Clouds and floating dust have a surprised color flash and stare at Shen Ce’s face for a long time, always withdrawing his eyes and sighing.

Fu turned his eyes to Hong Qin and laughed. "Dean Hong, this white boy is your super seminary student?"
"Well, chasing the moon is the seventeenth year of this freshman." Hongqin’s face is full of pride and pride. He is a disciple who has a fancy for someone. The apprentice’s eyes are really good. It seems that the old man has forgotten that he is heartbroken and depressed.
People smell speech is another surprise. Are there too many geniuses these days?
Shen Ce and Chasing the Moon are both talented in their seventeen years, and they are both top masters of the Emperor’s Spirit Division. Look at themselves again, and suddenly the square laments that people are more popular than people!
At that time, the square was silent, watching the two young geniuses secretly compete and guessing who was better!
Shen Ce is dancing in red, like the flowers on the other side of the Forget River are gorgeous and unpredictable.
Qin’s flame and white clothes are better than snow, and it is as noble and holy as Levin in the clouds.
They seem to be one evil, one right and one god and one magic, and they are so unattainable.
Suddenly, Shen Ce’s face turned pale, and he took a step back to stabilize himself. He looked up at the opposite Qin flame, narrow and narrow peach blossom eyes, and it was cold, and all his clothes passed by.
Everyone calls the young genius amazing. The dark temple has lost?
Then listen to "click" a crunchy see qin flame face mask broke into two and a half off to show shulang jade surface.
Full and white forehead, such as far away, blue mountains, eyebrows and eyes, exquisite facial features, like a fairy painting, elegant and noble, and like the end of the blue sea, Ran Ran rises and the moon rises
Shen Ce’s publicity of evil and charm of beauty is a noble, holy and beautiful thing, which is amazing but dare not profane.
The lip smile is elegant and charming, but there is a trace of indifference and alienation in that charming smile, which is close at hand but seems to be far away
Everyone was amazed and forgot to despise him. As he said, he was so handsome and beautiful. No wonder his mother gave him a mask. Even men will be moved when they see it, let alone women.
Sure enough, some girls present were all blushing and obsequious after seeing the true appearance of Qin Flame.
63 Chapter 63 Formal (7)
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It is normal for all the girls here to have a good dream in their hearts.
Although Roth was amazed by the appearance of Qin flame, he didn’t show his love as other girls did. He took a light look at Qin flame and looked back and fell on the red shadow beside him.
Beautiful bright eyes gradually show lingering affection.
"Ha ha ….. two people are quite old and powerful. This contest is a tie." Yunfu Dust laughed.
All this just came to my mind. The contest really didn’t tell the winner. Although Shen Ce took a step backwards and seemed to lose, the Qin flame mask was destroyed by him, which was not a loss.
So it’s a draw.
"Let’s call it a day, you two. I’m afraid you won’t be able to go to this alchemy meeting again." Yunfu Dust saw the atmosphere dignified and broke the deadlock again.
"I’m sorry for the delay in the pursuit of the moon at the alchemy conference, but I hope the owner of Yunta and everyone will not take it amiss." Qin Flame said that he was courteous and courteous.
Everyone’s affection for Qin flame suddenly rose, and his talent was extraordinary, and his strength was profound. He was also an alchemist, but he didn’t see that he was half proud or did not despise others, but he was warm and friendly
HongQin looked at qin flame looks dissatisfied muttered "uber! It’s no wonder that my stupid apprentice is fascinated. "
Long Qingyue’s eyes lit up and saw XuanYuanRe snow’s eyes touching and looking at Qin flame. The eyes were full of determination. Long Qingyue suddenly felt uncomfortable in her heart. How dare ya covet her man?
Lip angle gently sip raise a beautiful little smile Long Qingyue walked beside Qin Flame holding his arm and looked sad and distressed. "What should I do if I send you a mask after chasing the moon?"
Qin Flame lowered her eyes and looked at her face. She still looked noble and holy, but she didn’t have the indifference and alienation, but she was gentle and spoiled. She stretched out her hand and took hold of her waist. "It’s okay. Just make another one and send me."
When everyone heard the news, they looked at Long Qingyue with horror. What mask did he send?
Isn’t he a man? But Qin Flame said that the mask was from his mother …
At that time, everyone was in a mess in the wind …
XuanYuanRe snow eyes a dark look to Long Qingyue eyes have a trace of disgust flashed like dragonfly water soon disappear.
Others don’t know that Long Qingyue is a woman, but she knows that Xuanyuan Re Xue hates her teeth at the moment. This evil point is to deliberately provoke her!
"Chasing the Moon heard that this Jade Emperor is a pair of dragon and phoenix double swords. If you win it, will you give me the phoenix sword?" Iron if snow eyes such as colchicine smile affectionately looking at qin flame face hanging elegant charming little smile.
The white skirt is dancing like a beautiful thing in the nine days.
As the name implies, the dragon and phoenix double swords are a pair of spiritual swords. Men and women who get the dragon and phoenix double swords are naturally referred to as a pair of Xuanyuan Rexue. At this time, these words are naturally telling Qin Flame that she likes him.
If a clever person can understand it.
When people hear XuanYuanRe snow, they are all amazed, envious, amazed and jealous. All kinds of expressions are wonderful together.
Amazing nature is Xuanyuan Rexue’s courage to directly confess to Qin Flame in front of so many people. Although the words have been very tactfully, this bold act still shocked many people.
64 Chapter 64 Formal ()
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Envy nature is that those teenagers envy Qin flame and they will get the favor of Xuanyuan talented girls as soon as they come.
Jealous nature is that those girls hate to grind their teeth and wring their sleeves and hate to be beaten by XuanYuanRe snow!
Qin Huoyan didn’t answer as if he didn’t hear it. He looked at Long Qingyue and asked, "Do you want the evil dragon and phoenix swords?"
Long Qingyue’s lovely eyes blinked. "This is the world’s double Jade Emperor. Of course I want it. It’s a pity that I can’t get it with my Dan technique."

Xiao Qinglong hid in the corner of the corridor and gnashed his teeth and roared, "Brother Hua, you go first and I’ll take someone to rob him. Don’t worry, even if I die, I’ll get someone back for you!"

