When … When did the dog dare to be so arrogant in front of Daikin’s main force?

This ~ this is simply unbearable.
Especially ~ If the situation is so tough, it will generally wipe out Li Yuanqing, the son of a bitch, and take Li Yuanqing’s dog’s head directly. Is this a feat to cover the sky?
Thinking about Duo Duo’s chest and abdomen, my mind just wants to burst.
This is really cool.
Hosts straight from Li Yuanqing this bastard head!
Even the old dead fat is bound to Duo Duo sit up and take notice of him.
But Duo Duo also knows that he’s a few catties and two ounces. Isn’t it silly to go directly to the top with his little things? Busy to look aside, May Dourgen.
Dourgen naturally saw Duo Duo’s excitement, and the flame was almost oozing out. His eyes were cold and he gave Duo Duo a bad look.
Duo Duo said something, but at this time, how dare he refute that his brother can bite his teeth and fall in love with her?
Look at Duo Duo’s honesty. Dourgen also relaxed a little in his heart and turned his attention to the battle of Changsheng Camp in front.
Li Yuanqing this fellow … It is bold.
How dare you be so arrogant in front of the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people who are the main force of Daikin? This is simply a living face.
But …
Sadly ~ Li Yuanqing is so arrogant, but Daikin’s side is … but it is slow to react …
Can be watching Li Yuanqing throw its weight around here …
If khan armagh sees this …
Dourgen some pain closed his eyes in the heart silently way "Li Yuanqing this thief in addition to daikin even Yongning day that …"
Opposite Pinggu Xichengtou
Looking at Li Yuanqing Changsheng Camp, the main force has approached the Houjin military camp. After two miles, 8 Jin J has been slow to respond. At that time, Sun Chengzong’s heart also has some unspeakable thread …
He has long known and heard of Li Yuanqing’s power for several times, and he has personally checked Li Yuanqing’s reported merits for many times, but this is the first time he really saw Li Yuanqing’s power in front of Tatar …
You know, at present, there are more than 100,000 main forces in the post-8 Jin J.
They just wreaked havoc in the hinterland of the Grand Capital, and they were invincible. The military dared to face their sharp edges, but at this moment …
At this time, under the nose of slave chieftain Huang Taiji, Li Yuanqing, a nobleman and nobleman, was so arrogant that he had to beat them alive, and Jin did not respond at all …
Sun Chengzong simply didn’t know what to say …
In his life, he can see Li Yuanqing personally leading the war, especially under his nose. If Li Yuanqing can win this war again, then he will die in Sun Chengzong ~ ~ ~ What a pity!
He has been worthy of the love of the emperor and the support of the court …
"Yuan Qing, you must hold on, you must hold on!"
Sun Chengzong also knows that he can’t do anything at this time, but he can silently hold up his spirits and not live in his heart. Come on, Li Yuanqing.
Pray for gods from all walks of life, pray for buddhas to make Li Yuanqing survive this war and erect their spines!
Next to Sun Chengzong.
Zu Dashou is also looking at the front like a red torrent. The battle of the eternal life camp is that the north wind has blown his forehead hair into his eyes, but he is like a milli-reaction.
The first-line generals in Liaoning Province were born and raised in Liaoning Province, and Liaoning Province has long been inseparable. No one knows the nature of Tatars better than Zu Dashou.
They are just a group of hungry wolves.
But …
This group of hungry wolves is dumb in front of Li Yuanqing at this time …
If it weren’t for him, Zu Dashou personally saw and felt this scene. If there were QinBing who dared to report the battlefield situation to him, 8 Jin J actually faced Li Yuanqing’s dumb fire. He even directly wanted to open his mouth and smoke this QinBing alive!
It’s impossible because of this one
How is that possible?
How can the post-Jin Jun Feng Rui or the main force Feng Rui be dumb in front of the army?
This doesn’t make sense!
This mother must have lied about her military situation and boasted about her exploits!
But at this point …
The living reality is right in front of him. What can Zu Dashou say? What else can I say?
Li Yuanqing’s power has actually …
Zu Dashou feels burning and painful.
They are all troops.
He’s a descendant of Zu Ti, the God of Wei Lian Tian Army, behind the door, but … It was Li Yuanqing who was born in the mud soup with mud legs …
Even Li Yuanqing has to be named Bo for this service …
Even if Li Yuanqing didn’t win this campaign, it’s really not a loss to rely on this majestic momentum to be like Optimus Prime stone.
If you count Li Yuanqing’s achievements over the years …
Next to Zu Dale, he naturally noticed that his eldest brother’s facial expression was not very good, especially that he himself was very uncomfortable. His two eyelids were almost as excited as taking spring medicine.
Li Yuanqing, this son of a bitch, is a poor bastard. Why does he have such great power? Why should he?
This power belongs to their famous stepmother’s family.

The doctor shook his head. "It’s not the pregnant woman, it’s the fetus."

