lip had just fallen off because of the chaotic scene.
Song Yuyan hastily held the little man away.
Cloud family and Qi Wan rushed to the hospital after receiving the words.
"What’s the matter? !” Yunkun nasty asked
Song Yuyan was able to tell them what happened before.
Everyone was shocked after listening to it.
Yunkun Yunwei and Qin Yuqi didn’t expect Yunsiran to take part in this matter!
YunKun crutch gave a stamp "nonsense! She did such a thing! Is it crazy! "
Yun Siran was raised by them, although not his granddaughter, but after so many years, they have already regarded her as a family, and there is no difference between a granddaughter and a daughter.
But now she has done such a thing!
"Small yan jiujiu injury? How’s the baby in her belly? " Qin Yuqi nasty asked
"The baby is fine. I just checked jiujiu’s body injuries and skin injuries, and the doctor just treated them," Song Yuyan said.
This is probably the most gratifying thing for him.
She’s okay, and the baby’s fine. This is the best result.
I heard Song Yuyan say this, and everyone’s heart was released.
"By the way that f * * king! At the police station? " Yunkun asked
Shi Lei replied, "Miss Yun Laoyun was in first aid and she fell from the building."
Shi Lei words a transfer three people are surprised with a lip.
"Isn’t she with Yu Zhenzhen? Why did she fall from the building?" Qin Yuqi puzzled asked.
Shi Lei shook his head. "The scene was so chaotic just now that we didn’t pay much attention to what was going on. Perhaps the scene was too mixed to push Miss Yun and accidentally fell."
Yun Kun sighed angrily, "We have raised such a baiwenhang!"
Qin Yuqi pursed her lips and looked at her daughter in the hospital bed, thinking about Yun Siran’s mood is also extremely complicated.
Gu Jiujiu fainted in shock, and it didn’t take long for her to wake up.
When you open your eyes and fall into your eyes, you will be glistening.
"jiujiu! How do you feel? Do you feel uncomfortable? "
The hand is held by someone, and the ear sound is also very familiar. When she looks at her side, she sees the familiar face.
"Song Yuyan …"
"I am!"
Suddenly, she raised her hand and caressed her abdomen, showing panic.
"jiujiu! Don’t worry, the baby is still here. He’s fine. "
Gu Jiujiu looked at him "really? Is he okay? Still in my stomach? "
Song Yuyan gave her a steady look. "Well, our baby is strong and he is fine."
This made Gu Jiujiu feel at ease.
It’s okay … The baby is fine.
Song Yuyan held her little hand and kissed her lips. "Baby, you really scared me to death. Fortunately, you are okay."
Everything Is All Right
Section 412
He didn’t dare to imagine what he would do if they were late or something went wrong between her and the baby.
"I’m sorry … I was too careless."
Song Yuyannai chuckled and shook his head. "You are not wrong about this fool, but Yu Zhenzhen and Yun Siran."
Song Yuyan said of Gu Jiujiu and asked, "What about them?"
"Yu Zhenzhen has been caught. Yu Yunsiran, she fell to the hospital and was rescued. There is no danger to her life."
Gu Jiujiu nodded his head.
Her eyelashes quivered. "Song Yuyan, I want to see her."
The little woman’s words made Song Yuyan a little stunned. "Are you going to see Yun Siran?"
Gu Jiujiu nodded.
"She is also involved in your harm. You still go to see her?"
Gu Jiujiu looked a little complicated. "Song Yuyan, will you accompany me?"
Song Yuyanai sighed lightly, but she nodded well.
When Gu Jiujiu followed Song Yuyan to Yunsiran ward, Qin Yuqi and them were there.
They were delighted to see Gu Jiujiu wake up. Qin Yuqi looked at Gu Jiujiu. "However, do you feel uncomfortable?"
Gu Jiujiu took out a smile and shook his head. Looking at the three people with worried faces, he said, "My parents and grandpa are fine."
Yunkun was relieved to see her granddaughter wake up safely. "However, how did you just wake up and go back and have a good rest?"
Gu Jiujiu pursed her lips and looked at Yun Siran lying in a hospital bed. "I’ll see her."
Everyone is Zheng.
Yun Kun sighed deeply. "However, you shouldn’t have come to see her. She deserves what she did to you!"
Gu Jiujiu smiled gently, and she went to YunSiran’s bed.
Yun Siran’s legs and hands were hung.

The doctor kept his head down and didn’t speak when he asked Royi if he wanted the child.

Mom and dad are happy, but he is not happy.
He doesn’t know anything.
Come on, he and his father will rob his mother. If there is another one, it will be even less when his mother is with him. If his father doesn’t like him, will he like this more?
This child will definitely have to keep his family’s career, and most of them will be lighter in the future.
There is another reason why Ling has always wanted to make up for the regret of not accompanying Royi to produce, while Royi wanted to make up for the regret of not watching Yi grow up.
Ling has been very excited to hug Royi when she came out of the hospital for fear that she could not hide her love and spoil her eyes when she touched her brow.
"Ling, why don’t you sleep by yourself tonight?" Royi said lightly
Ling was suddenly dissatisfied with "no, I promise not to touch you, I will do it"
Royi pinched him. "I’m not happy to see your son. I want to talk to him."
Yi frown want to turn back Royi pulled him a "you don’t understand his mind".
"How old a boy is?" Royi knew that he had no patience with children.
Kissed him. "I’ll talk to him first after I go back to dinner."
This problem must be solved quickly, or it will become a bad feeling if the heart is hidden for a long time. Royi will owe a debt to justice when she comes, and she will not allow this to happen.
"Go back to your room and sleep when you’re finished. He’ll kick you if he doesn’t sleep honestly."
"Well, I know." Royi laughed and let Royi loose. He has been holding the handcart.
Dinner is in Kowloon Bay.
Just after dinner, I went to write business words. I haven’t been less. I sat next to Royi and looked at the building. Then I saw her "how old she is and didn’t spoil him."
Royi pinched him. "That’s my son’s business."
Afraid of radiation falling on her belly, I didn’t look lazy and fell my head on her leg to feel around. "Wife, do you think this one will be a daughter?"
Don’t be a bitch again.
Royi laughed. "Do you like your daughter?"
"Whether you want to have a baby or not is probably too frequent recently, and the measures are not top."
"It’s not easy for you to know it frequently."
"It’s just that I’ve been recuperating for a few months," Ling Yi said seriously.
Royi snow a smile to his cheek already don’t want to say anything
"I just want to have another girl who should be a daughter anyway, just like you. Watching her grow up seems to see how interesting your growth process is."
So he can get to know her wife’s department.
Royi quiet for a while looked down at him and said, "I heard that I was not in those three years, and you often took him to the antique markets around the world because you wanted to know me?
Ling didn’t expect this topic to be turned over, and then she arched her head in her arms and said sullenly, "Yes, I always remember you saying that we are two kinds of people and that I don’t know what you are. I wonder if you will come back to the antique market and look at those people and things when I really know you. I just wonder what it was like for you to have been buried in antiques. What do you like about them and want to experience your world?"
There is another reason why he still fantasizes about meeting her and letting him see righteousness, and then he is proud to say, Royi, is this my son and you?
Unfortunately, I haven’t met it once.
"Ling, thank you"
Royi grabbed him and thanked him for appearing in her life, for giving her a home, and for raising her so well by himself.
Ling’s long silence is holding Royi’s hand tighter and tighter.
Everything he has done today is worth it.
Yi stayed in a daze after finishing his studies in Lou. After a while, he sent a message to Lu Xiaohang.
"Do you want a brother or sister?"
Lu Xiaohang came back soon. "Xiaoyi, you finally took the initiative to talk to me" was followed by an aggrieved expression.
Righteousness sullenly typed "Answer my question" quickly.
Lu Xiaohang: "Of course I don’t want to. If I have a younger brother and sister, I will rob my toys and eat them. I have to let him go, but …"
"But what?" Righteous frown
Lu Xiaohang: "My mother said that when we have brothers and sisters, we can blame them when we make mistakes, and when we grow up, we can make a table of mahjong."
Yi du lip words
Lu Xiaohang is an idiot. Ask him nothing.
Knock, knock
"Mom?" Righteousness looked up and found his mother leaning against the door and smiling at him.
It seems that I have been in a good mood all the time.
Royi came in and took a small toy from behind, which she bought yesterday and never came to him.
It’s a little bee.
Just blink eyes Royi touch him "baby unhappy today?"
Righteousness blushed and shook his head "no"
"Will you tell the story of Little Bee today?" Royi bent down to coax him to say