"Let’s go, team leader, let them go." The little white tiger pulled Kehua and ran hard.
"People must get it back!" Kehua shouted at Xiaoqing Dragon.
They lead to the cockpit corridor scattered small tsing lung relieved with small sports wide and ran in the opposite direction.
At the same time, Lao Zhan found the corridor and was deliberately abandoned by Xiao Qinglong and others.
"No.1 target got it, but No.3 target didn’t see it." Lao Zhan reported at Fu Zhen.
The accident happened again when everyone finished the preliminary preparations and evacuated some people first.
Hai Wang, the chicken thief, didn’t come to Kehua after the gunshot because he knew that it was the most dangerous for the enemy to come to Kehua, but the whole ship was so big that he had nowhere to run, so he hid in a room in the cabin corridor.
And then he suddenly saw his heart very hate small tsing lung a flash from the outside.
There was smoke around and the scene was chaotic. An evil idea flashed through Hai Wang’s mind
For Hai Wang, the nature of military intelligence is to gamble on his future with his life, but now he is playing with his life, but his future is blocked
What should we do? !
Hai Wang looked gloomy and glanced outward.
Area 4
Cocoa sat in the office frowning at Jiang Xiaolong and asked, "I just have one question."
"What’s the problem?"
"You said that Feng Ji’s battlefield in the ninth district was tantamount to taking over the Helu Corps, so the two sides will now be as solid as they seem?" Cocoa slowly got up. "It was only when Zhou Zou was free that he accepted the control of the first EU area, but it is also very important that he is not the direct control force of the first EU area."
Jiang Xiaolong blinked. "What do you mean?"
"… I’ll think about it." Coco walked to the window with her shoulders, and looked at the night with big eyes and didn’t know what to think about.
Gu Yan, the old triangle, asked Meng Xi, "Do you have any ideas after you go?"
"I don’t know the Red Scarf Army, but Feng Ji He Chong is an old face." Meng Xi loosened his neckline and replied, "I have a little idea, but it’s not perfect yet."
Chapter DiEr629 Mr. Wang calculation
fishing boat
Xiaoqing Long Xiaozhao Guang and other three people are preparing to take advantage of the chaos to find a place to hide through the smoke and wait for Fu Zhen to evacuate them, but they didn’t notice that Hai Wang was hiding in the cabin and stared at them.
Deck deck
Zhao Baobao was carried by three military personnel to the edge of the hull and tied with ropes.
"Where’s Rogge Rogge!"
Although Zhao Baobao hasn’t been beaten less these days, the whole person looks very miserable, but he hasn’t forgotten that he is cheap at the moment, and his big brother is passive in tying the rope and asking Fu Zhen and others.
"He’s all right, you go first!" The military personnel waved the rope directly to the floor after he was in prison.
"Whoosh …!"
The rope was locked and lowered, and the booster snapped up. Zhao Baobao went directly from the ship. He was a literati. I saw this scene. When I saw the rough sea, there was opaque black water everywhere, and I almost scared myself. "Get me a life jacket …!"
No one paid any attention to Zhao Baobao. A military personnel pressed him on the surfboard and shouted, "Hold my leg and don’t pull my belt. Calm down! !”
Fu Zhen has moved to the deck with six people, and then Lao Zhan and others have already retired after their success.
When the two sides met, Fu Zhen asked in a low voice, "Did you find the No.3 target?"
"no!" Lao Zhan immediately shook his head. "The face is too messy. I didn’t see that person. We can’t come. We have to go!"
"If you don’t catch Little Qinglong behind No.3, they may be in danger!" Fu Zhen sweated on his forehead and waved his hand directly at everyone. "You go first and I’ll find a circle!"
"Don’t be a jerk!" Old Zhan Di shouted, "We can’t meet each other’s support helicopters. This is the sea. Once it is held back, no one can leave!"
"I know, you take Rogge first!" Fu Zhen stamped his eyes and urged, "Hurry up!"
Old Zhan ao can’t beat this mental illness to urge his own people to "withdraw!"
They were ordered to take the lead in protecting Rogge and ran to the stern.
Fu Zhen and others bent down with guns to move in the direction of the cockpit again.
"All the retreating personnel should pay attention to the target No.1 and No.3 along the way. If you find a horse, report it!" Fu Zhen kept shouting after entering the cabin from the deck.
Half a minute passed in a blink of an eye, but Fu Zhen still couldn’t find the target No.3. It seemed that the other side couldn’t finish the ship, and at this time, his reconnaissance helicopter had urged him to evacuate Fu Zhen and his people three times in a row because the other side’s support was coming.
Fu Zhen hesitated, bent down to hold the headset and said, "The rear cover team should leave first!"
Xiao Qinglong, clutching his arm, had moved out of the smoke, while Guang asked him, "Are you all right?"

Ma Yun summoned his generals to move the water after six armies, with a total of 70,000 people, including 20,000 water troops led by Lin Renzhao, taking Ezhou 6 Road directly, and Ma Yun led by Cao Yun, the second army, Qian Qing Division, Zhu Yuan, the fourth army, Shen Tu, and Ding Sijin, the first army, Cao Bin Division, and the Guards Zhou Xingfeng Division, with a total of 40,000 people. The flag of Chu Army refers to Jiangnan in the east and is once again caught in a war.