Essence clenched her fingers and looked a little ugly. Han Zhaoxue pressed her shoulder to calm her mood and asked, "Is the child malnourished? The doctor also said that our family is also trying to help my wife recuperate."
The doctor sighed deeply and handed him the test results. "I just did a four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound for Mrs. Han and the results of fetal echocardiography were not very optimistic." The doctor paused. "I suspect that the fetus in Mrs. Han’s stomach is likely to suffer from congenital heart disease."
The color in essence’s face faded instantly, and almost immediately retorted, "Impossible!"
Han Zhaoxue’s face is not good-looking, but he is still much calmer than Essence. "Is there something wrong with the doctor’s diagnosis? My wife and I are both in good health and there is no history of heart disease in my family." Han Zhaoxue paused again and again at the thought of Essence’s adoption status. "In this case, my child’s chance of getting heart disease should be small?"
The doctor pondered and asked, "It is reasonable to say that if neither family has a history of heart disease, the possibility of fetal illness is very low, but … Mrs. Han, did you suffer from influenza during pregnancy?"
Essence brain is a mess. Hearing the doctor’s question, I suddenly remembered that I had found out that I had pneumonia before pregnancy, and my face turned white when I brushed it.
As soon as the doctor saw her, he knew that he had guessed something, but he didn’t say anything exciting. The essence was euphemistic: "The city hospital has newly imported a batch of foreign medical equipment, and you may be able to go there to check it again, but the results should not be too different."
When Essence came out of the hospital, she suddenly fell to the ground with a soft foot. Fortunately, Han Zhaoxue has been paying attention to her and pulled people into her arms. She said with a gloomy face, "Are you killing yourself!"
Chapter 9 induced labor vs differences
Essence at a loss seems to have just woken up from the doctor’s words. She grabbed Han Zhaoxue’s arm and suddenly cried. "It’s all me. If I’m not sick, I won’t make it unhealthy because of me …"
She beat her chest and cried like she was going to vent her anguish. She cried so loudly that Han Zhaoxue’s heart was torn into a ball. This child, who was expected by two people together, felt no better than Essence.
He barely suppressed his emotions, holding the essence and patting her back and whispered, "Maybe they checked wrong. The doctor also said that it is possible to get sick, but it may not be sick. Let’s find a few more."
He can’t believe what he says. This hospital is the best obstetrics and gynecology hospital in the city, and the doctors are also the best. Since they have all been diagnosed, there is no possibility of making mistakes.
Essence also knows that she is even more sad. If possible, she is willing to change her health to change her child’s health.
Essence was finally brought home by Han Zhaoxue’s car. After returning home, he directly told his family about the inspection results. This kind of thing can’t hide from the family. Everyone should be prepared.
Korea’s mother got red eyes when she heard it on the spot, and she was distressed by the essence and the fact that she was not born yet. Sun Han’s father comforted her for a long time and did not get better. Han Zhaolin’s look was not good, or she comforted her mother and said that heart disease is not an incurable disease now that medicine is so developed.
Han Zhaoxue sipped her lips and sat there without saying a word.
Han’s mother calmed down a little before rubbing her eyes and asking Han Zhaoxue, "What did Dr. Zhaoxue say?"
"The doctor said that the child can be diagnosed with heart disease at present, but it is not sure how serious it is. If he is lucky, he may be missing less. In this case, he may be self-healing and cooperate with the treatment. If it is serious …" He paused. "It may take long-term surgical treatment, and some people may not live for one year."
He remembered what the doctor said to him behind his back. He knew what the doctor meant. Many families would choose to induce labor when the child was found out before birth. When the child was born to suffer, it would be better to end it before it was still an embryo.
Korea’s mother heard the tears again, and her eyes were red. "Do you really want to abort this child? Would Mr.zhou like it? What if the child is not so sick? That’s our Korean family’s grandson …"
Han Zhaoxue has always been a decisive person, but when the doctor gave this advice, he hesitated. The Han family was not short of money or energy to take care of a sick child. He was worried that if the child was very ill and had feelings for the child by the time he lost him, could he and Bai Su bear the pain of losing it? If it was doomed, he would let misfortune continue to make sense. He knew what he should choose, but his heart was aching. Yeah, just like his mother said it was his child, his first child.
At the moment, he didn’t know that Essence had sneaked out of the room and looked pale on the stairs. Listening to his remarks, his heart sank to the abyss …
Just when Han Zhaoxue hesitated to decide, Bai Suyin suddenly came to "I want to give it birth"
Her voice is not loud, but her texture is divine. Her bloodshot eyes look straight at Han Zhaoxue. "Even if it lives for a year or a month, I will be born. I have no relatives. I will never abort it and never allow anyone to hurt it."
Han Zhao-xue’s face sank when his mother’s eyes were red, and he was regarded as an enemy after the words in the essence. He didn’t say that he would abort the child, but the essence seemed to be sure that he would do so, which made him very angry.
He endured his anger and said, "Are you, are you it? Have you ever thought that it may be suffering from illness and selfishness in its short life!"
"Yes, in your eyes, I will always be selfish and mean." Essence’s tears fell down and she was hoarse. "But even if it is unbearable, I want to keep my child. What makes you end its life? If it is Xu Anyan in front of you today, would you still say so? You can’t wait to think about her everywhere."
Han Zhaoxue changed his face and bit his back molar with a black face. "What are you talking about?"
"You know what I said!" Essence is hysterical because of the excitement. "Do you think that if the child doesn’t have you, you can leave me alone and continue to be her escort? Delusion! I will never do as you wish! "
Han Zhaoxue was mad at her thinking. He couldn’t figure out how the clever essence who was so sensible on weekdays could become like this today and who told her Xu Anyan … Suddenly Han Zhaoxue laid his eyes on Han Zhaolin.
Han Zhaolin made a tingle and looked at his brother’s stare. His fierce eyes were suddenly blinded by this. What does it have to do with him …
"Mr.zhou, you calm down." Korea’s mother felt that the mood of essence was not quite right, and quickly comforted her. "No one wants to abort the child. That’s how my little granddaughter is willing to give up her mother’s love for you. Why can’t she be nice to you this day?"
Said and began to cry. Two women in the family cried and worried. Three men were present. Han’s father scolded Han Zhaoxue and held Han’s mother’s little comfort. Han Zhaolin coaxed the essence and held her back to the room first. Han Zhaoxue was left alone in the living room and kicked over the trash can.
After the day of induced labor, no one contacted Han’s mother specially to know the old military doctor, check the body of Essence and try to recuperate.
Han Zhaoxue and Essence have had a cold war since that day, or rather, Essence’s unilateral suspicion. Every time she was with Han Zhaoxue, she became particularly sensitive. Once when Essence was around, Xu Anyan suddenly called, Essence’s mood changed, and they had a quarrel and finally broke up.
Pregnant essence becomes suspicious and emotionally unstable. Han Zhaoxue is tortured and upset, and she is more and more unwilling to go home. Sometimes she would rather stay in the company for one night than go back to face Essence with a pair of "you are hurting my child" eyes.
Chapter 1 Brother Zhao Xue I’m sorry
He comforted himself not to dispute with a woman. What’s worse, the woman or his wife was angry with her. She hurt her child and suffered.
In two months, Essence will have a baby, and then talk calmly.
He is a rational man, but sometimes not everything can be handled rationally. For example, when he feels the fetal movement in his belly and feels the little life beating in his palm, he will also be full of expectations.
It’s Mid-Autumn Festival, and he hasn’t been back for several days. Han Zhaoxue is going to go home after finishing all the work at hand. He bought some gifts and wanted to coax Essence. He actually hates her crying, but then slowly he finds that he hates her unhappiness more than Essence cries.
Sometimes the midnight dream comes back to the girl who smiled sweetly at him with toffee and a pair of crescent moons. He will always miss her for a long time.
When the work was almost finished, the mobile phone suddenly rang. He was Han’s mother and urged him to come again. As a result, he picked it up and turned out to be Xu Anyan.
After his marriage, he has avoided meeting Xu Anyan again, but I don’t know if he avoided Xu Anyan too deliberately. On the contrary, he contacted him more frequently than before. In fact, it was only a month. Sometimes he talked to him, and sometimes he complained that Mu Yunze was not considerate, especially chatting. But since that time, he rarely picked up Xu Anyan’s words because of a quarrel with Essence. Sometimes he saw it and turned the phone directly to mute, which made it ring so loudly that it was almost two months since he remembered it.
Han Zhaoxue stared at the screen for a while and didn’t answer it after all.
But this call hung up soon after Xu Anyan came again. Han Zhaoxue frowned and then pressed the answer.
"Brother Zhao Xue, can you pick me up?"
Xu Anyan sounds a little drunk and there is a noisy background around. The music doesn’t sound like she usually goes in and out. It sounds a little harsh.
He frowned and took his mobile phone away. "Have you been drinking?"
Xu Anyan smiled gently. "I’m happy for the holiday today, so I drank a little. Can’t I drink it at home and not at home?"
Han Zhaoxue was silent for a while. He knows something about Xu Anyan’s family. Aunt Xu has been strict with Xu Anyan since she was a child. After the death of Xu’s eldest sister, this kind of strictness has been somewhat aggravated. It is difficult for him to evaluate other people’s family affairs. Maybe every family education method is different.
"I’ll call Yun Ze and ask him to pick you up."

While walking, Yi Qingbian said, "Tiangong police is a family, especially the criminal police who often go out and run around. Since there is a criminal police team, of course, they are looking for our criminal police."