People who thought he was ruthless just now feel sorry for him.

It’s pathetic to be forced not to kill anyone.
Alas, I’m too young and demanding
Du Guye was unmoved. "It’s hypocritical to pretend to be soft-hearted and dizzy when people are killed."
This made a few entourage listen to not to go, even your royal middleman is not so bully.
Guan Yun took a deep breath and was indignant and angered. "Is it too much for you to say that when Jin Wangshi people fainted?"
Duguye smiled and stepped on Chen Lian’s shoulder with a heavy rolling and a broken bone.
Chen Lian couldn’t fit it any more, and let out a piercing scream "Ah"
He finally woke up screaming and crying, but he was guilty of pretending to be unconscious.
It’s a shame that Guan Yun is angry, ashamed and annoyed.
Du Guye cut his face on the spot and didn’t show any mercy. "Officials and generals are old and confused, and they have spent a lot of time not seeing things clearly. It’s time to retire and let young people do more."
The deep meaning in this sentence makes Guan Yun feel angry and push back. "Don’t do everything. Leaving a line for convenience is giving convenience."
Duguye narrowed his eyes dangerously. "I saw the butler’s deeds in my eyes and angered me."
Although he didn’t say it directly, Guan Yun still broke out in a cold sweat.
"You misunderstood that I was out of public interest, not people."
He lost momentum to compensate for the smiling face and lost the volume just now.
Du Guye impolitely asked, "Do you think I am stupid?"
"…" Guan Yun was speechless. He was not stupid, but very clever.
Duguye looked down on the official family, especially the official yunzhu, who was a psycho and never cared about them.
However, the government has always felt very good about itself and regarded itself as the future royalty.
"Five years ago, I thought you were not clever, but I didn’t expect that five years later, instead of improving, you were even more stupid. I was a little worried about the Six Emperors."
This is so mean that it is not for a younger generation to say it, but Guan Yungen did not dare to put on his elders and changed his face on the spot. "What do you mean?"
Duguye knows that the capital is not peaceful and the storm of seizing office has swept the whole imperial civil and military officials in succession.
The most powerful thing is that half of the officials of the Six Emperors have surrendered to him.
Of course, no matter how severe the six emperors are, they will reach into his hand.
Although the Six Emperors are the most likely to inherit the throne, Du Guye doesn’t think much of him.
"One day he will be dragged down by the government."
What should Guan Yun do if he wants to scold him? "Jin Wangshi, don’t go too far."
A figure came from the outside and looked nervous. "It’s not good for the Lord."
With such a clamor, everyone’s faces showed schadenfreude.
Du Guye frowned. "What happened?"
It is urgent to report that "the queen mother is seriously ill and calls you back to Beijing to see you for the last time."
Like a thunder, everyone was stunned and dumbfounded.
Is it the queen mother?
DuGuYe heart sank face is not very good-looking "what did you say? Say it again. "
He’s got a big momentum, cold and terrible.
It is a slightly bowed head and dare not look him in the eye.
"Are you sure?" Du Guye couldn’t believe it and couldn’t accept it.
The queen mother has always been kind to him and loves him like a life. He also regards the queen mother as his grandmother as his own family.
No matt how annoyed or angry he is, he can’t hide his heart.
Du Guye went out directly without saying anything, "The horse is ready to go back to Beijing."
Guan Yun’s eyes narrowed, and no one can be lucky that the capital situation is about to rise again.
Ten days later, Cining Palace.
Duguye travel-stained broke into Cining Palace, tired, and hula slag looked very embarrassed.
But all the imperial secretaries showed relief when they saw him, and immediately surrounded him and went in.
The queen mother’s eyes were closed and motionless, and her face was as white as a sheet.
Duguye silently looked at his hair turning white at the bedside, frowning even when he fell asleep. The Queen Mother had a sour nose.
She is old and full of white hair, which has always been well maintained. She has a lot of wrinkles and wrinkles around her eyes.
I used to be a charming man in my thirties, but now I look twenty years older, like an ordinary old man.
He suddenly realized clearly that his family would grow old if he didn’t pay attention.

Fortunately, the in-situ release skill belongs to the controllable type, while the sudden skill belongs to the uncontrollable type. If you make a starting gesture, it will help the player to develop the skill. There is no possibility of self-interruption in the case of making the skill rush forward. For example, if you want to start with a straight sword, the player will be stupid. wait for a while will jump for two meters before stopping.