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Chapter 9 indictment
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In early February of Ganyou’s second year, Ma Yun was polished by Xu Zhongya, Fan Zhi and others for a long time in Changsha. The imperial edict officially turned against Li Tang and severely criticized Li Tang’s four major crimes.
First, the translation of "Stupid Erhuaidian dares to call himself a fake name according to one party who stole from a big country" means that you, stupid Huainan, dare to resist the fact that one party stole from the imperial court. This is a typical fact that pot calling the kettle black Li Jing became emperor, but you, Ma Yun, are not much better. I am long live, aren’t you still chitose? It’s two thousand years less than me. Besides, you haven’t seen an acre of land in Chu. How do you listen to the Central Plains court?
The second "Tang (later Tang), In the Jin Dynasty, the sea around the world was not peaceful, but it was not peaceful, and it was recruited to help the wicked and the wicked. According to Anlu, he rebelled against the river, and his master and disciples came to help him. This means that a while ago, it was said that you were idle and looking for trouble from the court. The enemies of the court were all your friends in Li Tang. Who do you want to help when the court was eaten by dogs? When the Jin Dynasty was over, Anzhou (Anlu) made an order to the great emperor Shi Jingtang not to point to the people of Anzhou who did not want to go elsewhere after work. "You are a brick After Shi Jingtang repeatedly reprimanded Kim Lee Li, the little girl turned against Li Tang, and Li Bian, who was in power at that time, also sent someone to meet the result. Jin Jun and * * had a big fight in Anzhou, which belonged to Lai Li Tang, but he wanted to help, but he had the heart, no soldiers, no money and no money.
Third, "Forcing Fujian and Vietnam to draw the Khitan into the border and luring them into the border" is an accusation that Li Tang attacked Fujian, wuyue and Lingnan to draw the Khitan into the border. These are all facts. "Luring the Khitan into the border" means that more than ten years ago, the Khitan sent messengers to Jinling to greet Li Bian, and just after he left the Li Tang border, Li Bian sent someone to kill him. It was also rumored that Shi Jingtang was dissatisfied with the Khitans and deliberately engaged in Khitan and the Jin Dynasty gradually became nervous. This means that last year’s big money led to an increase in the quotation.
As soon as this imperial edict was issued, Chu himself was step by step, and there was no reflection.
Bianjing Liu Chengyou Wang Zhang, Shi Hongzhao, Guo Wei and others have nothing to reflect. First, the three-way rebellion has been fought until now, except that Jingchong Wang was killed by Guo Rong. The other two roads are still alive. It is reasonable to say that the strength of the Han army is not enough to fight for a year, but it is Guo Wei’s strategy. Now that Liu Zhiyuan has hung up Liu Chengyou, Guo Wei wants to establish more prestige in the army. His heart may not be like replacing it. But this year, after all, the more military forces in his hands, the more secure they are. If Li Shouzhen doesn’t die for a day, the military forces will be in his hands, and he can be gracious. Wei bought people’s hearts, so the battle in the river turned into a war for food. See who eats the food first and who can’t consume it first. Obviously, Li Shouzhen is alone in a city because of his weakness. His food will be reduced and will never increase, and he is trapped in Chang’ an Zhao Siwan, which is even worse than Li Shouzhen. His food has been reduced, and it has long been impossible for him to see the bottom. But this man is an unrestrained man. Without food, he still dares to feast on military generals and soldiers. What is the treat? People in Chang’ an city! This Zhao Siwan likes cannibalism very much. He invented that "cannibalism has two major advantages: one is longevity; Second, you can become very courageous.
And Li Tang knew that it was already mid-February when he got this imperial edict. Ma Yun, together with the Sixth Army and the Water Army, was madly attacking Ezhou, Ezhou and Wuchang, and Zang Xun sent fast horses to Jinling for help.
Li Jing saw this crusade against imperial edicts, and the literati couldn’t help cursing. The first two of these four major charges have nothing to do with you. Liu Chengyou in Bianjing City doesn’t care what big-tailed wolves you ran after; In the third article, I sent someone to fight Fujian and Lingnan, but you didn’t fight? You have occupied Lingnan and Quanzhou and Zhangzhou, and our Datang has been busy for a long time, not to mention eating meat and not even drinking soup! How dare you talk about me! The last thing has come to this, but it is really clear or shirking responsibility. Song Qiqiu and others agree that the main distance of this skyrocketing price is that these guys in Chu have converged copper coins in advance and then made counterfeit coins. Where did they make counterfeit coins? Song Qiqiu saved them.
After being annoyed for a while, Li Jing finally asked, "Who is willing to send troops to fight against Chu?"
When he ascended the throne, he glanced at Chen Jue with a bitter face. He was not willing to send troops. What? More than a year ago, Cha Wenhui attacked Yingzhou with ten thousand troops, and as a result, the army was wiped out. This Chu State is not easy to provoke. Besides, now * * is not a year ago * * compared with the loss of 10,000 in Huaibei and 10,000 in Yingzhou, plus the loss of 40,000 military forces in Fujian, all of which have lost 20,000 yuan. Now, there are no more soldiers in the imperial army. It is difficult to take these eggs, which have just been recruited for less than a year, to fight against opponents.
"I have a candidate," said Song Qiqiu Shen.
"Oh, Song Aiqing, hurry up," Li Jing urged Chen Jiao’s face suddenly turned white, for fear that Song Qiqiu recommended himself.
"I recommend Li Jin, the town naval commander, to go out!" Song Qiqiu, after all, is an old minister. He still has an objective understanding of the people in the imperial court. In times of crisis, he can’t play with Chen Jue. Even if he can fight, he is much worse than Kim Lee Li. This Kim Lee Li is a veteran. He was a Tuyuhun who followed Tang Zong in the war. Later, due to some misunderstandings, he was forced to take refuge in Li Tang, who has been taking our time in Runzhou.
"I seconded" Chen Jue hurriedly jumped out and said.
Although all the ministers said so, according to Li Jingtong, there was a marshal and a prison army, so the glorious title of the prison army fell to Chen Juetou. Chen Juenai was able to transfer troops from China while waiting for Kim Lee’s arrival. Unfortunately, it was Kim Lee’s death after two days. The old general was already dying, and he just hung up after receiving Li Jingsheng’s decree.
Li Jingnai was able to order his younger brother, Marshal Li Jingsui, to lead 100,000 troops from Hongzhou to Ezhou for rescue, and another general, Zhou Zuo, led 30,000 water troops across the river to come to the rescue. At the beginning of March, Li Jingsui led 100,000 troops to Yongxing County, 12o miles southeast of Ezhou. At this time, Ezhou had fallen, and Zhu Yuan, Shen Tu Congjian, Cao Bin, Qian Qing and others also arrived in Xing.
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Chapter 99 Disrupted plan
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Why didn’t the Chu army choose to send troops from Ganzhou instead of from Yuezhou to attack Ezhou?
The main reason is that Ma Yun’s strategic policy is to lure Li * *’ s main force to a decisive battle and completely defeat them, so that they will be fortified everywhere, thus greatly delaying the progress of the Chu army? ? ?
The explosion of the Chu-Tang War had a profound impact on the whole day. If Chu wins the first world war, the whole south of the Yangtze River will soon be unified. Although Chu is now a vassal of the Great Han Dynasty, it is uncertain whether it will be willing to be in front of the vassal. Even if it is still willing to be a vassal, the threat of a unified south to the Central Plains will be much stronger than it is now, and the pattern of confrontation between the north and the south will be formed.
The Great Han Dynasty in the Central Plains hasn’t made a statement yet. That’s because there is something wrong with its own department. Li Shouzhen rebelled. They never used it to unify the trend of Jiangnan when Chu appeared. It’s hard to say that Guo Wei and others will not continue to compare food with Li Shouzhen.
Therefore, there is only one way for Chu to go, that is, to make the whole war situation prosperous in the ear. To achieve this goal, there is only one way, that is, to attract Li Tang’s main force together. Of course, to contain the Great Han Dynasty in the Central Plains, Liu Yi, the envoy of Chu, has embarked on the road of going to Qidan to persuade Qidan South Central Plains to threaten the northern part of the Han Dynasty.
Ma Yun, the decoy site, is now in Ezhou (now Wuhan), an important town on the western line of Li Tang. It guards the Yangtze River moat with Jiangzhou behind it. Since ancient times, Li Tang has been a battleground for the prevention of Ezhou. If Ezhou loses its Chu army, it can easily cross the river and attack Huainan, the most prosperous place in Li Tang. This is what Li Tang can’t stand. Once the Chu army surrounds Ezhou, it can surround it and let Li Tang troops come to rescue and eat them one by one.
According to this strategic assumption, Ma Yun personally led Zhou Xingfeng Division and Qian Qing Division to send troops from Changsha to Yuezhou to attack Ezhou from the downtown. Zhu Yuan, the second army commander, led Shentu Congjian Division and Cao Bin Division to attack Ezhou from Anzhou on the downtown. Lin Renzhao, the commander of the first water army, led the water army from Yuezhou to Shunjiang and attacked Ezhou.
When the army first arrived in Ezhou City, Zang Xun, our time commander in Wuchang, was scared to death and quickly sent someone to fly a chapter to ask for help. However, although the Li Tang government was very wary of Chu, quite a few people, including Song Qiqiu and Chen Jue, recognized that Chu would have to wait a few days to send troops, but their judgment was based on one thing: the soldiers in Chu had been fighting for years in recent years, and the soldiers were exhausted; Second, the fertile land and population of Chu are at a disadvantage compared with Li Tang, and it has been fighting in the national treasury for years. This war is not only about more people, but also about the comprehensive strength of the two countries. Chu does not have so much money and food to fight; The third Chu army has always been a good soldier. Lingnan New Plus has regained the territory of Jiaozhou. The second and fifth armies of Chu army have to focus on the control place and there is not much spare capacity to go out.
These three points are not unreasonable. Unfortunately, Ma Yun, a traveler, can’t remember the specific historical events clearly, but he knows the general trend of history quite well. After the establishment of the Great Han Dynasty in a few days, Guo Wei, Guo Rong and post-Zhao Kuangyin are not easy to deal with. If you occupy the present acre of land in Chu, you will lose doubt. It is not only Ma Yun who knows his hand, but Zhao Pu also sees this.
In September last year, Ma Yun called a senior official to discuss the matter of the Eastern Expedition. Some people once objected that we should pay more attention to treating the people too frequently. It was not too late to go to Li Tang in two or three years. At that time, Zhao Pu strongly opposed this view from the aspects of people’s hearts and national strength. But there was a saying that really touched Ma Yun, "If we lose the opportunity, the army will rely on this Jingnan and Lingnan to confront the Central Plains occasionally, but once it fails, like us, ministers may still have a way out, and the king controls more than 9o States."
Ma Yunmeng wakes up that his territory is too big, even if he surrenders, he will certainly be unpopular, like Nanping Wang. However, after the surrender of the three-state territory, the court will certainly not be too worried, but he has controlled nearly 1oo state by himself. What good is it to know that the whole day is only 4oo states, which account for a full quarter of himself? This is to surrender and there is no way to surrender.
So Ma Yun stood firm. He didn’t mobilize the Second Army and the Fifth Army, which fought a big war last year. Instead, Ma took 40,000 troops from the rest of the three armed forces after more than two years’ rest. Plus the Dongting Lake Water Army surrounded Ezhou.
Originally, it was a siege, but after more than half a month, I saw that Li Tang’s main force was in Li Jingsui, the king of Qi. Chen Jue, the Tang Dynasty envoy, led a mighty army across Hongzhou (Nanchang) and arrived in Ezhou in three or four days. Zang Xun, the supreme governor of Ezhou Wuchang, actually surrendered. This Ezhou was due to Shuicheng and traffic. As soon as the news of Zang Xun’s surrender was broadcast, Li Jingsui stopped the army in Xing, which was a special place. The south side of Xingcheng is rich in water and the east of the Yangtze River flows into the Yangtze River. The source of the rich water river is the steep terrain of Mubu Mountain. Li Jingsui sent his teeth to Tian Heng. Our own army stationed in Xingcheng will deploy troops along the Fushui River, which is not wide, but the water is extremely fast and the water is very strong. If there is no pontoon bridge to cross the river barefoot, it will definitely not work.
In this way, the 100,000 troops have taken this 50-odd-mile rich river to attack Xingcheng. This Xingcheng is very small, but the walls are very tall. Although many people are small, it is difficult to attack their own troops. No matter how many people are small, it is not necessary to attack the rich river. This pontoon bridge is not easy to build and there is no big ship. The navy of the Jiuqu Yangtze River is unfamiliar with the river, and it is not helpful to measure it for a while.
Chujun had to stop in Xingcheng.
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Chapter 1 Yangtze River Water Potential Map
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Chapter 1oo Yangtze River Water Potential Map