Go into the criminal police team and find captain Li on duty to say what he came for.
When Captain Li heard that he was looking for Chen You San immediately, he asked, "What’s wrong with this Chen Yousan?"
Yi Qing replied, "That’s not mainly because he has business dealings with our Song Hongjun. Now that Song Hongjun has been killed, we need to find this Chen Yousan to know something."
Captain Li said, "This Chen Yousan nicknamed Big Mouth Three is a three-day thief who doesn’t break the house and has a big mouth. He dares to say that cowhide can blow the sky or how to call it Big Mouth Three."
Xiao Wei asked, "I heard that he is wandering in the street?"
The captain disdained to answer, "He is not a bad boy at best, but he is good at bluffing and scaring a foreigner. This guy is a troublemaker. He is either blackmailing this or blackmailing the station every three days."
But I haven’t seen anyone these days. I say, since you’re looking for him, you’re probably hiding again. "
Yi Qing said, "To tell you the truth, we didn’t know anything about Chen Yousan. We just wanted to ask him about Song Hongjun. There’s another situation I want to tell you. One is that a corpse with bones was found in our place, and the source of the corpse has not been found yet.
As far as we know, this Chen Yousan has been to Pengcheng a few days ago, but we can’t confirm whether this body is Chen Yousan’s. He also wants to find his family and take a blood sample to identify one. "
Captain Li said in surprise, "Mouth three is dead?"
"I can’t confirm this, but it is possible that even if it is not him, we should have something with him. We want to investigate this Chen Yousan in detail."
Captain Li thought for a moment and said, "Then I’ll call our investigator Chen Peng. He is familiar with Dazui San, and he is the one who handled the protection extortion case."
Then he picked up the words and said, "Let Chen Peng come to my office."
Ps: Friends, I’m Jin Yugong. I recommend a novel app to support novels, listening, advertisements and various reading modes. Please note WeChat WeChat official account dazhudu (long press for three seconds to copy). Please note it quickly!
Chapter 336, Night Detective Crown Nightclub
In a short time, a very capable young man appeared in front of everyone. Captain Li introduced this as Chen Peng.
Captain Li said, "These are policemen from North China who are looking for Dazui San. I know you are familiar with Dazui San. Please introduce yourself."
Chen Peng took one look at Yi Qing and Xiao Wei, two people smiled and said, "This big mouth is Yunbai, a rotten boy is a street thug. In Yunbai at ordinary times, he often bullies a foreign businessman to collect some protection and deal with him at both ends for three days. Don’t make a big mistake. I don’t think he has the guts to say anything big."
Yi Qing wants to ask the question more directly "where are the Chen You three? Where do you usually live? "
Chen Peng replied, "Big mouth, three parents are living in the shed area over there in Twist Land, but this Chen Yousan doesn’t live there. Come to think of it, go back and have a look."
Others have a suite in the family courtyard of the Education Commission in the street, and they don’t know whether to rent or buy it. "
Yi Qing then asked, "Do you know who has been seeing more people in Sanhe, Chen You recently? Is there anything unusual? "
Chen Peng replied, "Recently, I heard that he was close to a foreigner named Song who made decorative materials. It is estimated that he wants to get somebody else’s money again."
By the way, this foreigner named Song seems to be Zhongbei. "
Yi Qing nodded and said, "You’re right. His name is Song Hongjun. He’s from Pengcheng, North China. Who else is Chen Yousan familiar with besides Song Hongjun?"
Chen Peng replied, "Chen Yousan has a horse, whose name is Ali. I really don’t know if it’s a lady who sits on the stage. Who knows if the name is true or not?"
Yi Qingyi listened to the spirit and asked, "Can we find this Ali now?"
"This Ali is sitting in Yunbai Crown nightclub, but now she can’t be found at this point. Generally, they go to that class late. Who knows where the cat sleeps during the day? If you want to find her, I’ll take you there after seven o’clock in the evening."
"That’s good," Yi Qing stood up and said, "Officer Chen, I’ll trouble you. I’ll come to the office to find you at seven o’clock in the evening, so I’ll give you a hard trip."
Chen Peng replied, "If Interpol is a family, we should help you. Maybe when will we meet you in the north of China? We should be polite and look after each other all day."
When the appointment was made, Yi Qing and Xiao Wei had a temporary leisure time with the criminal police, and they turned around in Yunbai County to appreciate the local conditions and customs of this southern town.
At seven o’clock in the evening, Yi Qing and two people arrived at Interpol’s Fourth Squadron on time, and Chen Peng has been waiting for them here.
Meet three people immediately rushed to the "crown nightclub" located in the river.
At the door, Chen Peng said, "Many people here know me. It’s not convenient for me to go in if I want to find someone."
Xiao Wei puzzled and asked, "What do you know about this Ali?"
Chen Peng laughed. "There are a lot of powder addicts in this place. I don’t necessarily know them, but many of them know me. I guess I’ll hide almost as soon as I get in. You can’t ask anything and no one can find them."
Yi Qing answered, "Just do as Officer Chen said. We’ll go in and find Ali. Once we find Xiaoxiao, you’ll come out and call Officer Chen. Do you think this is good?"

Then all his efforts will be in vain.

Fortunately, the wings of the evocation butterfly moved
Then take off.
Chu Yun’s eyes lit up, and it felt as sweet as my mother stuffing a piece of candy through the door when she was first in a dark room.
Take back the vortex nine sinai body.
Chu Yun hurriedly behind evocation butterfly.
Shuttle up in the forest
But the direction is to go back.
Don’t … Chu Yun heart rises a guess.
This guess will be confirmed soon.
Chu Yun came to an orphanage and said that the orphanage was just established after Kyubi no Youko’s invasion. It was full of children who had lost their parents.
When Chu Yun saw that evocation butterfly land on a little guy with blond hair and a moustache on both sides.
Chu Yun knew this guy was Naruto Vortex.
Chu Yun was also present at the ceremony of Vortex Naruto becoming a pillar of strength, and soon understood why.
On that day, the life of Vortex Jiusinai will do its best for four generations, and the remaining chakra department of Vortex Jiusinai will be sealed in Naruto through the hexagram seal.
"chakra really has a soul."
Chu Yun had this guess when the skeleton soldiers could change the nature of chakra, and now the whole guess has been confirmed again.
But how to separate chakra from the hexagram seal?
The eye of the dead opens a spiritual thread to link Naruto’s body.
Chu Yun appeared in Naruto’s soul world for a moment.
The eye is an iron prison.
This iron prison is much smaller than the one in Xinjiunai, and it is also somewhat different.
There is also a huge ball in Xinjiunai’s cell with wooden stakes made of spells stuck on it.
Kyubi no Youko was originally fixed on a sphere, and his tail was covered with stakes and tied with chains. It was miserable.
There is a sleeping baby lying outside the iron prison of Ming people.
Inside the iron prison, Kyubi no Youko was lying in a ferocious face.
Chu Yun appeared here at the moment when Kyubi no Youko raised his ears and stared at Chu Yun as they practiced.
In the soul world, Chu Yun’s eyes are the eyes of the dead.
Full of evil spirits, cold and fierce
Even if Kyubi no Youko saw it, he could not help but be attracted by it and attached great importance to it.
"Evil eyes. Who are you?"
Chu Yun spasm I metempsychosis saw Kyubi no Youko when Kyubi no Youko came.
Maybe this guy has a psychological shadow because of carrying soil?
"Good evening, Nine Lamas. Don’t get too excited. I just came for a walk."
"I’m not interested in how I know your name, whether it’s you or Liudao or tsutsuki Hamura."
"I just came to see this cage … your new home. Feel free."
Chu Yun laughed and then looked at this hexagram seal I, and Chu Yun’s dead eyes directly destroyed the soul world of four generations of Huo Ying, thus solving this seal. Obviously, this life can’t be that way.
Where is the chakra seal of Vortex Nine Sinatra?
Chu Yun looked at the seal to find it.
Kyubi no Youko was stunned by the amount of information that Chu Yun said with his mouth.
Then roared, "Don’t be too arrogant! Tell me how you know these things! Otherwise … "
Yo, I’m curious, right? I just want to make you curious, but I just don’t tell you that Chu Yun is smiling and admiring the cage … Hmm … Kyubi no Youko’s new home is watching late-night welfare movies. Please note WeChat WeChat official account ok Shadow Paradise.
Chapter one hundred and thirty Thinking about small objects of death
Kyubi no Youko went crazy, chakra overflowed the cage and slept outside, so Naruto was affected. I don’t know if he had a nightmare or felt the evil chakra when his parents left that day.
Anyway, I just started crying
"Good boy" Chu Yun tried to make his voice amiable.