Although the sudden speed is less than one second, players who are unfamiliar with skills often die because of this less than one second. In fact, on the first day of the game, most players died because they were unfamiliar with basic skills.
The root cause is that all basic weapon skills are hard and sudden skills, and mistakes in distance judgment will also pose great danger.
Wang Yang didn’t know this. He added the one-handed straight sword skill to Gerry, and the second box he chose to block in the skill bar.
Block lv1 shield can resist the impact caused by the attack.
Wang Yang chose this skill not because his deputy was equipped with a shield.
After looking at Wang Yang’s menu, Valley knew that Wang Yang had already filled in the skills and asked, "Which skill do you choose for the second skill? I choose to be strong and paralyzed. "
Wang Yang looked up with a wave in the shield and smiled, "I chose the block in the second case."
"Block? Do you have this skill? " Valley immediately frowned and opened the column of learnable skills and found that there was no block in the basic skills of each weapon.
"How come I don’t have the skill of blocking in my skill bar?"
"Er …" Wang Yang paused and then said, "Is it because I am equipped with a shield?"
"It’s impossible to form a team with me yesterday. There is no blocking skill in the skill bar. He also complained to me that there is no shield-specific skill." Valley shook his head
Wang Yang smell speech is not a face of doubt but listen to the valley big grins "no matter start hunting".
"Okay, I’m a little impatient."
Wang Yang smell speech also no longer want to block things slightly excited and waved a little heavy sword fiery eyes fixed on the manic wild boar body near the unknown danger.
"Don’t worry, but you have to be familiar with the starting position before you can successfully make a one-handed straight sword." Valley laughed.
Wang Yang’s eyes suddenly became a little hot, and it took him half an hour to teach patiently in the valley before he could make a correct hand gesture.
After getting familiar with the starting posture, Wang Yang confidently walked towards the manic boar not far away. Step by step, when he walked two meters away from the manic boar, the manic boar turned his back on him and stared at Wang Yang with a pair of latosolic red eyes.
As if in the real world, Wang Yang’s heart suddenly jumped. I don’t want to see a wild boar staring at a pair of red shoes. At present, his hoofs are stripped on the grass and he rushes towards him.
Fierce and lean, Wang Yang was really startled, and hurriedly put on a one-handed straight sword skill, and the starting posture could not trigger the auxiliary system.
Wang Yang was hit by a wild boar the size of a calf and flew to the grass a few meters away.
It’s not over yet. After Wang Yang crashed into the air, the manic wild boar blew out a stream of white gas in his nostrils, stripped off his hoofs and rushed towards Wang Yang, which fell to the ground.
The valley is ready to cross the wild boar and Wang Yang immediately, but the wild boar doesn’t care what is ahead and wants to rush.
River valley hey hey smiled and there was no fear of this. He posed for a one-handed straight sword and slightly adjusted his hand posture for a moment. When the bronze blade suddenly flashed fluorescence and remained motionless for a second, the river valley suddenly rushed forward and brushed past the wild boar.
Wang Yang happened to get up from the grass and saw a sword mark on the left side of the wild boar, while the hp strip on the right side of the wild boar was half left
The wild boar was more violent after being attacked by the sword, and the white air pressure from its nostrils made the green grass lift its head and turned around and rushed towards the valley, which was several minutes faster than before.
The valley is still in a slightly stiff state one meter away, so the French attacked in advance, but when the hard head of the wild boar was about to hit his lumbar vertebrae, the stiff state disappeared, and he turned around as if he could see the rear, which just happened to avoid the collision of the wild boar.
Manic wild boar didn’t hit the physical limbs, and hurriedly pressed the grass to slow down. It was not an easy task to slide straight for two meters before stopping.
At the moment, the river valley’s expression is more serious. When the manic boar stopped with his back to him, it was another stroke. The one-handed straight sword crossed the distance of two meters and hit the rear thigh of the manic boar with great accuracy.
The basic sword skill has two seconds when the one-handed straight sword cools down.
After the fatal attack on the hindquarters, the blood streaks of the manic boar’s head immediately fell to the critical point. When the huge body froze, it gave a piercing roar, and then it exploded into flying glass fragments and disappeared into a pile of data.
A sweet sound made a purple vegetable box showing 6ep appear in front of a startled Wang Yang.
This is the first time he has gained experience, and it is also the first time he has failed to fight. Only when he has experienced it personally can he understand that fighting is difficult. Now he knows that so many people will die on the first day of sa’s official start.
Fighting for life is extremely cruel. If you are not careful, it can kill the player!
This is the sword world, a world where fighting is dangerous.
Welcome friends to read the latest, fastest and most popular!
Chapter 12 Different Aspects (Revised)
A: It’s a pity that it’s too much.
Wang Yang was hit hard.

"What? I asked you to sign a few of your own names and then collect them for me. Don’t you want to sign them for me? Who else do you want to sign for? Tell you there is no way to give it to anyone! "