People who thought he was ruthless just now feel sorry for him.

It’s pathetic to be forced not to kill anyone.
Alas, I’m too young and demanding
Du Guye was unmoved. "It’s hypocritical to pretend to be soft-hearted and dizzy when people are killed."
This made a few entourage listen to not to go, even your royal middleman is not so bully.
Guan Yun took a deep breath and was indignant and angered. "Is it too much for you to say that when Jin Wangshi people fainted?"
Duguye smiled and stepped on Chen Lian’s shoulder with a heavy rolling and a broken bone.
Chen Lian couldn’t fit it any more, and let out a piercing scream "Ah"
He finally woke up screaming and crying, but he was guilty of pretending to be unconscious.
It’s a shame that Guan Yun is angry, ashamed and annoyed.
Du Guye cut his face on the spot and didn’t show any mercy. "Officials and generals are old and confused, and they have spent a lot of time not seeing things clearly. It’s time to retire and let young people do more."
The deep meaning in this sentence makes Guan Yun feel angry and push back. "Don’t do everything. Leaving a line for convenience is giving convenience."
Duguye narrowed his eyes dangerously. "I saw the butler’s deeds in my eyes and angered me."
Although he didn’t say it directly, Guan Yun still broke out in a cold sweat.
"You misunderstood that I was out of public interest, not people."
He lost momentum to compensate for the smiling face and lost the volume just now.
Du Guye impolitely asked, "Do you think I am stupid?"
"…" Guan Yun was speechless. He was not stupid, but very clever.
Duguye looked down on the official family, especially the official yunzhu, who was a psycho and never cared about them.
However, the government has always felt very good about itself and regarded itself as the future royalty.
"Five years ago, I thought you were not clever, but I didn’t expect that five years later, instead of improving, you were even more stupid. I was a little worried about the Six Emperors."
This is so mean that it is not for a younger generation to say it, but Guan Yungen did not dare to put on his elders and changed his face on the spot. "What do you mean?"
Duguye knows that the capital is not peaceful and the storm of seizing office has swept the whole imperial civil and military officials in succession.
The most powerful thing is that half of the officials of the Six Emperors have surrendered to him.
Of course, no matter how severe the six emperors are, they will reach into his hand.
Although the Six Emperors are the most likely to inherit the throne, Du Guye doesn’t think much of him.
"One day he will be dragged down by the government."
What should Guan Yun do if he wants to scold him? "Jin Wangshi, don’t go too far."
A figure came from the outside and looked nervous. "It’s not good for the Lord."
With such a clamor, everyone’s faces showed schadenfreude.
Du Guye frowned. "What happened?"
It is urgent to report that "the queen mother is seriously ill and calls you back to Beijing to see you for the last time."
Like a thunder, everyone was stunned and dumbfounded.
Is it the queen mother?
DuGuYe heart sank face is not very good-looking "what did you say? Say it again. "
He’s got a big momentum, cold and terrible.
It is a slightly bowed head and dare not look him in the eye.
"Are you sure?" Du Guye couldn’t believe it and couldn’t accept it.
The queen mother has always been kind to him and loves him like a life. He also regards the queen mother as his grandmother as his own family.
No matt how annoyed or angry he is, he can’t hide his heart.
Du Guye went out directly without saying anything, "The horse is ready to go back to Beijing."
Guan Yun’s eyes narrowed, and no one can be lucky that the capital situation is about to rise again.
Ten days later, Cining Palace.
Duguye travel-stained broke into Cining Palace, tired, and hula slag looked very embarrassed.
But all the imperial secretaries showed relief when they saw him, and immediately surrounded him and went in.
The queen mother’s eyes were closed and motionless, and her face was as white as a sheet.
Duguye silently looked at his hair turning white at the bedside, frowning even when he fell asleep. The Queen Mother had a sour nose.
She is old and full of white hair, which has always been well maintained. She has a lot of wrinkles and wrinkles around her eyes.
I used to be a charming man in my thirties, but now I look twenty years older, like an ordinary old man.
He suddenly realized clearly that his family would grow old if he didn’t pay attention.

"It’s not difficult to teach you on weekends," Yan Shaoqing replied quickly.