The third volume I have sold my soul to the ghost zhaojie Zeus … conspiracy exhibition.
The third volume I have sold my soul to ghosts and gods] zhaojie Zeus … conspiracy exhibition
Zhaojie Zeus … Conspiracy Exhibition
"Call yourself a protoss?" Ordinary cabin old Kaiōshin barely open your eyes curious way
"They were also created by Gaia, but they sludge Gaia’s forced absorption of human beliefs on the planet, which led to Gaia’s gradual fall."
Old Kaiōshin’s chrysanthemum-like face wrinkled slightly. "If it’s like what you said, then this race is really too much to even let go of his mother … but I don’t think they can dominate Sun Wu. Although that guy is simple, the people around him are not stupid!"
Old Kaiōshin didn’t believe in himself, and zhaojie was not in a hurry. Instead, he asked, "Old Kaiōshin, what is my strength in your eyes?"
"You?" Old Kaiōshin looked at zhaojie’s eyes and flashed a light. "Your strength has been firmly in the position of the first legion in the universe, but I am afraid it is not as good as those who have almost realized the super three Saiyans."
Zhaojie smiled indifferently. "Thank you, old Kaiōshin. Why don’t you call a soldier to fight with me?"
"You said before that you came from another plane earth?" Also love to laugh obesity west king suddenly mouth way
"That’s right"
"Well, why don’t you let me have a sparerib meal with you?"
Next to the tall East Boundary King, looking at the slightly active body, zhaojie is king of the North Boundary. "Hey, do you think this earth has a small strength?"
"Since you are from the earth, you must not be weaker than ribs-rice, right?"
East boundary king hey hey say with smile "I think he is far less than ribs-rice! Although ribs-rice can’t beat the magic man Buou, it was even against Sun Wu that year! "
North Kaiō’s small eyes are going round and round. "So what about the East King?"
East boundary king frank way "no problem! What do you say I bet on ribs and rice to win! "
"Just bet on 100,000 king coins!"
When communicating with North Kaiō, zhaojie made himself more eloquent. He once showed some strength, which gave North Kaiō a certain confidence, so he chose to gamble with the East King.
Soon they came to a circular field of warfare. The whole field of warfare was made of special materials and could withstand strong bombardment. Kaiōshin and others stopped quietly in the viewing room.
The center of the warfare field is 1×1, and the delicate and emaciated zhaojie and the green skin ribs-rice are far away from each other.
The ribs-rice is tall and full of green skin and muscles. Wearing a white robe, it looks imposing. Before fighting, he looks puzzled and looks at Zhao Jiedao. "Are you sure you want to fight with me, young lady?" I’m not used to receiving force in combat. "
Zhaojie laughed. "No problem, even though you are the most powerful. If I can’t beat you, you will definitely give up."
The ribs-rice nodded at once. "In that case, here I am!"
Said the body in zhaojie pupil instantaneous disappear again has been less than one meter apart from zhaojie blow out!
He only lost three components of this punch. This man’s theory of human kindness, zhaojie, can never easily exert a powerful force on a’ woman’ no matter how he says it.
Zhaojie responded that a vine more than one meter thick had stood in front of two people.
"oh! ?” A kind of boundary king and Kaiōshin expressed surprise at the same time. A second ago, they had not seen this tentacle plant that looked like an octopus!
Ghost vine crashing broken green juice sputtering ribs-rice fist didn’t stop and continued to rush to zhaojie.
But before his fist reached zhaojie, his forehead was held back by an orange pistol.
Floating bomb!
Zhao Jie pulled the trigger and the ribs-rice head immediately leaned back like a sledgehammer wheel, and at the same time, the body flew in!

"Baby, let’s go help dad now and then save my brother together. Do you know where my brother was taken?"

Shen Qiqi asked while holding Jun Xuan and sweeping in the direction of Jun Yang.
"I don’t know," Jun Xuan shook his head, "but I can sense that my brother is not far from us now."
After listening to Jun Xuan’s words, Shen Qiqi gave a "Brother, where are we going to save him?"
"Don’t go to help dad first" Jun Xuan said calmly with Shen Qiqi’s ear "My brother didn’t go to help dad in advance now"
Didn’t ask what Shen Qiqi chose to believe in his own son.
Mother didn’t hesitate to write a letter, which warmed Jun Xuan’s heart. "Mother, don’t worry. My brother told me that he is very safe now, so let’s not worry."
"How do you know?"
Shen Qiqi raises eyebrows
"this is a secret between my brother and me."
Jun Xuan said slyly
Shen Qiqi was laughed at by his appearance, and the original worries in his heart disappeared because of this smile. Chapter 5 can’t believe it.
"Mother dad is in front," said Jun Xuan, pointing to the road ahead.
This road is not the same as when Shen Qiqi came.
But Shen Qiqi is willing to believe him conditionally.
Shen Qiqi, a short road, has seen his own extraordinary place.
A wall that looked plain, he suddenly told Shen Qiqi seriously, "This bet is organic in the wall."
Shen 771 tried to find it really organic.
In this way, Jun Xuan pointed out that Shen Qiqi had a thrilling escape from many machines.
This time, Jun Xuan said to let Shen Qiqi go another way, and Shen Qiqi did it without hesitation.
It wasn’t long before Shen Qiqi heard the fight.
The stone chamber is still the original stone chamber, but the appearance is not the same as when Shen Qiqi left.
At this time, the whole stone room was in a mess and broken walls was everywhere.
And the original arrogant dragon is angry at the moment and is struggling to survive on the ground.
Junyang and thyme Haoran both saw blood, but thyme Haoran was even more embarrassed. His sleeve was gone and his mouth was still bleeding.
Jun Yang’s clothes also looked shabby, but Shen Qiqi didn’t see any scars, and he obviously belonged to the superior side in the battle with Baili Haoran.
Shen Qiqi didn’t breathe a sigh of relief. She carefully protected Jun Xuan from being swept aside and carefully stared at Jun Yang’s figure. She was afraid that he accidentally caught a hundred miles of awe-inspiring way.
Thyme Haoran obviously noticed the arrival of Shen Qiqi, and when he saw her arms, Jun Xuan’s eyes paused, and the whole person became more gloomy.
At this time, he suddenly attacked Junyang Junyang with a step. When Junyang was busy dealing with it, his right hand suddenly rose slightly and aimed at Shen Qiqi and Jun Xuan not far away.
At the same time, "sou" a small arrow in his sleeve flew out, and the arrow flashed blue and cold, which was very poisoned.
At this time, Jun Yang’s fist has reached him, and he hastily dodged one side, and his arrow missed a little.
The original is facing Shen Qiqi’s eyebrows, and the arrow is aimed at Shen Qiqi’s arms because of a small deviation.
"Be careful on July 7th"
Jun Yang noticed the poisonous arrow flying to Shen Qiqi’s mother. He drank a lot and flew towards them at the same time, trying to block the poisonous arrow for them.
Thyme Haoran naturally won’t let him get his wish. His previous step was five fingers into a claw, and at the same time, his sharp nails grew out and grabbed Jun Yang’s shoulder.
Jun Yang’s heart is filled with Shen Qiqi and Jun Xuan’s natural leisure time, so he might as well be caught by Thyme Haoran’s shoulder, and his long sharp nails directly pierced his flesh and blood directly burst out.
Junyang grabbed the shoulder with one hand and a short body with one hand, then pulled forward conveniently and threw thyme Haoran directly in the direction of poison arrow.
He mastered the strength just as the inertia of a hundred miles was still unresponsive, and then he felt that his body was flying in the middle, and then he heard the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the flesh and blood. He shot at Shen Qiqi’s mother, and the poisonous arrow was stabbing himself.
Thyme Haoran suddenly stare big eyes can’t believe it.
It was not until he fell heavily and suffered severe pain that he realized that it was true. Chapter 53 Hundred Li Haoran died.
Poison arrow poison spread quickly, and it accelerated the spread of poison even more with the help of thyme Haoran.
When he fell to the ground, the whole person was already dying, and his eyes were scattered, showing that he had vent and no intake.
At the same time, other things are also changing.
His original black eyes slowly turned into blood-red fangs, and his original black long hair quickly dried up and turned into gray skin, which really looked like an old man hanging down.
He looked at Shen Qiqi’s direction with his eyes pierced, and his throat made a "purring" sound. After a while, he completely expired.
A generation of holy Lord thyme Haoran died his own poison arrow in this way.
Shen Qiqi held Jun Xuan tightly in her arms and wouldn’t let him see this scene.
I didn’t take Jun Xuan from Shen Qiqi’s arms until Thyme Haoran died through Jun Yang.

Ye Qing twisted his neck and felt groggy. What he called tunnel "I know what’s the hurry. Just go first. Tell me the address. I’ll do it myself later. Anyway, I’m a substitute. It’s not my turn in the first game. You play hard."