Listen to what is sweet talk. Xia Shuqing heard that he was comfortable. The horse raised his smiling face to please and threw a "of course not for others" and went back to the house to sign it.
Instead, Mo Xiaoyan sat on the sofa and made a face in distress situation in front of the living room, asking her boyfriend to sign a few names to collect them. Of course, everything was to coax Xia Shu to be pure. Ida dreamed of his star as a superstar, and he signed himself handsomely. He also specially practiced fancy signatures and calligraphy for several years.
In Xia Shuqing’s writing, he just writes more correctly than primary school students. Every word is slender and slender. I don’t know if he feels that he doesn’t have the desire to grow taller. If he wants to collect it, he will probably fall in love with his suit and trousers lover Mo Xiaoyan, who will coax people into doing things.
After a while, Ida came out with a few beautiful thin photos of different colors in her hand. "momo, these notes are signed on the spot. How many do you want to choose?"
She didn’t know what the on-site autograph meeting was. Mo Xiaoyan took a light blue photo and turned it over. It turned out that this thin photo was printed by Ada, a film company. The first page of the photo was Ada’s autograph and blessing.
Ida is now popular. In fact, these photos have been fried to sky-high prices on the Internet. However, Mo Xiaoyan usually lets Xia Shuqing pester him with business and play games when there is nothing at all. Note that Ida, a friend, is unaware of these things and knows that Ida is now popular.
If you give these photos to Chen Lian, who loves them, they will be ecstatic. Mo Xiaoyan can foresee this scene. Just pick a few and ask some strange questions.
"Ida, you are so popular now. Why are there any signatures left?"
After asking Mo Xiaoyan, I didn’t think it was appropriate to say this. Doesn’t this mean that Ida’s star is too collapsed? Even the phase can’t be separated.
Is IDA smell speech think nothing is scratching his head embarrassed way
"At that time, I said don’t do the on-site signature. My agent just didn’t listen. At that time, they were still waiting in line, and then somehow they started to make trouble. All the fans were so crazy that we left before …"
"No wonder" Mo Xiaoyan suddenly realized that nodding had already thrown something that had just been put in the wrong place to Java. "Mo Shao" wouldn’t say that he didn’t say something wrong in front of his friends. If he said something wrong or said something wrong, someone would definitely listen to him wrong.
"Chen Lian, Love Love, Mary Three" Mo Xiaoyan picked three colors to flash, thought about it and took another one "Take one for Lao Gong Niu"
Ida looked at one in her hand and simply handed it to Mo Xiaoyan. "Here you are … I brought these out in a hurry yesterday."
Ida paused as if she wanted to say something else, but immediately stopped. Mo Xiaoyan didn’t feel at ease. She felt that it was too difficult for Ida to "escape" and play as a star when she had a vacation.
Mo Xiaoyan looked at his eyes half-closed and didn’t listen to the master bedroom door. He didn’t move. Just find a topic to chat with Ida.
"By the way, how about your company distributing it to your brokers?"
"Oh, good-bye." Ida felt a headache when she heard the agent, and she complained to Mo Xiaoyan.
"Oh, you don’t know that my agent really worries me to death. Usually, he has to take care of everything I do. When filming, it’s strict. How much water to drink and how much food to eat a day are quantified, regardless of whether you are full or not, and whether you like it or not."
Mo Xiaoyan chuckled, "You are a senior broker, right? It seems that your surname is Huang?"
"Yes, it’s Huang’s confession. I really don’t know why someone would call it confession." Ida vomited and sat near Mo Xiaoyan very divinely.
"You don’t know, he’s a 30-year-old man. He’s not married yet. He won’t let us call him Huang Ge, saying that he’s old. Oh, my God, I haven’t called him Huang Shu yet. It’s not bad to call him Huang Ge."
It’s rare for Ida to speak so straight. Mo Xiaoyan cooperated very much and asked, "What do you call him if his name is not Brother Huang?"
In Mo Xiaoyan’s impression, Ada loves to talk so much in front of acquaintances. If she is almost answered in front of strangers, she still suspects that Ada has autism. Later, after a few weeks, she gradually became familiar with it and found that Ada is also quite good at talking.
"Call him by name. Tell him to confess directly. In fact, we call him lying in vain in private." Ida said and burst into laughter. "Lying on the ground for nothing."
Mo Xiaoyan smiled. "He doesn’t take care of you, does he?"
"That’s true, except that he will control me a little during eating, the rest is my good play, and he will help me handle everything."
Ida thinks that "lying in vain" is not bad for him, but the disadvantages are the same, but there are a long list of advantages. Suddenly, I feel that it is not right to laugh at others. I can’t help laughing. Mo Xiaoyan affirmed, "This agent is really good, and if he hadn’t helped me so much, I wouldn’t be so popular."
☆, Chapter one hundred and sixty-seven Ready to go.
"Are you? It was a swift horse who met Bole. "Mo Xiaoyan nodded with relief.
Ida also has something in her mouth: "Yes, it’s a good thing I met Bole." That sentence didn’t come out in my heart. Do you think I don’t know that the gold medal agent was specially arranged for me?
"But you escaped after he arranged it?" Mo Xiaoyan can’t figure it out. It is reasonable to say that there is a dedication to the cause. Huang frankly is a cash cow here. If Ida wants to come out to play, he will arrange it properly.
Ida was just thinking that things were sad, and his family didn’t support his choice of career. Fortunately, there was momo.
Smell speech Ada return to absolute being injustice eye Mo Xiaoyan face is full of regret "ah, at that time, I always felt that lying in white was not good for me, only to find that I still can’t live without him as an agent."
"Ha ha ….." Mo Xiao’s words suddenly felt that Ida had also become childish. It was simply that children left home to wander around or felt good at home.
In fact, Mo Xiaoyan secretly sent a message to Bai Lie when she picked up Ida yesterday, just as Huang confessed that she was in a hurry to send people around to find Ida. When she received Mo Xiaoyan’s words, it was like sending charcoal fire in winter.
Huang confessed that he was almost hoarse because he couldn’t find anyone. This time, Mo Xiaoyan also wanted to take the opportunity to persuade Ida to stop always opposing’ Bai Lie’ and become a legitimate red star. How important it is to have a dedicated agent who saved so much trouble.
However, after listening to Ada’s regretful words, Mo Xiaoyan felt that Ada had made a mistake, so there was no need to say anything. In fact, Mo Xiaoyan never thought that there was an important loophole in her conversation with Huang frankly, that is, she felt that Huang frankly was in such a hurry that she must have been looking for a day without finding the result of Ada.
Mo Xiaoyan naturally received Ida yesterday, and she just escaped from Huang Confession. In fact, she didn’t think much about it. If Ida is missing one day, Huang Confession will definitely send someone to find someone privately. After all, the little superstar can’t be Zhang, and he is not in a hurry to be hoarse, right?
But Ada’s little Wang egg has been lost for a whole week for seven days, and there is no information. Huang confesses that his hair is almost white and his voice is hoarse. What is it? Huang confesses that he will become Ada’s agent, and there are some help behind Mo Xiaoyan. Before Mo Xiaoyan, where dare he say that Ada has been lost for seven days and hasn’t found anything yet?