Jiang Jiang sent a smiley face symbol.
"Naina" ChuYuYing knocked at the door with milk.
"Well," Jiang Jiang put the phone aside and pressed the mouse to return to the brain homepage. He got up and smiled and took the milk and put it on the table.
"Who are you texting?" Chuyuying obviously noticed that she had moved softly to ask questions.
"Just one classmate"
"Boys and girls?" Chuyuying looked at her inquiringly "it’s so late"
"It’s not nine o’clock yet." When Jiang Jiang looked at his eyes and brain.
"Also," ChuYuYing pull a chair to sit in the past and hesitated a little. She looked at her solemnly and said, "Mom has something to ask you."
"You say" Jiang Jiang nodded.
"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?"
"You ask this?" Jiang Jiang rubbed a "no" with his hands crossed
"Really not?" Chuyuying a little don’t believe it
"Well, no" Jiang Jiang certainly nodded.
"Even if there is, it’s nothing." Chuyuying’s eyes drifted to the side and smiled. "Your mother can understand these things when your horse is twenty years old. It doesn’t mean anything …"
She seems a little embarrassed. "Now these children are more free when they make friends. Is mom worried that you have been cheated by others and I don’t know if you have?"
Jiang Jiang leng yi "do you want to ask me if I have slept with anyone?"
Chuyuying looked at her and said nothing.
"No," Jiang Jiang turned away from her tone slowly. "You don’t worry that I’m not a three-year-old and I don’t have a boyfriend."
"That’s good" ChuYuYing breath a sigh of relief.
"is there anything else?"
"It’s nothing," ChuYuYing got up and said, "Mom just asked casually, and I hope you and Shao Qing will have less conflicts in the future. Don’t mind drinking milk and going to bed early."
"I know" Jiang Jiang nodded and watched her go out.
Chapter 32 Intention to frame up
The night in the garden is as cool as water.
Jiang Qing walked briskly all the way into the living room with an undisguised smile on her face after the phone call.
Jiang Yu and ChuYuYing and others all went back to the bedroom.
Zhangqian is cleaning.
"Small Qian" Jiang Qing quickly called a past with a smile.
"Big Miss" zhangqian put the rag aside respectfully.
"Twenty thousand dollars" Jiang Qing directly took out a bank card and stuffed it into her hand. "The password is one to six, so thank you for your hard work."
"Thank you, Miss Big" zhangqian bowed his head and put the bank card in his pocket.
"But there is one more thing to trouble you." Jiang Qing looked around and leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"This?" Zhangqian looked at her "no" in surprise.
"Why not?" Jiang Qing frowned slightly. "It’s easy for you to testify. Can I still lose your benefits?"
"But this?" Zhangqian Trail "Miss Er will be rejected by Mr. and Mrs."
Thinking of what I saw during this period, zhangqian felt that the two young ladies, Jiang Jiang, had been wronged too much. She had already helped Jiang Qing, so how could she frame her without conscience?
"How come?" Jiang Qing smiled inadvertently. "After all, she is a parent who kissed her daughter and got angry. It’s not that serious."
"It’s not that serious. Why do you have to do this …"
"Nothing" zhangqian looked up at her. "I won’t refuse if Miss Da can help you, but it’s really no good. What if something happens? Madam, you know how angry you are when the time comes. "
Jiang Qing looked at her with a cold hum
Didn’t she think ChuYuYing was angry?
Otherwise, why politely ask a servant for help!
"Why don’t you find someone else? I’m really …" zhangqian sipped her lips and said that her voice was so small that she could hardly hear her.
"Find someone else?" Jiang Qing funnily took two steps to press the bass. "How can you find someone else when you clean several bedrooms? If you find someone else, the first suspect is you. Of course, you have to testify that you can get away and get money. "
"But I …"
"Oh, what’s the good news?" Jiang Qing waved her arm. "How about giving you ten thousand dollars in the past? You just touch your lips and say two words. "
"Well," zhangqian bowed her head slowly in her eyes. "Well, just this once, I really can’t help you again."
"Just this once, it’s really good." Jiang Qing touched her hair and whispered again. When she nodded and agreed, she turned around and went upstairs with a smile.
Jiang Jiang stayed at home for four days

You want to be beautiful!

Wu Yuyan eyebrows a pick will JiYan but see liu’s stubborn face to swallow the words back again.
She has seen people like Liu clearly.
The security guard at the bottom of the body is extremely inferior and has extremely high self-esteem.
He’s an idiot who value fame more than life.
I’m afraid he really won’t go back if he doesn’t apologize.
Wu swift dark scold a good pressure anger toward Liu grind way
"Ok, I promise you!"
Chapter 1 You are not nobler than them
Back to the company Wu Yuyan black face toward Hu Dong ordered.
"Go and get the security guards together!"
Hu Dong fart Dian fart quickly put the security guards in the hall.
The security guards didn’t know anything, but they all looked strange after seeing Liu and Zhang Xiaohui.
Aren’t these two people removed? Why are they back?
Wu Yuyan face heavy as water came to the front of the guards frown way
"Former Liu and Zhang Xiaohui made some mistakes and I removed them."
"But I’m so kind-hearted that I don’t want them to beg?"
"So let them come back to work again today."
"Well, let’s let this thing go!"
Wu Yuyan said disgust waved.
"Wait a minute!"
Liu a listen to quickly looked at Wu Yuyan angrily in the previous step way
"You didn’t say that when Minister Wu came."
"I need you to apologize!"
Wu swift’s face became more ugly than angry way
"Don’t go too far!"
At this moment, a lazy sound suddenly started.
"Liu, you can go if you are not satisfied."
They looked around and saw a young man leaning against the door frame of the captain’s office with his hands in his pockets.
Looking towards this side is a full face of ponder.
Who else can it be if it’s not Ling Tian?
Liu saw Ling as a happy heart and then nodded heavily.
"Okay, I’m leaving!"
Say that finish Liu turned and walked out.
Wu Yuyan was frightened.
"Wait a minute. Don’t go."
Liu stopped cold hum a way
"Why should I stay if you don’t apologize?"
Wu Yuyan was about to get angry, but she shivered at the sight of Ling Tian’s playful face.
Quickly bowed their heads and eyes hatred a flash and irate way
"I just apologize!"
Say that finish Wu Swift turned and looked at the guards took a deep breath and said
"I’m here to apologize to Liu"
"I’m sorry, I was wrong!"
The guards were dumbfounded and couldn’t believe it.
Master Zhang, who has always been arrogant and extinct, apologized to a security guard in Daliu in public?
Oh, my god. You’re not dreaming, are you?
Liu’s body trembled and tears filled his eyes, holding his fist tightly to prevent tears from flowing.
"And you have to apologize to me!" Zhang Xiaohui aside nasty said.
Wu Swift suddenly became short of breath and was about to get angry only to find that Ling Tianbing looked up with cold eyes.

"In this case, then I choose to get it from Yu Laoer …" zhaojie’s face smiled and said, "Extract props from the other person’s personal warehouse!"