Dong Laoer heard the words and lowered his voice to Ye Qing. "The big boss didn’t see you break into a furious rage when he got up early. He kept asking me where you went, but where did I know? She didn’t believe me. She scolded me early in the morning. You came later and tried to explain it to the big boss yourself …"
"All right, I know, you go first and send the address text message to my mobile phone." Ye Qing said and hung up. He rubbed his temples, got out of bed and knocked on the door, and saw that there was no movement in the living room. He came out and found that Su Yanbing’s door was closed, obviously not getting up yet.
So he ran to the bathroom to wash his face, then went to the balcony to wash Su Yanbing and hang his clothes, then took off his pajamas and folded them on the sofa. After he got dressed, he hit the gate and went to the breakfast shop outside the community to buy breakfast and went back to the building.
The door was not left unlocked. After he went in, he put it on the dining table early, then went to Su Yanbing’s door and knocked on the door. There was no response at all. He knocked twice, and then there came a "Who?"
"It’s my Ye Qing that … I have something to go first. You’ll get up later. Remember to have breakfast. I’ll put it on the table and call me if you have something to do." Ye Qing cut the tunnel through the door to Su Yanbing with some lazy sounds. "Got it …"
Ye Qing turned around and walked out of the gate, then he quickly went downstairs and trotted back to his place. After entering the room, he went straight to the room and threw the keyboard bag to his back. When he was about to leave the room, he suddenly found that his room seemed a little different.
The bed sheets were so flat that almost no wrinkles were folded. They were neatly placed in the east and west of the bedside table. Ye leaned down and looked at the bed with his head on the ground. He found that those smelly socks at the bottom of the bed were missing, which surprised him. "It’s not too late to smoke that fellow with big honey, is it?" Did she lose her old socks? "
He hurried to the balcony and saw that the clothes rack was covered with socks and pants. Damn it! I washed my pants, too! ? Ye Qing was more surprised than surprised. If this is honey-dried, it’s incredible. It’s absolutely impossible for Dong Laoer. That guy is twice as lazy as Ye Qing. Even if he gives him 1 million estimates, he won’t start washing socks and pants.
Arguably, Big Honey is also a darling daughter, and it’s also a matter of making ends meet. It’s a little unreasonable to say that she can wash socks and pants. Ye Qing went back to her room to play in the closet and looked at the clothes neatly stacked inside. It’s time to hang them up. It’s not as messy as before.
Oh, I’ll go! This is cleaner and tidier than cleaning, or let her sleep here often! Leaves in love is very beautiful thinking.
After leaving the door, Ye Qing took a bus according to the address sent by Dong Laoer. In the past half an hour, he arrived at the competition site. The venue was a sports center room, basketball court, and there were many computers and desktop game consoles in the stands. Dozens of spectators were sitting sparsely, many of whom were lovers. They chatted while eating with food.
F project competition has been going on for a long time before I found a bench in the rest area of club I, and then put a box of mineral water on the floor. Dami and coach Zhang are both sitting on the bench. Mr. Wu estimates that he is still enjoying life in the club office. Since the quarrel with Dami, he is not in charge now.
Ye Qing walked over and said hello to the two men. Honey snorted and answered Ye Qing. He was not upset. He sat down beside coach Zhang and asked in a low voice, "What’s the situation?" Coach Zhang shook his head with a serious expression. "It’s not so good. Since you’re here, wait for the half-court."
Leaf leaning smell speech by surprise "isn’t it? This is only the first game. It’s not that unlucky to meet a strong team, is it? Who is the opponent? "
"Mianyang Xingjing!" Coach Zhang worried tunnel
"I haven’t heard of it. Is it a dark horse?" Ye Qing said, looking at the big screen and finding the I club, the two sides have already reached the half-court. In the sixth round, Xing Jing led by four to one. In the sixth round, Xing Jing also occupied the wind. There was only one person left in the I club, but Xing Jing still had four people who didn’t say this round. It must have been lost in suspense.
The map of the game was played by them when they were training, but it was almost vomited by their opponents. Coach Zhang was also a bit embarrassed. He told Ye Qing that the team called Star Race was a semi-professional team sponsored by Internet cafes.
Ye Qing’s smell speech was even more surprising. A semi-professional team beat the I club like a dog. At least the I club is also a professional team and has the strength of a special coach. Even a semi-professional team is like this! His heart is not dark scold a way "dong second this idiot is what to eat! Too embarrassing for me! "
Coach Zhang seemed to see what he was thinking and sighed, "Hey, there is a sniper on the other side who is very powerful. Dong Tiancheng has been suppressed so badly that he can’t give full play to his due strength. This game is not as simple as we thought. It is also very difficult to enter the semi-finals, but first of all, it is the elimination system. If we lose, we will pack up and go home. Although it is not the first time that we have been eliminated in the first round, it is up to you that the team will be disbanded if we fail to reach the goal of big honey!"
Ye Qing yawned and waved his hand. "Don’t rely on me. I really want to sleep now. I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep after playing."
"What did you do last night?" At this time, Dami’s tone was very unhappy. She looked at her with an aggressive expression. She was very unhappy. "After the training, when I was free, where did I go? I shouldn’t report to you?"
"Yes, it’s me, but your state has affected the game, so I have it! I’ll tell you something. Although neither the hs club nor the unyielding Rose S team participated in this competition, they focused on fpl, but a strong team participated! They are the Tiger Brotherhood Sniper Flag Team! So our team is sure to win the championship, so we can try to win the runner-up and several well-known strong teams have not participated. It would be a shame if we don’t get the runner-up, don’t you think? " Big honey looked at Ye Qing is very serious tunnel
"what! ? The Tiger Brothers also participated? What are they doing? Do you want to join in this small competition? " Leaf tilt for this matter some surprise.
"How do I know that I probably want to win one more championship and let the sniper come back early!" Big honey guessed that Ye Qing thought that big honey’s guess was very reasonable. The sniper said that he would come back to play after the Tiger Brothers won three championships, but he didn’t say what kind of championships he would win. Naturally, this kind of small competition champion is also included.
Indeed, this competition was bare-faced, and he insisted on signing up for it. He wanted to win three championships as soon as possible and then bring Master back, which was his wish. However, Jiang Yuhan was unable to get him to sign up, and the players supported him at that time and decided to win the Bashu Game Competition. They were determined to win.
"Depend! Two fists are hard to beat four hands! " Feeling very depressed, he was the last person left in Club I in the sixth round. He tried his best to play around, but he was chased by the other side and finally died in a disorderly gun.
Five-to-one-star competition will once again expand the score advantage. They are well prepared to participate in this competition. They have long planned to act as a dark horse, and they also plan to go straight to the finals in the seventh round. Another wave of rapid offensive in The Infiltrator directly tore up the I club’s defense line at point A and then kept it until the explosion.
At half time, the two sides scored 6-1, and the score gap was too big, which made Yuzryha think of the same big score gap in the Champions League game. It was only after he left the game at half time that the situation was reversed and finally succeeded.
Coach Zhang patted him on the shoulder and said, "It’s up to you at half time! Be sure to win, I believe you can! "
Ye Qing shook his head very naively. "Lao Zhang, you just like to give me a problem. Damn it, I dare not say that I can make a comeback and try my best. Six to one! I really think of me as a god! "
"What are you whining about? Go quickly. This is your chance to either smell death silently or make a blockbuster!" Big honey press a way
"That’s right, the hero will play to save the world! Uh … Wait, who am I going to change? " Ye Qing looked blankly at the two leaders, coach Zhang, and thought, "You go and change ibye."
"Coach, you really have an eye for people. You saw through that guy as soon as he was there. His presence is a burden. It’s best for him!" Ye Qing is very idle. Honey made a kick and shouted, "Get out of here! What nonsense!"
Ye Qing kowtowed to the ground and then walked behind ibye and patted him on the shoulder. ibye looked back and saw that it was Ye Qing. "What are you doing?"
Leaf tilt is very lewdly smiled to say with smile "nothing is to ask you to make way! Please move your ass and stay with me to see how I can save the world! "
Ibye was furious when he heard this, but it was not easy to get angry at this time. Then he packed his equipment and muttered to Ye when he left, "Little people succeed!" Ye Qing’s ears were sharp and he immediately heard him turn around and smiled. "You’re right. It’s better for me to be a villain than for some people to be frustrated."
"Hum!" Ibye snorted angrily and left the field with a smile. Then he greeted his teammates and reached out and clapped Dong Laoer tacitly.
Chapter ninety-one Victory in the first round

What is a sixteen-year-old child?