At the same time, Mo Xiaoyan said directly, "Don’t worry, Ida is here." At this time, Huang frankly wiped his forehead and felt greatly relieved. At the same time, he thought it was no wonder that he couldn’t find anyone.
Yu Ida repents at this time. It’s absolutely sincere to see how miserable he was when he escaped from others yesterday.
Mo Xiaoyan recognized that Ida had solved the problem perfectly, but she waited and didn’t see Xia Shuqing coming out of the room. She couldn’t help but get up when she looked at her watch intuitively.
"If you really want to go to the farmhouse, you should leave."
Mo Xiaoyan came into the room to see what the hell Xia Shuqing was doing. Ida also felt a little strange and hesitated. She chose to get close to the master bedroom and lean against the door to see the situation.
An Lan didn’t have much spirit in the room, lying in bed with a handheld device in his hand, playing small games while Xia Shuqing was lying at the original Mo Xiaoyan’s desk, looking at his hands and writing very seriously.

The effect of the urgent March is that the 100,000-strong army consumes 2 points of mental energy per hour, and Huang Pusong can supplement 2 points of mental energy per hour by relying on the tactic of too clear concentration. The mental energy consumption and recovery are just the same, so that the soldiers can keep up with it.

Emperor Pu Song’s pro-commander pursued Zhou Wu with 100,000 troops, while Zhu Xi and Dong Zhuo pursued Qu Shuai, the fleeing Yellow Scarf Army, with 200,000 troops.
Lingyun Huang Pu Song Zuo Zhonglang is another student of Huang Pu Song. Naturally, Huang Pu Song stayed with Huang Pu Song all the way. This time, Huang Pu Song brought hundreds of troops, but after these wars, Zhao Feng’s military forces left 5,000 to wait until the end of the war to have a chance to add.
Lingyun personally felt the gap between Huang Pusong and himself all the way.
Lingyun is now a one-week counselor. The strength of an urgent March can increase the speed of the army by 5%. In the army, it will hardly feel any change.
However, Huang Pusong increased the marching speed of the army by 100%, although it was still not as fast as cavalry, but it was also very fast on the road.
If the cavalry is a motorcycle speed, the normal marching speed of the infantry is like that of ordinary people running, so the effect of Huang Pusong’s urgent marching is blessed. The army is like pedaling a bicycle.
One hundred thousand troops led by Huang Pusong have been marching towards the mountain country in a day and a night, and they have already traveled for hundreds of miles.
Urgent marching makes soldiers March at a high speed, but it will not increase the fatigue of soldiers. How much fatigue will soldiers have when marching normally is the same in urgent marching.
Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for soldiers to run at their highest speed for a day and a night.
Generally, when soldiers rush, they always give full play to their strength by about 70%.
In Huang Pusong, all the soldiers are running, and the speed of soldiers is 30% higher than normal. In Huang Pusong, the marching speed of this 100,000-strong army is almost 160% higher than that of ordinary troops.
One hundred thousand soldiers can have such a performance. In addition to exerting the effect of urgent marching, Huang Pusong also exerted a slow recovery on one hundred thousand soldiers.
Slow recovery-even soldiers can replenish their physical strength at high speed, not all of them are consumed.
In addition to slow recovery and urgent marching, Huang Pusong has been maintaining the third strategist skill all day and night-physical gain can temporarily increase soldiers’ physical fitness, and the higher their physical fitness, the longer their endurance.
Because of the release of the skills of these three military strategists, 100,000 troops rushed a hundred miles a day and a night, which was less than 50 miles away from Zhongshan State.
A day and a night’s journey can only be completed by ordinary troops in four days.
Although there are still several skills that can be put on the army marching road to improve the marching speed.
But Huang Pusong’s strength can also be to keep these three skills in the hundreds of thousands of troops.
Even after such a day and a night, Huang Pusong felt a little exhausted.
A total of 1000 points of spirit can be recovered every hour even if it is too clear. After one day and one night, Huang Pusong’s spirit is less than 100 points left.
The consumption of urgent marching is as high as 200 points per hour, and the two skills of slow recovery and physical gain together consume almost 50 points of spirit per hour.
If it is to release the effect of urgent marching, Huang Pu will definitely not feel tired, but after adding these two skills, Huang Pu Song is also a little overwhelmed.
The army stopped to rest and cook when it was less than 50 miles away from Zhongshan State.
Although Huang Pusong can still move forward after stopping the skills of three military divisions, he will certainly be more tired. If he encounters the ambush of the Yellow Scarf Army, the result will be disastrous.
One day and one night, there is no trace of the Yellow Scarf Army. Huang Pusong is very glad that he brought 100,000 troops. If the marching speed of 200,000 to 300,000 troops is slowed down, it will definitely make Zhou Wu escape and wait until the Han army withdraws and then come back to stir up trouble.
The day before the Yellow Scarf Army came to Zhongshan from Changshan County, it was better than the Han Army.
Now that Huang Pusong has marched for hundreds of miles a day and one night, he knows that the marching speed led by the Yellow Scarf Army in Zhou Wu is also very fast, and it is also less than 400 miles a day and one night.
Huang Pusong doesn’t believe that Zhou Wu can do his own thing and March a hundred miles a day and a night with more than 100,000 yellow turban insurrectionary troops.
Therefore, Huang Pusong is still confident to chase Zhou Wu before he escapes.
Chapter 75 Door Jin Suozhen
After an hour of cooking, the army resumed its journey. This time, Huang Pusong maintained the effect of an urgent March and also increased the speed of the army by 30%
In an hour, Huang Pusong’s spirit has now recovered to more than 300 points.
Ling Yunfeng dances. Several people are not very tired even if they March for a day and a night because they are riding horses.
It took less than two hours to increase the army by 30 percent, with a speed of less than 50 miles and a hundred thousand troops.
After the army came to Zhongshan, Huang Pusong asked Sun Yat-sen about the Yellow Scarf Army and learned that the Yellow Scarf Army had left northwest this morning. After that, Huang Pusong sent a team to catch up with himself and most of the military forces to take a break in Zhongshan.
In the past 1,500 miles to the northwest of Sun Yat-sen State, the Great Wall was built by the Qin Dynasty, and the city was vast and sparsely populated. Although it was still the territory of the Han Dynasty, the control of these places was very weak.
If the Yellow Scarf Army crosses the Great Wall, it will be like a fish entering the sea. Even if the Han army wants to catch up, it is difficult to find the trace of the Yellow Scarf Army on the vast grassland. Even if it takes a year, it may not be possible to meet the Yellow Scarf Army.
Have a rest in Zhongshan country for an afternoon. Emperor Pusong left for the northwest with his army before dark.
At noon, Huang Pusong’s spirit has returned to the highest speed again.