Suddenly an image of a slot machine appeared in zhaojie’s mind and stopped after a rapid rotation. Then a sound rang in zhaojie’s mind.
"Because you killed (assisted four passers-by with evil value), you have a good value of 4 points and have a 21-chance to draw an enemy prop."
"You successfully extracted the special prop" Array Map "from the personal warehouse numbered o391, and it has been included in your personal warehouse. Please pay attention to it!"
Zhaojie closed his eyes and stretched out a golden light flash across his right hand. A quaint old thread suit appeared in his hand.
The little girl pouted and wanted to think and nodded, "Yes! What didn’t they make exclusive skills? "
"My cloth man once told me that his eldest brother instructed five people to be the five occupations of A Chinese Odyssey, and all he had to do was to promote these five people to achieve the most exquisite cooperation, so I wondered if all turn-based game walkers should be in groups of five? Because every game will have a special way of fighting, it is difficult for a profession to take out any one in a round game to give consideration to skills. This kind of passer-by should fight through 5V. The so-called is not a specific number, that is to say, against an adventurer, they are five people, and a hundred adventurers will be five people. "
"In this way, things will be much simpler. Since their main occupations are compatible with each other, it is obvious that exclusive occupations should also be compatible with each other in order to make the cooperation perfect!"
"We didn’t see them make exclusive skills when they fought, which proves that it’s not that they don’t want to, but that they have already gone, but we can’t see it, but what kind of skills are made but won’t be now? There are two kinds of aura effects, such as group increasing blood volume, attack increasing defense, but isn’t it too bad to have this aura and match their skills? I said before that this is an adventurer’s game, which is manipulated by those behind the scenes who brought us into this world. They will never let bugs appear and affect the’ game balance’. It is absolutely impossible for everyone to have a halo. The other is the array effect, just like we saw this little fan. I asked you how many crystals you got after the first main line? "
Yuan Yifan’s cute little face covered herself with tension. "What do you want?" Let’s say that I have this money first! "
Zhaojie spread his hand and said, "Don’t worry, how could I give you that little idea!"
Yuan Yifan grinned in disbelief, but still said, "My experience is a difficult novice’s main line. Finally, I even killed the monster and got the magic crystal for crystal coins in a total of 17oo crystals."
"That’s it!" Zhao Jie nodded and said, "My experience is a terrorist-level mainline. If the monster’s contribution is not counted, the magic crystal has also been completed with 1ooo crystal, and those five guys can kill 17 adventurers. Obviously, it is also difficult to experience less mainline, and they have killed so many people. If I am not mistaken, even the evil value passer will get the opportunity to extract the other party’s crystal coins after killing. Now, it is obvious that it is more appropriate to extract crystal coins than equipment from the poverty level of the passer-by. So they must have extracted the crystal coins of the deceased." According to my calculation, these five people should have seven thousand crystal coins, but according to my calculation, except for the second child, the other four crystal coins will not add up to one thousand points. Where are the six or seven thousand crystal coins left? "
"There are two possibilities: one is to get the crystal coins into the body and get rid of the old body, and the other is to buy some expensive equipment or props to do all these bad things. For the wicked, they know better than we do that the more money they spend, the more money they earn. The second possibility is that they have bigger breasts."
"To sum up, I guess that all of them are exclusive occupations of’ array mage’. After upgrading the rank of array mage, they can buy a certain array to strengthen the array, which means that the higher the rank of array mage, the stronger the array, and the greater the power they can wield."
"So I choose to bet on a game. My inference is correct and I am lucky to bet on myself at the same time! It turns out that I bet right! "
If Yu Laoer is still alive at this time, he will definitely surprise zhaojie, then kowtow and kneel ian’s toes and polish his shoes, and use his body as a stirrup. Like the third grandson, zhaojie will serve Shu Shuyin. zhaojie’s guess is almost identical!
After the evil five came to the other plane, they were given the profession of array mage by other exclusive classes. When they were given the first class, each person had an increase of 1, the second class, the second class, the third class and the third class. That is to say, after the third class, five people could have a 15 bonus to the array.
However, although the profession of array mage is also very strong, the problem is that five people don’t array, and the distributor also tells them that they can buy array through the store in the personal warehouse, but the problem is that even the lowest three-phase array in the store needs 5ooo crystals. How can a group of five people have the money to buy it? So after another desperate robbery, I happened to kill a man who had experienced the "big" difficulty of terrorist level, and then I saved enough money to buy a "Array Map-Fengyang Array". Unfortunately, I changed hands and gave it to zhaojie before it came.
"Hmm ~!" The little girl Joan snorted heavily in her nose and nostrils. "You’re just lucky! You’re in G, but why don’t they use this array against us when they have this array? "
"You!" Zhaojie smiled and scraped the little girl’s nose. "It’s not because of you?"
Volume 1 Do you like my bear? 2. There are wolves coming again.
"Because of me?" The little loli grabbed zhaojie’s white fingers and put them in her mouth, biting and humming, "What’s wrong with me!"
Zhaojie messed up the little loli’s pink long hand and pulled her finger out of the cherry small mouth while she was tidying her hair. She laughed, "You should take a big move, and the powerful magic Li Laosan immediately let their main output drop, and then we took advantage of the chaos to kill two dps occupying two side positions, and I’m afraid that no matter how fast it takes, it won’t be able to endure us?"
"Hum! Who let them be so polite to make my mother unhappy! " The little girl proud way
Zhaojie a chestnut gently knock on her head with serious way "you! After can’t be so impulsive, this time is the other underestimation will let you take the lead, if just want to take the two of us are more than two words, I’m afraid you will have to explain to me there even can’t save you. "
"Slice! I don’t believe it! " The little girl shrugged off pie pie.
"Then I ask you, what will you do if I give you a sleeping spell if the second child comes?"
"I …" Little Loli, after a long time, I didn’t figure out a way. Suddenly I grabbed zhaojie’s slender and weak arm and took a bite. Then I cried proudly in zhaojie’s howl, "I told you to bully me!"
Zhaojie was sweating and hiding from the little girl. As a result, the little girl threw the "Array Map" and stuffed it into the personal warehouse, grinning and rubbing her arm teeth.
But he didn’t know how tempting it was for two people in the distance to have such a small pain in the middle of his chest.
Imagine that in this horrible world, two big men worked hard to complete the novice’s main line, and then ran out from the resurrection and met five malicious guys. They had to be on guard at all times and their bodies were always in tension.
The last five groups were destroyed by two beautiful girls (they have consciously filtered zhaojie’s phrase "always a man". They have been tense, er, and their nerves suddenly relaxed. Now, how can they not get along with those two single beautiful women in one room? Just now, these two moans in zhaojie have thrown a nuclear bomb in the most prosperous city, or stuffed it into the bed of a pure otaku. How can people hold it? Compared with this time, even if Xifeng Furong appears, I’m afraid it’s delicate and charming in the eyes of The Story Of Diu Sim, who has been single for three years in sow competition. What’s worse, is it so beautiful? The two men suddenly turned their heads and looked greedy at zhaojie!
Zhaojie feel two people eyes suddenly looked up sharp stare back.
But his snake-like light is different from that of lovers in the eyes of two men who have just been carried away by lust, which brings more intense excitement and vigorous sponge.

Then all his efforts will be in vain.

Fortunately, the wings of the evocation butterfly moved
Then take off.
Chu Yun’s eyes lit up, and it felt as sweet as my mother stuffing a piece of candy through the door when she was first in a dark room.
Take back the vortex nine sinai body.
Chu Yun hurriedly behind evocation butterfly.
Shuttle up in the forest
But the direction is to go back.
Don’t … Chu Yun heart rises a guess.
This guess will be confirmed soon.
Chu Yun came to an orphanage and said that the orphanage was just established after Kyubi no Youko’s invasion. It was full of children who had lost their parents.
When Chu Yun saw that evocation butterfly land on a little guy with blond hair and a moustache on both sides.
Chu Yun knew this guy was Naruto Vortex.
Chu Yun was also present at the ceremony of Vortex Naruto becoming a pillar of strength, and soon understood why.
On that day, the life of Vortex Jiusinai will do its best for four generations, and the remaining chakra department of Vortex Jiusinai will be sealed in Naruto through the hexagram seal.
"chakra really has a soul."
Chu Yun had this guess when the skeleton soldiers could change the nature of chakra, and now the whole guess has been confirmed again.
But how to separate chakra from the hexagram seal?
The eye of the dead opens a spiritual thread to link Naruto’s body.
Chu Yun appeared in Naruto’s soul world for a moment.
The eye is an iron prison.
This iron prison is much smaller than the one in Xinjiunai, and it is also somewhat different.
There is also a huge ball in Xinjiunai’s cell with wooden stakes made of spells stuck on it.
Kyubi no Youko was originally fixed on a sphere, and his tail was covered with stakes and tied with chains. It was miserable.
There is a sleeping baby lying outside the iron prison of Ming people.
Inside the iron prison, Kyubi no Youko was lying in a ferocious face.
Chu Yun appeared here at the moment when Kyubi no Youko raised his ears and stared at Chu Yun as they practiced.
In the soul world, Chu Yun’s eyes are the eyes of the dead.
Full of evil spirits, cold and fierce
Even if Kyubi no Youko saw it, he could not help but be attracted by it and attached great importance to it.
"Evil eyes. Who are you?"
Chu Yun spasm I metempsychosis saw Kyubi no Youko when Kyubi no Youko came.
Maybe this guy has a psychological shadow because of carrying soil?
"Good evening, Nine Lamas. Don’t get too excited. I just came for a walk."
"I’m not interested in how I know your name, whether it’s you or Liudao or tsutsuki Hamura."
"I just came to see this cage … your new home. Feel free."
Chu Yun laughed and then looked at this hexagram seal I, and Chu Yun’s dead eyes directly destroyed the soul world of four generations of Huo Ying, thus solving this seal. Obviously, this life can’t be that way.
Where is the chakra seal of Vortex Nine Sinatra?
Chu Yun looked at the seal to find it.
Kyubi no Youko was stunned by the amount of information that Chu Yun said with his mouth.
Then roared, "Don’t be too arrogant! Tell me how you know these things! Otherwise … "
Yo, I’m curious, right? I just want to make you curious, but I just don’t tell you that Chu Yun is smiling and admiring the cage … Hmm … Kyubi no Youko’s new home is watching late-night welfare movies. Please note WeChat WeChat official account ok Shadow Paradise.
Chapter one hundred and thirty Thinking about small objects of death
Kyubi no Youko went crazy, chakra overflowed the cage and slept outside, so Naruto was affected. I don’t know if he had a nightmare or felt the evil chakra when his parents left that day.
Anyway, I just started crying
"Good boy" Chu Yun tried to make his voice amiable.