The teacher looked at the stars all over the sky and whispered softly, "The stars were as bright as this when you were held out that year."
"I remember," Cui Xuan said in a low voice, "The seven-night heart month fox and the tail fire tiger in Qinglong …"
Without the enchanting sound, without lifting the robe and revealing the white thighs.
She is calm, which is the most nostalgic thing in his memory.
He asked, "Where is this?"
"Wild Prison" When he heard the teacher speak softly, he fell into a dream that had been violated for a long time. "Stay here and watch the stars with me after Xiao Xuan."
Xichun town
In the evening, the afterglow of the sunset fell on the town from the other side of the mountain.
The team leader, Hodge, looked at his watch. It was five minutes to five.
He raised his horn. "The train to Hualingyuan is about to start. Please bring your belongings to the entrance of the train and prepare to check in."
The town is small, and his megaphone can be heard even on the other side of town.
After hearing this, the freshmen quickly shouldered their big bags and small rolls and ran towards the train.
Twilight yellowed the whole sky.
There is a mushroom-headed girl who is particularly special in the crowd of many people.
She didn’t wrap a pot of withered flowers at the end of the line.
Peach and peach scattered a pile of exhausted branches on the roof of high-rise building.
She made a snap of her left hand and an invisibility symbol appeared to hide her body perfectly in the sunset glow.
She jumped straight from the tall building with peach on her back and landed lightly to the girl at the end of the line.
Soul-splitting can separate another body.
Differentiating into a body with physical and mental strength can just avoid the strength test of Hualing Institute.
Taotao entered the masked doppelganger, and she overlapped.
There was a rumble in the sky
Fuguiyuan hovered in the sky, and when he heard this, he fell in fear on Yuan Tiantou’s small paw and hooked his hair, looking warily at the sound.
Most of the spiritual masters who can come to China to study in Lingyuan are from a noble family or a well-off family.
Although there is a spiritual vein, it is rare to really see evil spirits.
So when they saw the strange "train" coming slowly from the distant track, they were all pale with fear.
"This … what is this?"
It’s not a train, but a gray monster.
There are two black holes in the eyes covered with hard scales.
The thing stopped in orbit, and Hody touched its scales.
In a flash, the scales suddenly opened to reveal the blood-red cavity inside, which was that they were going to take the carriage on this trip.
"The last virtual dragon in the world," explained the student, who looked behind him and screamed in surprise. "Fifteen years ago, it was gouged out of its eyes and half dirty by the dark spirit master, and it was taken in by the Hualing Academy. It will take you to the other body and shuttle you into Hualing Academy."
The students were only half frightened when they thought of entering a huge body. They still felt Mao Mao in their hearts.
Hody looked at them one by one and could not help but shake his head and sigh. "Now the spiritual division is not as good as the generation."
Two hundred students entered the virtual dragon body one by one.
Either the fear is not gone or the flesh-and-blood car is full of disgust.
Everyone in the horse is coming in. Hody is about to turn the door when he notices the girl holding a withered flower at the end of the line.
Her white face has no superfluous expression except calmness.
Chapter 156 Chapter 156
Grow up in the competition
The virtual dragon body doesn’t have the same seats as ordinary trains, but it can barely hold 200 people in a hole with blood in it.
The walls are dark red dragon meat, and its dirty parts have been dug up by the dark spiritual master, and there are many ribs hanging from it.
However, because the noodles have been dry for a long time in the past, although there is no blood smell, it is really uncomfortable to stay inside.
Without seats, freshmen either squat or
Don’t dare to close to the virtual dragon body, curious and afraid to look at the dragon body structure.
Virtual dragon scales and it slowly moved along the car track.
Dragon, it’s the first time they’ve seen such a special train, and it’s the first time they’ve taken it. It’s not novel and scary
After a long silent observation, a new student took out his nameplate and asked Hodge, "Mr. Huo, when I registered at noon, the student union assigned me to the Setaria College. The name of this college sounds strange. Can you give us a science degree?"
Hody’s eyes have been following the girl holding the flowerpot. Among a group of young people who have never seen any world surprises, she is really calm and conspicuous. Among a group of freshmen with a lot of luggage, she has a little too little.
Hearing the students calling themselves, Hody turned his eyes and smiled, "Of course."
He is young, friendly and handsome. When he smiles, he shows white teeth, which makes the girls look at him more.
Hody gently explained that "Hualing College is divided into four major colleges, namely Acorus calamus College, Dahlia College, Little Daisy College and Setaria College".
A new student caught the key word "at present?"
Huo Di smiled. "The name of the flower is stipulated by the principal, but the names of each school are not, but taken by the chief students of each school. For example, Acorus calamus College knows that Acorus calamus is the wind’s favorite flower. He is the best student of Acorus calamus College. The name of the school belongs to him."
"Is there such a rule?"
I heard for the first time that students can name our college, and after the freshmen fantasize that they can become the chief of the college, they can’t help cheering up.
"Does the chief of the Setaria College like Setaria?" A freshman looked at his nameplate and asked inexplicably, "Is it too ugly?"
"Of course not," Hodge smiled. "Before the winter break, the name of the Setaria College was actually pansy. They were forced to change their name to Setaria because they lost badly in the hunting contest before the holiday."
"What is the hunting game? Teacher Huo, please tell us something carefully. "
Hody took the water handed by the freshmen and unscrewed it and took a sip. "Before you know what the hunting game is, you should know that Hualing College is divided into four hospitals. Although the name of the hospital will change constantly according to the chief replacement of the college, the knowledge taught and students in each hospital are almost the same."
"At present, Setaria College has the largest number of students, with a total of 56 students. The chief of the college is a teacher named Xushan Erzhu Lingshi College. The main professors of Lingshi Sanfu and Mantra Printing College are attribute Lingshi, and most of you should belong to Setaria College."
The freshmen nodded, and more than half of them were students of Setaria College.
"Little Daisy College has a total of one student, and the chief of the college is a two-strain psychic college named Su Wanwan. Students all take the psychic route, mostly attribute psychics, but there are also some attribute psychics, such as Mu Xiu Yu Lin Bang Xiao Yuetu, in this college."

He took a table bitterly, and he was very unwilling to let her practice hard for so long, ak, but there were still a few chances to shoot Ye Qing. These guns didn’t hit Ye Qing, but Ye Qing shot three rounds, and she blew her head off.