So she also took off her cloak and hat.

There was silence in the hall for a few seconds, followed by a swallow of saliva.
Do you remember when zhaojie saw Jeremy, she thought she was a man like herself, but she changed into a beautiful woman because of her professional problems? Zhao Jie thinks so because of the heroic breath of Jeremiah. She is as brave as Joan of Arc, but at the same time, she is beautiful and dumped by people. She can be recognized by zhaojie as beautiful as her own girl. Even Wan Wan Jeremiah zhaojie is slightly inferior to her beauty.
So when Jeremy appeared, everyone was fascinated by her charm.
But soon they all changed from hot belly to cold, because Jeremiah’s eyes were so cold and cold that even she felt that she had been rejected thousands of miles away-it seemed that she had obtained the pseudo-field from Jeremiah. When facing others outside her peers, the girl always had a let the right one in-like look in her eyes, which almost froze people.
Look at the little girl who is stunned from me. "How? Now you know who is not worthy of the name? We women here casually take out a world role, and where are you mediocre people who can compare? "
"You …" After being away from me for a long time, I finally shouted, "Qing Yue didn’t say a word when she saw your sister being bullied like this?"
"Please ~ We are travelers. Is beauty really that important to you?" Next to the sofa, a woman with short red hair, wearing a black trench coat, a pair of tight red trousers and high-waisted black leather boots, walked up to me and said, "Kill them if you don’t like them. You are so stupid, don’t you know?"
"Cut the crap." I grabbed the hair that covered half of Qingyue’s cheek and exposed her face.
These travelers around here can be said to be a feast for the eyes. The appearance of a woman tonight can make the most famous actress on earth (excluding Xifeng/Furong) pale. This time, this face is even more beautiful, and it looks like the most perfect example of the history of human aesthetics. If we say that women are ranked as seventy-two concubines in three palaces and six hospitals, the former girls are all ranked as nine concubines (imperial concubine, noble wife and third wife).
"See? This is the real beauty "giggled away from me. Even in her opinion, there is no woman in this world who is more beautiful and has wild breasts than her sister."
But then she noticed that the little girl left the pie mouth and turned back and said, "Sister …"
"That’s enough," zhaojie turned around and said lightly. "This woman is right. Just kill whoever is unhappy. Is it necessary to perform this kind of beauty pageant as a monkey show?"
It’s not that zhaojie doesn’t spoil Yuan Yifan, but that he is a man after all. If someone has a handsome contest and he happens to be the most handsome of all, I’m afraid this guy will take part in it if he is killed. But the problem is that he is a man and a big man with a Chinese mentality. Let him compete with a group of women. It’s better to kill him.
Yuan Yifan and others think of zhaojie’s unhappiness, and his mouth can stare away from me with a hat and follow zhaojie to the corner.
"Wait a minute. Did my sister say let you go?" The clear moon is full of wild chest sounds. "You can change the name of the team if you want to leave."
"…" zhaojie glanced at her in the cloak and didn’t speak, but still walked straight.
"Ha ha? This kind of look … is it contempt for me? " Clear month corners of the mouth with a laugh wildly for a second, the body has jumped to zhaojie’s side, and the black trench coat raised its slender fingers high and clawed at zhaojie’s head.
"There is no one in this hall who dares to despise me. You will pay the price with your eyes."
"212-style Qin Yue Yin"
Her palm looks so soft, but when she catches Zhao Jie’s head, she becomes like a steel claw. Her bones stand out and her veins soar like a life-threatening lock.
Zhaojie gave her a cold look, and his body jumped back gently, almost perfectly avoiding the blow.
The word "almost" is because four long cracks appeared in his hat after hiding this trick, as if there were four scissors to cut it at the same time.
"Are you?" The war ghost growled, and a big fist in a sand bowl had blown out his strength to the clear moon. It could have easily blown this woman out, but it was unexpected that …
The girl knew that the fighting ghost was very powerful, but she stretched her weak arm and gently put one arm on the fighting ghost arm.
Zhaojie almost foresaw that her arm was shattered by the heavy punch of the war ghost.
But unexpectedly, the ghost boxing actually moved to the side with the clear moon arm. Even the ghost body of Lien Chan has been dragged behind her. This girl seems to be four or two in Tai Chi.
When the girl made this move, at the same time, everyone shouted out a skill name in their hearts.
"Debris wind/ghost step"
War ghost’s body was dragged behind by the clear moon, and the girl’s mouth showed a conspiratorial smile. Then her pale right hand drew a beautiful arc in the lower abdomen and hit the war ghost’s throat. When she crossed the air, her hand was ignited by gas … No, the pale blue flame root came from her hand.
"Hundred-style ghost burning"
"Bad" in the distance, I suddenly exclaimed that a whole body suddenly sprang up and flew to the back of the clear moon, from which the body spun to bring up a strong wind to hit the slender right leg. At the same time, a yellow man in the middle of the fourth sofa also slammed his hands from behind and circled half a circle. When he returned to his chest again, he had taken out a green sniper rifle with a length of two meters in his hand. Just looking at the muzzle of this gun, he knew that the bullet was definitely not as light as a cannon weighing Barrett.
Chapter Directory Chapter 2 A ghost is coming
Text] Chapter II A ghost is coming
The second chapter is a ghost coming
"this is a very abnormal thing."
In Zhao Jie room, he said very seriously
"Four of the Nine Dragons sent people, and one of the Three Gods also sent people from the Abyss. And I also asked Raphael. He told me that these seven-order guys are all crossing the seven-order summit, so the question arises-what brings these guys together?"
"Being able to be sent by one’s own boss is a bit heavy. They must have props in their hands that can get rid of this main line. After all, this main line has been maintained for three months, and how important it is for a passer-by? What’s more, they are all reported to hope that the rising star will grow to the top in three months, but what have they left? "
Jeremy thought for a moment. "You mean you can get something here and these things are what the big shots are determined to win?"
Zhaojie nodded. "I can’t afford to be early. The only explanation I can think of is this."
The little girl frowned and asked, "But how can they predict which main line will produce what?"
"Just because we know things doesn’t mean they can’t have them. Can you imagine that every step we take from entering this world is being monitored by the abyss troops?" Zhaojie shrugged.
"Then what shall we do? Fight with them for this thing or give up at the end? If you intervene in the treasure capture, it may lead to resentment and encirclement of these giants. If you don’t intervene, I am afraid that our final evaluation may not reach 9 points, then you will fail to change your job. "Jeremy is very careful to analyze all these.
"Now, let me think about it for a while. Don’t treat heroes like things. Some of these travelers are clever, but they haven’t found anything after three months of thinking. I may not be able to figure it out … so I decided to go out with Leona tonight."
"Me?" Leona one leng and then nodded.
"Don’t you need us to go with you?" War ghost curious way
"Just now, Zhao Jun invited me. All the travelers are going to act together tonight. You follow them and tell me every word when you come back, no matter what happens."
Although there are bright stars in the night sky, the soft moonlight will also shine on the earth. According to Zhao Jun, tonight can be regarded as one of the few days in which there are no dark clouds to cover the weather.
Indeed, in this moonlit day, Lancheng, Carcy is not as haunted as before. On the contrary, the whole town exudes a very quaint atmosphere. If you find a osmanthus tree at this time, it is also a great thing in life to sit on the moon and drink and enjoy flowers.
However, all the walkers are not in the mood to shoot zhaojie before, and the man named Lingheng takes the lead. All the walkers are ready to prepare the mercenary exchange center to fight against the evil spirits. Obviously, they are going to force their way through the second stage … Many walkers have directly completed the second stage in their mental battles, so there is no need to show them.
Less than half an hour after they played, zhaojie and Leona also stepped out of the building and walked in a certain direction according to the map in their hands.
Although there is no car instead of walking, the area of this small town is not too large, so they quickly arrived at a place.
"The museum …"
"The ghost of the former war is asking for information. Those guys have already searched here. What do we have to come here again?" Always don’t like to ask what Leona suddenly said
"Although I dare not say what they will miss, I still want to find out what the’ ancient moon’ is when I explore it." zhaojie looked up at the front building.
In front of them, a two-story Japanese-style building is emitting a solemn and dignified atmosphere in the moonlight.
Almost like most ancient Japanese-style shrines, the crimson door-shaped’ torii’ stands leisurely not far from the front of this museum. It is said that it is only when you enter the house through torii that you shout for respect for the’ gods’ and enter the shrine. All prayers will be answered. Not far behind torii, a whole stone is carved into a’ clean body’ and a pool for washing hands often symbolizes that you can wash your chest and dirt before you can enter the shrine.
I don’t know if this city is full of thick moss, whether it is "torii" or "clean body", which makes this museum look very old.
Zhaojie and Leona went straight to the wooden door of the museum. Although the door was dilapidated, it still kept a string of white paper tape ropes, which represented the sacred boundary.
Leona disdained to throw this rope aside and said, "If there were such things, the city would not be eroded by evil spirits."
Zhaojie smiled and bent down to pick it up, tried to collect it in his personal warehouse, and then threw it out. "This is really nothing and has no chest at all."
Leona finally knows what zhaojie thinks she can find other travelers, but she can’t find clues. Even if the door is tied with a rope, he is used to having a look at the chest and whether it can be displayed in the mall can be seen.
She kicked the wooden door and pulled two figures out of the museum hall by moonlight.
Lost the door of the museum at the moment, it’s like a monster with a huge mouth and a dark place full of infiltration, and it seems that he will never come out again when he steps into it.
Zhaojie smiled indifferently, and Leona stepped into the hall as if she were not worried about ghosts and evil spirits entrenched here, but from his hands, the decider could see that this man was still cautious.
A woman … even a strong woman’s chest is full of fear of unknown things like ghosts. Although Leona does not hesitate to fight with a huge monster with a knife and cut it to pieces, she can’t help but have some liver tremors in this situation. It was not until zhaojie walked in for a long time that she composed herself and summoned the demon knife to cut the ghost and went in.

Singing and dancing, frowning at the same time, this dress is not for this kind of person.