+3 energy

To prevent losing contact, please remember to reserve the domain name L A.
Behind the hidden gold longbow is this bright gold ring, which is also an excellent attribute. This is perfect for barbarians and druids. It can be said that all melee characters need the ring most. You can imagine how popular this ring will be if you steal it with both life and mana.
Tidy up the scattered gold coins and potions, and take out a blue saber. Now that you have killed the tooth skin, it is natural to leave some teeth skin to collect it by yourself. However, the skin of this salamander is really hard. Now Chufei’s strength is chopping at the dead body, and he can see a small mouth. Although the damage of the saber in his own hand is too low, it can also be seen how strong this guy’s defense is. If there is no deformation to help this guy, it will not be so easy to be eliminated.
It is said that the battle just now was really dangerous. With the support of Chu Fei’s vitality skills, the tooth skin and the surrounding small monsters were separated. Then at this time, Chu Fei used the deformation technique. The tooth skin assault technique is much more powerful than the ordinary claw viper. Except for the three mutant skeletons, the ordinary skeleton will be attacked one after another, which can make them broken. Even the clay stone demon can resist it twice. Moreover, this guy with tooth skin is also good at summoning the claw viper. If it is not Chu Fei’s confusion curse, I am afraid it will be cast.
But in the end, this guy died when the metamorphosis was finished. This guy’s life had been worn away by half. At that time, when the tooth skin appeared, it was still full of Penny calling nine sea snakes. At that time, the tooth skin was also badly hurt. Chu Fei immediately chased this guy before his life recovered. Because of Chu Fei’s metamorphosis, the 35-level mage Penny became a sheep and was killed by it. Then it was killed by a small bone because of the metamorphosis. This is tit for tat.
"Hello is Hector? You two make the scroll back to Lugoin now, right, master? I have won the victory. You will return to Lugoin now, and I will go back. "Chu Fei took out the musical note stone, a magical prop, which is quite expensive, but since he knew about it, he immediately equipped himself with two pieces, one for Hector and one for Bilaise.
Gambling with Haigs has already won the victory. The first step for Chufei is to force debts. And since there is Master Penny, who knows if there will be any other masters who can kill Penny? It is absolutely impossible to expose the deformation. Then, if there are many people, I’m afraid I will be in trouble. So he ordered Hemoulong to return to Lugaoin immediately, which is not far from where Haigs stayed. He will certainly find the tooth skin body. If that guy is shameless enough to inform him that the two companions kidnapped Hemoulong, it is also a big trouble. Now let Hemoulong stay away from it.
I still want to find out the situation first. A 30-level mage died in the claw viper temple. This is definitely a big thing. I’m afraid that even the family department of Lanruo will cause a big sensation. Chufei now really wants to take a look at the expression of Haigs. This is the so-called victory secretly pleased.
"ChuFei is you!" The sentence "Envy when an enemy meets" is really suitable here. Haigs’ eyes are bloodshot. He is discussing with seven wizards whether to move on. Penny’s body is hidden in a corner by him. He is not ready to face Penny’s death and go out to react. He pretends that Penny first detected the other seven wizards, and he doesn’t doubt it. But at this time, Chufei actually appeared in front of him and finally recast his psychological defense line, which immediately collapsed.
"It’s a pity that Haigs hasn’t seen you for a few days, but I still want to show you something. Please don’t be too surprised." Chufei looked at Haigs and the other seven wizards and looked puzzled. Haigs’ expression was ferocious and hateful, but the other seven wizards’ expression was cold. Don’t they know that Master Penny died? He quickly glanced at Penny’s body, which had been lying there, but it was gone. Looking at Higgs’ expression base, he also guessed something.
The claw viper’s body is red, the snake’s body is gray, and the whole claw viper temple has teeth and skin, and the body is blue from beginning to end. At this moment, after Chufei takes out the blue snake head from the box, everyone is white. The gambling fight is over, and the winner is naturally Chufei.
Boom, a light sound, Chufei really saw what it means to crush silver teeth. Haigs’ eyes opened wide and his mouth suddenly closed. Two rows of teeth collided with each other with great speed and strength. One of them suddenly disintegrated, and then Haigs spit out one mouthful of blood. Then he shouted, "Kill him quickly or kill him quickly, otherwise it will be too heavy for me or Lanruo. Did you seven hear me and kill him quickly!"
"Haigs Pavilion, please don’t just tell us that only Lord Petunia is qualified to make a decision. Please be careful!" One of the seven wizards, a lady with long blue hair, did not hesitate to interrupt Haigs’ almost roaring speech. A man should not be like this even if he loses!
"By the way, he killed Penny. You must take revenge on Penny and kill him quickly!" Higgs suddenly roared and told the news of Penny’s death.
"Haigs shut up! Although the Duke ordered us to help you, we don’t mind picking you up if you talk nonsense! " Magicians started yelling and their hands lit up with all kinds of lights. Of course, they wouldn’t believe that Master Petunia of Grade 35 was dead when Haigs lost his mind!
"Poor Haigs, a member of the Afar family, has no responsibility at all! It’s my misfortune to take you as my opponent for four days. I’m very tired. Now I’m going back to Lugaoin to take a day off and then I’ll go to your place to receive my No.30 rune. Please be ready. You’d better not try to default. "Chufei sneered and immediately hit the scroll back to the city and entered the blue delivery door. A moment later, it appeared in Lugaoin. It’s delightful to be next to it. Two little girls, Hemolulu, also returned to Lugaoin at the same time.
"Master (adult), congratulations on getting the 30th rune this time." When Hector and Monroe saw Chufei, they first expressed their joy.
"Ha ha, we are rich this time. Let’s go to the best hotel to celebrate the 30th rune. I didn’t expect to have it when I was in the 23rd grade." Chufei is naturally higher.
The third chapter 32 Haigs bewitch
"Kill ChuFei, you know what I mean? Now the best way is to kill ChuFei and use Penny’s death as an excuse." Heggs is now preoccupied with trying to save the decline without knowing that he is going crazy.
"Hercules, say it again and I’ll give you a stimulating massage for three minutes, so that you can even stand up with that thing!" Next to the wizards, Haigs is a fart master Penny, but the youngest in the family has broken through the level 35 super genius. If it weren’t for this guy and his master, he would have been disposed of long ago. Now there is a flash of this guy’s failure and he is unceremoniously thrown at him. Haigs has a convulsion.
"I’m telling the truth!" Haigs was foaming at the mouth and ran to a corner and pulled out a female body. There is no doubt that it was he who hid Penny’s body!
Ah ah ah! Exclaimed from the mouth of these women, even those who changed jobs were, after all, women. After seeing Penny’s body, seven of them came to prepare and then cleaned up. Master Haigs immediately screamed. This really made people believe in the 35-level mage. Less in Lugaoin, it was the absolute strong one. Even in the face of the strongest Duriel nearby, it was absolutely unscathed. Although Haigs kept saying that Penny was dead, they didn’t have this idea in their hearts.
"Did you see that Penny died this time?
The third chapter 33 Hotel War