Ye Qing taught her how to control ak like a gun, but Ye Qing didn’t teach her how to practice posture so flexibly as he did, and he didn’t teach her how to combine posture with marksmanship. It wasn’t that Ye Qing didn’t want to teach her or that Ye Qing wanted to have reservations, but he left the I club before he came to teach Nalan.
If Nalan has been in the I club, Ye Qing will definitely teach her what she knows and train her as her successor.
After Ye Qing killed Nalan, he became even more reckless. He shot and killed another machine gunner directly, and Pearl Krabs also killed his opponent Thomas. Both shots were shot because Ye Qing was shaking in front. He was afraid of accidentally injuring his own people. He was more cautious.
Chengdu competitive sniper gourd also flashed out twice, but failed to kill Ye Qing, who was as flexible as a loach. Finally, he fell into a lone battle and was surrounded by Pearl Krabs and Ye Qing from both sides. Thomas also pressed him. He had to switch to sand eagle and fight Ye Qing with them in close combat.
Ye Qing felt hot at this time, and the gourd was desperate in front of him. ak was swallowed up by his crazy roar. At point A, three people were not dead, and the I club attacked four people to defend the package, and the whole battle process was quite short for a few seconds.
Pearl Krabs quickly rushed to the side of package 4 and squatted down to unpack the package. Ye Qing directly loosened the mouse. The enemy was completely annihilated. He didn’t need to cover Pearl Krabs, but he could take the opportunity to rest. When Pearl Krabs heard the four tones gradually rushing up, he thought it should be dismantled.
Xiang Fei, the captain of Chengdu Athletic Team, looked nervous and kept saying, "Boom! Explosion! "
He didn’t want to lose the first round. He wanted to defeat his opponent’s self-confidence at half-time and get the match point as soon as possible at half-time. He couldn’t help but be excited at the thought of what Nalan said to him. He had to win the game to win the beauty.
He has coveted the beautiful Nalan for a long time and always wanted to get her, but Nalan has always been so cold that people are afraid to get close to him, but he has never given up because he thinks that one day he will keep the clouds and see the moon.
Today, Nalan finally got loose. Maybe former Nalan thought he was not strong enough to test him. Today’s game is the final test. If he can win the game himself, Nalan is him.
"Blast! Quick explosion! " Xiang Fei has been saying silently that Pearl Krabs’s unpacking progress will be completed soon, and her heart is also a little uneasy because four packets of sound have been urgent to the extreme, just like a balloon that is about to explode.
Two English missionsuess suddenly appeared on the screen! Four bags disappeared, and Pearl Krabs breathed a sigh of relief and finally arrived. It was estimated that it exploded four and a half seconds later.
Xiang Fei sighed gloomily when he saw English on the screen. He almost 4 didn’t explode. He quickly turned his head and looked at Nalan. Although the face was still so beautiful, it made people feel that it was not warm at all.
He knew that Nalan must be disappointed, and the unfavorable situation would affect morale. If he could not get the score back in the second round, the direction of the game would be a little bad. Nalan would probably be even more disappointed with him, and he might not even want to say more words to him later.
Just as he was thinking, Nalan suddenly turned his head and said, "Don’t lose heart. We still have plenty of chances to win the game just now. Set up tactics quickly and don’t give the other side too much time to prepare!"
"good!" Xiang Fei immediately ignited his fighting spirit. In the second round, his tactics were to take the middle sniper to cover the gunner and rush over quickly, and then go directly to point B. The sniper occupied the high point of the platform on the base of the defender and occupied the two points of the deterrent ab.
Nalan has no objection to this tactic. In the last round, Ye Ye arranged two machine gunners to defend at the package point, and three people were arranged at the point B, including snipers. It seems that there is no defense in the middle.
It will be a good opportunity for Chengdu Athletic if Ye Qing continues to put the middle road in this round, but Nalan thinks that Ye Qing will definitely change the defensive tactics in this round, and the middle road may be occupied by snipers because Ye Qing is not a static person.
Although there may be snipers in the middle of the road, Nalan thinks that they can quickly rush over to control the middle of the road by relying on the number advantage. Then, when the ambush is over, the other reinforcements will come and die as much as possible. When the time comes, the snipers can occupy the high point and cover from a distance.
Ye Qing did arrange a sniper in the middle of the road this round. Thomas aimed at the long road in the middle mirror at this time. Ye Qing’s defense contracted tighter this time. ab two defenders were not at the package point but at the edge of the package point, which means that both sides were very close to the middle.
This is not because Ye Qing guessed that the other side would attack the middle road. He originally thought that if point A was attacked, people in the middle road and point B would be able to support quickly, and after point B was attacked, people in the middle road and point A would also be able to support quickly, shortening the distance and making reinforcements faster.
This tactic of his just restrained the tactic of Chengdu Athletic wanting to break into the middle. As soon as Thomas saw the other person, he immediately informed Ye Qing, and instead of recklessly fighting with the other party, he first flashed back to the back of the bunker.
Ye Qing and others have quickly moved towards the middle road from both sides. At this time, Chengdu athletes have rushed to the center of the middle road. Ye Qing flashed out with three machine gunners. They want to stand in front and create opportunities for Thomas to find a gap to kill each other.
He and others didn’t expect that there would be so many people in the middle of the other road. As soon as a firefight broke up, Xiang Fei frowned and shouted in regret. "How did they get in the middle of the road and guessed our attack route?" There is no reason! "
He bit his lip and flashed out and fired two shots, then quickly retreated. There were shortcuts on both sides of the middle road to avoid each other’s bullets. When she flashed out, she saw Ye Qing’s posture in the middle road was very active. If she hadn’t flashed fast, she would have been almost shot in the head by Ye Qing just now.
The plan to attack the middle road has failed, and it is obviously not possible to fight with the other side recklessly. Since it is impossible, there will be a change in tactics. Nalan said sternly, "The soldiers will go to ab in two ways to split them up!"
Chapter 665 To fly
Xiang Fei was not annoyed that Nalan had taken the command. Anyway, it was the most important thing to win the game. According to Nalan’s instructions, they quickly divided into two groups and headed for ab at two o’clock.
Ye Qing saw the other side for a long time and didn’t respond. He immediately guessed that the other side must have backed down. At this time, he must have invaded two virtual blasting points. He immediately divided himself into two ways to stop the other side.
The two sides met at two blasting points and immediately fought fiercely. Nalan didn’t expect Ye Qing to react so quickly. She could have easily occupied a blasting point. Who knew that they had just entered the blasting point and had arrived in Renye Fang.
This encounter competition is the strength of both sides. There is no tactic to assist Ye Qing to hand in hand with Nalan again. This time, Ye Qing is sharper, and Nalan will burst into a head without giving her a chance.
On both sides of the battle, I club took the wind, and finally attacked ab. Both of them were destroyed. I club won the second point at a small cost. She gnashed her teeth at the screen and squeezed her fist tightly. She was really angry, but she lost to Ye Qing.
What she can’t accept most is that she has been practicing hard for so long and day and night. She fainted in the Internet cafe and almost got into it, but she still couldn’t beat Ye Qing, who didn’t even have a chance to shoot a gun. Ye Qing shot her in the head.
What? Didn’t you say that diligence can make up for it? Besides, I’m not such a clumsy person. I’m so diligent, but what still can’t beat him? Nalan’s frustration in his heart is self-evident. When you practice for a long time and can beat your opponent, you will be confident. However, when you really fight with your opponent, you will find that there is still a big gap with them, and people will feel depressed.
Ye Qing is more serious when facing Nalan than ever before. Nalan used to be a master, and he can never lose to her. Otherwise, what else can he face? Moreover, he wants to teach Nalan a truth, that is, to respect the teacher and respect himself. As long as he is her master, a generation will be her master and he will always be qualified to be her master unless she can defeat him, but this is impossible!
After losing two rounds in a row, Xiang Fei’s face became a little ugly. If he lost the game, Nalan would never belong to him. He was unwilling that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he missed it, he would never have Nalan’s character. He would never give him a second chance. He once fantasized about holding Nalan’s charming body in his arms and watching this dream come true today, but they were two points behind their opponents.
"Why don’t you command this round and we will cooperate with you!" Xiang Fei turned his head to Nalandao. He really couldn’t think of any good tactics to break the other side’s defense, and he occasionally suggested that he would be enlightened. He thought Nalandao might have a better way to command.
The game theory is who command to be able to win to go, a fly to the results, LanBai a fly is very disdain tunnel "really! What can I expect from you without such ability? Can you be a man and make women feel that you can rely on him? "
Xiang Fei’s face was burning when he heard this, and he was embarrassed to the extreme. He snorted and then said, "Don’t distract yourself from attacking point B this round. Bring point B as soon as possible. I hope you don’t drag your feet!"
The players all seem to be at a loss. I don’t know if I should listen to Nalan Xiangfei. "Listen to her. Anyone who drags his feet will be scolded!"
Chengdu athletes rushed to point A in a mighty way. There was no tactic at all, but Nalan made arrangements according to her own judgment. She felt that Ye Qing should defend point A and point B in the middle of the road this round, and the defense force might be relatively weak. There might be a person who defended symbolically at point B.
Ye Qing knew that Nalan knew something about himself, and he wouldn’t fight as Nalan thought. He abandoned his inertial thinking and did the opposite. This round, he left a man at point A to observe the enemy’s situation on the platform, and the rest of the people were in the middle and point B.
Chengdu athletes rushed into point B and met with the enemy’s tenacious resistance. They had to disperse to bunkers and fight a war of attrition with each other. So the support in the middle of the road immediately reached point B and reached four defensive forces in a flash, including Ye Qing.
He bit his lip and panicked. They played this way to break through the defense line of the other side. When the other side’s reinforcements arrived, they would definitely launch a counterattack. By then, they would be even more unable to resist the Chengdu Athletic team. In his view, others are unreliable. She can cause enough trouble to the enemy.
Xiang Fei, this guy, always feels arrogant at ordinary times, but in today’s game, he was crushed like a dead dog by the other side. He was absolutely disappointed with Xiang Fei, and it was weak to compare him with Ye Qing.
Xiang Fei is also worried at this time, and quickly breaking through the other side’s defense means that he may be outflanked by the other side’s reinforcements. At this time, if he does not retreat, there will be a storm! He is still somewhat bloody and knows that he can’t hesitate at this time, so he immediately shouted, "I’m not afraid to die and attack with the old!"
When the players heard that Nima was not afraid of death in the real battlefield, everyone except Nalan rushed out with Xiang Fei, including the sniper who tried to stop Xiang Fei in Nalan but didn’t speak. Xiang Fei had rushed to the front and was blown off by Ye Qing.
"Idiot!" He dark scolded 1 in my mind, this item is really can’t help dou each other have a good position, formed a crossfire, this guy was reckless to rush forward his stupid even with the players to die.
At this time, Dema and Huihuang are in each other’s barrage, just like the grass is shaky in the wind and rain. At any time, the sniper gourd may be knocked down and killed by the other sniper. He feels very helpless. If he doesn’t rush out to support, Dema and Huihuang will be killed, and she will be left alone.
She was forced to rush out again and again, and then the earth shouted to Dema and Huihuang, "Come back, I’ll cover you!" "
Dema and Huihuang fought and retreated Nalan. Her sharp ak47 kept shooting at each other’s people who came out from behind the bunker, one of whom was directly shot by her. During the process of returning, Dema and Huihuang’s blood volume kept decreasing, and finally Dema was consumed by the other party.
Brilliant took the opportunity to retreat and Nalan shouted "Go to point A!" The two quickly retreated and soon disappeared.
Ye Qing’s face revealed a smile. "Pearl Krabs, you and the second child go to point A to support Zhao Xiayang. Thomas and I will stay at point B. There are only two of them left. We just need to stick to it!"
"good!" Pearl Krabs promised to rush toward point A with Dong Laoer. Zhao Xiayang stayed at point A as soon as Ye Qing did. He was always calm and he was dying. Now that Pearl Krabs and Dong Laoer are here, he thinks that point A must be in case of losing each other, one will die, one will come, two will die and one pair will die.
Nalan and Huihuang moved to the outside of point A, but she watched it very calmly for a while. More than a minute later, she expected Ye Qing to send someone to point A for protection, and there were four people defending the first point B, and the other person did not appear, so it must be at point A.
According to this calculation, Nalan thinks that the other side has arranged three less people at point A, but the other side doesn’t know from which direction she will attack. The other three people should be one person defending one direction. In this case, they need to kill the gunners defending their direction as soon as possible, and then the same number will compete with the other two gunners, so that they have a good chance of getting point A.
After making up his mind, he and Brilliant rushed in directly. They rushed in from the middle door of point A and were responsible for defense. This direction was Zhao Xiayang. He saw two people rushing in on the first floor of the military command post. He immediately shot and informed Pearl Krabs and Dong Laoer.
He calmly ordered two shots in a row. Zhao Xiayang obviously underestimated the strength of the other side. They even won two rounds. Zhao Xiayang naturally didn’t take his opponent seriously, and he felt that his marksmanship was also very good. There was no reason to fight against the other machine gunner. He didn’t flash behind the bunker, but showed himself to fight with the other side.
He shot him with the second shot. At this time, Dong Laoer and Pearl Krabs both appeared on the edge of the platform. He and Brilliant rushed directly into the first floor of the military command post to avoid being hit by the other side.
Zhao Xiayang took off his headphones and was very depressed. He cut his hair and said, "Mom’s egg is too careless to expect to be shot in the head."