"It’s time for the big lady to get ready to meet the Taidian".
"well! Go! " Yan frivolous stood up and left without nostalgia.
The young accountant showed disappointment, and the older accountant reached out and gave him an explosion. Can Miss Shen be a Chinese cabbage like them in Xiang Xiao?
When it is close to noon, the fragrance building used to prepare for lunch, and it is busy at the moment.
Everyone in Shenyang has gathered at the gatehouse at this time, and everyone is nervous and ready. Different firms are in charge, but they are all looking forward to the leader of Taidian.
Yan frivolous late.
"I have seen the big lady!"
"I have seen big sister!"
They saw a pink Yan frivolous all is one leng Yan frivolous since back to the Shenfu has always been a simple outfit, a little thin powder as it is today, it’s amazing to dress up like this.
Seeing everyone’s reaction, singing and dancing proudly smiled. I think Taidian will also fold their big lady. If Shenyang can get Taidian to bless that big lady, it won’t be so hard!
"hmm!" Yan frivolous gently replied, "Have you seen the temple carriage?"
"There is no big lady yet!" Cai Zhong leaned down and answered.
Waiting is a worrying thing, and a sense of expectation rises inexplicably in Yan frivolous heart.
Just after noon, the concierge reported that a carriage was coming 100 meters away when the dust was flying.
Coming! Yan frivolous heart a fiercely heart beating fast.
Cai Zhong ordered people to hit the gate of Shenfu, and a line of people filed out, and there were sequences on both sides to get ready for it.
Silence and Yan frivolous team at the front.
Silent at the moment, the palms are sweaty, and the property is finally here. I have to wake up these days.
Horseshoe gallops from far to near, and a carriage slowly stops in front of Shenfu!
A little eunuch came from the front carriage and screamed "Taidian is here!"
"Welcome to Taidian!" A line of people bowed their heads and knelt down!
A pair of golden dragon boots appeared in front of Yan frivolous, and Zhu Yinqi personally helped Yan frivolous "stand up!"
The four eyes are opposite, and both of them are stunned for a moment. The difference is that Zhu Yinqi’s eyes are amazing. She seems to be more beautiful after seeing her for a few days. She is a little thinner, while Yan’s frivolous eyes are surprised. Zhu Yinqi’s body is clean and she doesn’t smell marijuana!
They will see each firm’s steward facing the north when they interact with each other. It seems that this great grandfather and Miss Shenyang are very rich.
Yan frivolous first came to her senses. She gently earned Zhu Yinqi’s hand a little gift "Xie Taidian!"
Zhu Yinqi’s eyes flashed and he didn’t say much. Then he glanced at them and knelt down and said, "Stand up!"
"Thank you, Taidian!" They thanked him and got up.
"The grass people in Taidian have ordered people to prepare a luncheon. Why don’t you ask Taidian to move to the fragrant floor first?" Silent carefully before asking for instructions.
Tai Dian personally helped Yan’s frivolous behavior. He saw it in his eyes, but this time he learned his lesson and stopped thinking about clinging to it. It was hard to get it back, and he didn’t want to lose it again.
Zhu Yinqi glanced at the accompanying father-in-law and said, "Taidian starts driving!"
Gao Sheng hurried to lead the way, silence and Yan frivolous accompanied too much about others and followed too closely.
When we entered the gate of Shenfu, there was a page carrying a big sedan chair on the splash bridge to meet us.
"TaiDian sedan chair, please!" Silence lifted the car curtain in person.
Zhu Yinqi stopped and frowned. Although Mo Li had sent someone to spy on Shen Fu, he learned that Shen Fu occupied a large area and that it still had a sedan chair, which made Zhu Yinqi slightly unhappy. No emperor would be happy to see such a rich and extravagant family in an ordinary family.
"This ….." Silence hesitated. "The Great Hall is some distance from here to the fragrance building."
Zhu Yinqi’s eyes are slightly cold, "Gong said that he wants to walk."
Yan frivolous feel this dialogue deja vu, she just entered Shenfu that day, and so on. She can probably understand Zhu Yinqi’s mood. "Father, let the bearers return!" Taidian please! "
In a word, Yan frivolous Zhu Yinqi was satisfied with others and was dumbfounded. When he walked from the gate of Shenfu to the fragrance building, he got less tea! What can I do to let them be pampered, gentlemen and ladies? But Tai Dian doesn’t even take a sedan chair. Who dares to ask for a step out?
Several stewards of the firm secretly complained about what they did to welcome Taidian so actively, which is a good thing that they didn’t show up in front of Taidian at the end, not to mention that it would take half a day to walk.
A line of people walked along the mall in a mighty way, looking like a long dragon from a distance, and there were many people brought by Grandpa alone.
Zhu Yinqi’s expression was cold and silent all the way, and his heart was seven uneasy.
Yan frivolous occasionally take a look at Zhu Yinqi’s cold side face. At this moment, Zhu Yinqi is completely different from Zhu Yinqi she has seen before. In the impression of Yan frivolous, Zhu Yinqi is gentle and polite. At this moment, Zhu Yinqi’s expression is completely different.
A group of people walked slowly and leisurely for about a wick of incense before they arrived at the fragrance building Taidian. A group of people were greeted on the third floor, and others arranged the first floor and the second floor respectively.
When I arrived at the star-picking hall on the third floor of the fragrance building, Yan was frivolous and ready to give in and stay silent. At this time, Zhu Yinqi finally said, "Miss Shen, stay and let everyone else go!"

Wind dance turned to look at the past when Zhang Xue also saw the wind dance.

"Good sister" Zhang Xue’s eyes wandered and he took the initiative to dance with the wind and shouted.
Zhang Xue clearly knows that she dances far better than NO FENG フウカ in Lingyun’s eyes.
And before meeting the bride, she danced on the right side of Lingyun and on the left, which shows that Lingyun wants to dance big.
After all, this is an era of respecting the left and respecting the right, and the wind dances on the left side of Lingyun. Although I didn’t say it at that time, I saw that everyone knew their status.
You need Lingyun to help Zhang Xue. She can’t let Zhang Xue compete for her position in Lingyun’s heart. She is willing to let the wind dance rank ahead of her.
Zhang Xue doesn’t know the true age of Fengwu. It seems that they are about the same age. This elder sister is very true.
The main reason is that the relationship between the two people was very good before, and they almost became girlfriends, and they almost might be bound to Jin Lan.
Moreover, Zhang Xue doesn’t have the concept of monogamy in his mind, so he doesn’t have the shame of recognizing himself as a mistress.
But two women and horses are going to sleep with the same man, which makes Zhang Xue feel very strange.
Zhang Xuexin is also not ready for this.
In other Zhang Xue’s mind, I don’t think it’s a problem. Getting used to polygamy is much better than wind dancing.
Zhang Xueji, who has a unified woman’s thinking and thinks that her husband is a day, will not object to Lingyun’s things. Lingyun is whatever he says.
In Zhang Xue’s view, she must be in the same room as Feng Wu. Lingyun arranged for her to accept it.
After that "elder sister" shouted out, Zhang Xue felt no embarrassment.
When I heard Zhang Xue calling her sister’s head, there was still some confusion. Zhang Xue replied, "Good sister."
Fengwu feels a little unnatural, but she doesn’t answer as if she hates Zhang Xue, and she doesn’t know what to say except this sister Fengwu.
Zhang Xue seemed to see the wind dance and said, "Lingyun … What happened to my husband?"
At this time, Zhang Xue also finished lifting his skull, which is no longer in the corner.
Two girls as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade got up and walked beside Lingyun.
Actually, Zhang Xue knew Lingyun was drunk without asking.
It’s alcohol when Lingyun comes into the room. She asked yes. It’s too embarrassing to change the subject and dance in the wind.
Together, the two girls put their hands on the table and Lingyun helped them back in the chair.
Looking at Lingyun and closing her eyes, both girls know that Lingyun must be unable to wake up tonight.
The original wind dance also hoped that Lingyun would get drunk and not wake up, but now the wind dance hopes that Lingyun will be awake.
It’s weird and embarrassing to have her and Zhang Xue in the room. Before talking, I had a lot to say to Zhang Xue. Now I can’t say a word to Zhang Xue, and I don’t know what I should say.
Fortunately, it wasn’t long before I remembered knocking at the door outside. Zhang Xue’s personal servant Tweety shouted at the door, "Miss, I brought ginger soup to my children."
It is Xu Fu and others who let people wake up the wine and ginger soup after leaving the horse. How can they watch Lingyun get drunk and not wake up?
Outside the door, except to send ginger Tang Cuier, Chui Fu Zhang Tong and others are all smiling one by one.
In particular, Zhang Tong has quietly told Xu Fu several people to wait for Lingyun.
Yu Chui Fu Li Hai several people are reserved is nodded without his own ideas.
When the door opened, Zhang Tongyin disappeared, and several people hid at the door without letting Zhang Xue see it.
Zhang Xue took the ginger soup from Tweety and the door opened again.
With ginger soup Zhang Xue spoon bite by bite to lingyun.
Because Lingyun was asleep, he drank slowly and flowed out while feeding into his mouth.
A bowl of ginger soup took less than half an hour for Lingyun Department to drink.
Zhang Xue took a few mouthfuls and a few mouthfuls for a change of wind and dance.
There is such a thing to do, even if I don’t know what to talk about with Zhang Xue, I feel much better than before.
Chapter 196 Can’t put it on.
After being filled with a bowl of ginger soup, Lingyun finally opened his eyes.
With his eyes open, Lingyun felt very dizzy, and then two beautiful faces appeared in front of him.
It’s fuzzy. Lingyun still feels beautiful.
"It’s strange how the wind dance has become two heads." Lingyun thought that he wanted to stretch out his hand and touch it to see which face was real, but he felt a pain in his head and fell asleep when he lifted his hand to half Lingyun.
This time, I really pretended that the blurred face finally became clear before Lingyun lifted his hand. Lingyun saw the two faces in front of him, one was dancing in the wind and the other was Zhang Xue.
Lingyun heart dark scold chui fook is not already told him how to send yourself to the wind dance room Zhang Xue also appeared here.
Lingyun didn’t tell others that Feng Wu and Zhang Xue were not in the same room.
Whether Huang Pusong or other people in the state animal husbandry house are arranged according to one room.
Moreover, Lingyun also marries two women at the same time. Many people think that Lingyun likes to sleep with three people.
Men think that the maids in Lingyun’s romantic mansion always blush here and feel that Lingyun is not serious.
According to their ideas and learning from predecessors’ practices, they all arrange a room.