Father-in-law Jin took a cold look at the old woman and didn’t good the spirit asked

"How come? Where else in this palace can’t my father-in-law go?"
Liao Shanggong immediately smile apologetically a way
Father-in-law Jin doesn’t know if it’s true that Liao Shanggong waved his hand when he was wrong with each other. "Come on, your flattery is not good for our family. We’re here to tell the emperor who is Tang Luowan?"
Tang Luowan?
Grandpa Jin is actually looking for Tang Luowan?
Liao Shanggong was dazed for a moment, but he still didn’t dare to neglect his old man’s house. He quickly shouted at the hundreds of xiunv, "Tang Luowan came out to take the order!"
Tang Luowan was in the back and hurried out after hearing the call from the front. "I am Tang Luowan."
Aside the palace maid took her to the front of Jin Gonggong and then replied, "Jin Gonggong, this is the xiunv Tang Luowan 64. Chapter 64 Princess bit 3.
Father-in-law Jin took a look at the beauty of Tang Luowan. He has seen a lot, and he is no longer a man. Naturally, there is nothing to appreciate about beauty.
Business is business, and the dust in the hand is raised. "Tang Luowan took the order!"
Take orders?
Tang Luowan was dumbfounded. I didn’t expect Princess Changle to do things so fast. Is she really going to become Princess Zhao?
Gold father-in-law see before Tang Luowan stay there like a fool can’t help but full of anger and anger scolded, "why don’t you get down on your knees?" Who taught you palace rules! "
"My father-in-law calmed down because my daughter crossed the line. Please forgive my father-in-law. My daughter took the order and asked my father-in-law to declare the will."
Tang Luowan knelt on his knees and got a gentle gift, and made a prompt response.
Father-in-law Jin gave her a look. The little girl is a bit flexible.
Well, beauty’s life is ruined
"By the imperial edict, Princess Tang Luowan Xia will be carried into the apricot pear palace when the ritual department finds out that the moon is auspicious, and the summer king will get married!"
Father-in-law Jin’s words surprised everyone.
From the beginning, the girls knew that it was the imperial edict for Tang Luowan, and they were envious and jealous.
But at this moment, everyone gloats.
Xia Wang, however, was grounded in the deep palace, forbidden to be loved by the emperor, and blinded by his eyes. It was a mistake in his life.
The emperor will forget such a loser, but he didn’t expect to give Tang Luowan to Xia Wang at this time. Now, why don’t those xiunv please people?
A single flower alone will be attacked by other flowers.
"oh! Look at people who are beautiful. They are rich. They immediately sealed Princess Xia without even seeing the emperor’s face. "
"That’s right. It’s such a blessing that we sisters don’t flatter each other, right?"
"Xia Wang is very nice. Miss Tang is really blessed!"
They can’t hide their eyebrows and smiles when they finish these words.
Liao Shang palace gave them a cross "palace people do things you all forget? If you talk too much, you will lose your charm. De Fei is waiting for you to leave at the White Tiger Hall! "
Father-in-law Jin made such a scene that Liao Shanggong was really taken aback. This Tang Luowan is an important chess game of rhyme princess, but I didn’t expect that Tang Luowan would become Princess Xia at this time!
Things are simply unexpected.
If the worst mood now is not Liao Shanggong or Yun Deyi, but Tang Luowan.
She thoroughly experienced the feeling of falling from the peak to the bottom today.
Father-in-law Jin looked at the ground lazily, and there was a sneer at Tang Luowan’s mouth. "Miss Tang, you should thank me, and our family has to go back to the emperor to get back to me!"
"Long live the will of my daughter Xie Huang! Long live the will!"
Tang Luowan’s eyes stared straight at the ground, and his brain answered him mechanically like paste.
"Well, there’s nothing wrong with Miss Tang in the palace now. Miss Tang can go back to the house and rest. After the news of does come out, our family will personally go to Tang House to inform such a good news."
Say that finish before Tang Luowan reaction gold father-in-law has turned away.
One second Tang Luowan was short of breath and passed out directly.
"Miss 65 Chapter 65 Reverse Shengyi 1
Moho Biliu both rushed to her and went to the small waiter, who finally carried her out of the palace and sent her back to Tang Fu.
The family got together, and even Tang Jincheng didn’t go back to the princess’s house at night, but went back to the Tang House. Tang Hui will also talk about the shop for a while.
Other people in the Tang Hall have been dismissed.
There are several host families and two maids, Mohe and Biliu, who are staying behind.
Tang Jincheng’s elegant face was staring straight at Mohe and Biliu with a pair of dark eyes that were quiet before the storm. "You have carefully explained what happened today from beginning to end. If I find out which one of you lied, the young master will teach her that life is worse than death!"
Tang Luowan spent many years working hard, and today the chess is in place.
But chess went out, but it fell to someone else’s house, or there was no Xia Wang!
Who is Xia Wang?
His biological mother is a princess who has fallen out of favor, and Xia Wang is blind. If Tang Luowan really marries him, this life is absolutely ruined!
"Gentleman handmaiden said everything. Today, the handmaiden followed the big lady into the palace. After the big lady entered the palace, she kept quiet until Shi said that Princess Changle, King Zhao and Xianwang had all come. The big lady always remembered that the big and small words should attract the attention of King Zhao, so she performed before …"
Tang Hui has been silent since he heard Mohe’s answer, and he is not sure what went wrong.
Tang Jincheng is a Xu person, and if he can’t see it here, he’s a top scholar today!
He couldn’t help sighing when he asked Mohe to tell the story of seeing Zhao Wangdian again until Mohe repeated it again.
"I can’t believe that today’s fruit is actually the cause of my past."