For Ziyan, the whole process is simple, just like listening to other people’s stories. There is no danger at all. In fact, she can be famous in the underworld and have great fighting ability with her.

Finally, it is impossible for Qing Ji to dig out any wind and waves. This charming woman with pink Se skin is really ferocious now. Her face is full of blood, and then she feels beautiful. In fact, she has accepted her fate, but she is still struggling to resist because she doesn’t know what else to do except resist.
Looking at the purple Yan face calmly attacked her again and again at a certain moment, she finally gave birth to some regrets.
Before and after the purple Yan fought side by side, she was very purple Yan. How could those people be purple Yan opponents? Throw everything away, don’t talk about combat power and wisdom in combat. It’s simply outrageous! She has always felt that being the enemy of Ziyan is actually a very sad thing, because everyone looks so weak in front of Ziyan’s strength.
But since then, I have become the enemy of Ziyan? This time in the face of purple Yan is no longer someone else but herself …
Before, she felt sad for her opponent, and now it’s her turn. Who came to feel sad for her?
Sad? !
No! Since the moment when she decided to betray Purple Yan after careful consideration, she never thought about sadness.
At that time, she thought that herself, Louis and Xiong were not much weaker than Zi Yan, and it was a piece of cake to kill Zi Yan. After killing Zi Yan, she could get many, many reading opportunities, such as the status of a volume of Twelve Volumes of Monty’s Work … The most important thing was that she sat on the biggest mountain after bringing down Zi Yan, and she was no longer comfortable.
At that time, all she thought about was stepping on the body of Ziyan.
Just before today, she was successful. Even if Zi Yan came back, even if Y and N died, Louis, she still felt that she could kill Zi Yan completely with her existing advantages. Her mentality had already changed unconsciously, and she could look down on Zi Yan from a commanding height.
And her greatest reliance is not on Lan Xuan, but on her real strength.
She is very confident that she can defeat Ziyan alone!
This confidence comes from reading the article "Twelve Volumes of Monty’s Skill", in which the practice of dragon wings and fierce fighting demons are all at a loss, but after initial confusion, she suddenly realized something, and then she will learn it without moving Se, making it the key for her to quickly improve her strength.
It’s the eye of heaven!
One-on-one, she beat ZiYan, but two-on-two she and Lan Xuan lost badly instead …
After all, her cooperation with Lan Xuan is not as tacit as that between Zi Yan and the small celestial body, and she and Lan Xuan didn’t expect that the small celestial body would have such amazing means.
"bang! ! !”
Qing Ji was hit again. Black at the moment almost fainted.
In a daze, watching ZiYan attack again, she suddenly remembered the current events that she just decided to join ZiYan camp many years ago.
At that time, Zi Yan, who had just saved her, sat side by side with her at the top of a mountain and looked at the horizon. "I don’t like men because I look down on their strength. They naturally dominate women in this world, so they should be their vassals … Even the least man in this world will pretend to be the pillar of his family in front of his woman. Everyone thinks this is a man’s world."
Qing Ji looked at Ziyan’s side face with great interest and asked, "Isn’t it?"
Purple Yan didn’t turn to look at Qing Ji, but looked at the distant world and smiled. "I know that from now on, I am stronger than a man I have ever contacted. I don’t know when I formed such a lattice, but I am afraid that this life will not change. I want this world to bind me no longer. I want to stand in my way. Previous people, both men and women, worship at my feet."
Qing Ji, who was struck by lightning, knew for the first time that Zi Yan had such a heart, and at that time she felt ashamed. "Sister’s ambition is so great."
Violet Yan immediately shook his head. "This is not an ambition, but it’s just a matter of heart. But don’t worry, Qing Mei, I will treat one of my own people, especially women with sincerity. You respect me a foot and I respect you less. If I have a good day, I will never let one of my own people suffer."
Purple Yan is a strange promise, but one thing is really important, that is, once you are with Purple Yan, Purple Yan will not be the first to abandon her hand, which means that she is not afraid of being betrayed by Purple Yan.
Qing Ji would have been tempted to continue to seriously look at the purple Yan, waiting for the purple Yan to personally attract it.
And Ziyan did not disappoint her, and soon she said again, "So, Qingmei, are you willing to fight for our own world in this man’s world with your sister?"
Yesterday, Ri’s words are still ringing in my ears, but now they have reached an irreversible step, and what will happen is that she took the lead in rebellion …
Qing Ji heard a soup and felt a huge force enter her cranial cavity through the skull, and she completely lost consciousness.
Purple Yan finally stopped. She shot Qing Ji, but left her body.
Then, without hesitation, she collected the ninety thousand bodies of Qing Ji and fled to the distance together.
During the flight, she directly praised 90,000 "90,000!"
"Hehe" At this time, 90,000 is a little embarrassed. "Where’s Sister Ziyan and my brother?"
"Wait, I’ll call him."
"Hey, how’s it going?" Purple Yan immediately asked Xiao, who was floating in the brain, to ask the soul.
"I still have no idea. Can you help me?"
"All right, you go to the soul mark now and let’s work together."
All this has been finished. Purple Yan is very easy for ninety thousand people to take flying places and put all J and jīng gods in their heads. Isn’t it a piece of cake that she wants to get Xiao Wen’s soul back?
Then a cup of tea passed without success …
A stick of incense has gone, but it hasn’t succeeded yet …
Two hours later, 90,000 people have stopped in a valley with them, and they still haven’t succeeded …
"I’ll go! Can you do it or not? " Xiao asked the first unbearable angry tunnel
"What does this have to do with the old niang? You can’t come back now and depend on me? !” In fact, purple Yan has long been guilty. At this time, she can roar back with folded arms.
Sure enough, Xiao asked. "Didn’t you call me first before I came to help? !”