"If you are an Afar family, I don’t need to say that this kind of thing needs to be confronted by both sides. You wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t say it alone. I’ll go to visit the Afar family when Haigs comes back. This truth is getting more and more argued. If you argue irrationally, you will be guilty." Chufei sneered. I didn’t expect Haigs to really dare to find the door because of this sudden guy. His mental network was shipped again. As a result, it was unexpected that Haigs mental reaction was moving rapidly here.
"What do you mean, do you want to say it or not?" The middle-aged man’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, which seems a little unpleasant. His position is lofty, and few people refute him. Although he has also heard the name of Chufei, his consciousness still produces a kind of young and frivolous idea, which is the habitual idea of the elderly. Otherwise, there will be the term "leaning on the old and selling the old"
"Do you want to know? Then please sit with me and change places!" After ChuFei suggested that middle-aged people switch places, ChuFei ordered Hector and Monroe to say, "You two go there and don’t ask what you want to go there."
Although Hemenglou is puzzled, the two of them are most obedient when they leave the table and walk to the other side, while ChuFei is in the middle-aged man’s oblique rear facing the middle-aged man, looking back and wondering, "Can you please lower your head a little?" It takes a minute. I’m not teasing you. If you want to know part of what you really want, just follow me. "Chufei’s words are sincere. Although there are some puzzling things, this middle-aged man still bowed his head and made up his mind. If Chufei plays, he must teach this arrogant young player a lesson.
Bang, bang, someone came running from the stair surface. From the spirit induction, you can be sure that this is the guy Haigs, but before Haigs appeared, seven wizards suddenly appeared in a place ten meters away. Four bright blue chills and three big fireballs were directly shot out of their hands. The goal was Chufei!
Lazy donkey rolling! From the depths of the soul, the danger signal made Chufei’s body react before consciousness. Lazy snowballing in this past life was curious and learned to flee for life. Immediately, the right leg was pushed out and the left leg was naturally bent. With this force, the whole person directly rolled to the middle-aged man who claimed to be a member of Afar family.
Although ChuFei escaped from the past at a critical moment, these people did not hesitate to show the second round of attack, which was the same as one. Two fireballs directly attacked ChuFei when he fell to the ground, which was a gesture of never giving up without killing ChuFei.
"What are you doing!" Middle-aged man raised his head in amazement and drank a lot. Whoever saw Arihoshi attacking himself in this direction would not be happy. A huge stone statue with a burning flame instantly appeared in front of the middle-aged man. The blue cold was directly dissipated by the flame, but the fireball was inhaled by the stone statue. It was impressively a level 30 necromancer who was able to summon the flame stone demon.
"Duke Lanruo belongs to the traitor Chufei who killed the job-changer. The guy in front of him should hide quickly or he will kill you together!" Haigs finally couldn’t help jumping out. He finally bewitched the seven wizards and was about to kill the thorn in his side. But I didn’t expect such a guy to get in the way. It must be a level 30 necromancer, but the blue power is still feasible in Lugao. Generally, people who change jobs still dare not offend the blue power.
"Sun, your mother!" Chufei got up from the ground and roared out. The white bone staff waved continuously without hesitation. The bone spear was shot directly at one of the wizards. There was this man who claimed to be Afar family as a shield. Chufei of course took the opportunity to retaliate. At the same time, the summoners also appeared in the hotel and went straight to the seven wizards to fight at a touch!
"Stop it! What the hell is going on here! " Being used as a shield by ChuFei, the middle-aged man suddenly roared with a wave of his hand, and all around him fell into darkness, which was a curse. However, this curse was too severe, that is, the spiritual network of Chu enclave was blinded, and so on. There were ten skeleton warriors and six skeleton wizards suddenly appeared in this place, especially those skeleton warriors, whose bones were jagged. This is really amazing. Ten skeleton warriors said that this guy’s skull recovery skill level reached level 26. This guy is really tough!
The seven mages were surrounded by skeleton soldiers, and the mage was afraid to move with a sickle on his neck. Similarly, Chufei also dared not take the opportunity to beat Reservoir Dogs, because the six skeleton mages’ eyes were condensed in his body, and he was stared at coldly by the soul at twenty o’clock.
"Nonsense is nonsense. What the hell is going on here? This happened to me just after I got back from Harrogas!" Middle-aged men are almost angry, but when they hear his words, everyone around them breathes back from Harrogas. Doesn’t this mean that this guy’s skill level is over 50! Chufei didn’t expect this guy to be so tough at level 50. No wonder the tone is so crazy. This guy must be an Afar family elder.
"Ah is Jon grandpa! Grandpa Jon, the guy behind you made a hateful move to sneak attack on Master Penny. He killed Master Penny. Grandpa, please order the skeleton wizards to kill this traitor! " Haigs’ eyes were wide open. I didn’t expect it to be the fourth elder of the Afar family. How did this one suddenly return from Harrogas! However, since he has achieved this level, he certainly won’t cry and admit that he has failed. At this time, he must bite his own reasons!
"A dirty lie, the Afar family commanded Lanruo’s hand to attack my body, which said something about this matter and you, Haigs, why are you so active!" Chu Fei retorted Haigs with a cold hum and then turned to Jon, who shocked the scene with this sudden hand. "How do you want to listen to the accusations of your younger generation?" Chufei has prepared a transfiguration in his hand. Once this old guy favors Haigs or wants to detain himself, he will be turned into a lamb and killed immediately!
"I don’t know exactly what’s going on now, but it’s crazy for you to fight directly here. Naturally, no one will favor the present department to go to the palace inspection office. I will supervise you. Once anyone wants to make any other moves, don’t blame me for using force!" The middle-aged man is not an idiot. There are so many job-changers around here and it’s so noisy. Even if he wants to protect Haigs, he can make it worse. This kind of thing should not be intervened by the Afar family. Let’s leave it to Jayne.
"It’s all right. You just saw that it was the seven Lanruosi hand wizards who attacked me first. It was them who did such despicable things. I just fought back in self-defense. It’s irrevocable. Those skeleton wizards locked me and I promised that I wouldn’t attack you. You just need to control those people." Chufei responded coldly, but he summoned things to pose for battle, especially the ghost wolf and four mutant skeletons.
"All right, you put away your summoning things and I control them personally." A man named Jon Afar family nodded and agreed to Chufei’s incident. He was also a witness. It was obvious that seven wizards suddenly appeared and then immediately attacked. There was something strange about this incident, but it was more doubtful that Lan Ruosi, on the one hand, was a little strange about how Haigs suddenly got entangled with Lan Ruosi!
"Master, we will go with you." Hector and Monroe immediately ran over. The normal attack was too sudden. By the time they reacted, they took out the crossbow and prepared to fight back, the necromancer had taken control of the scene.
"Very well, you two must follow me, otherwise it will be bad if someone attacks you again." Chufei sneered and glared at the seven wizards. The irony in his tone was beyond words. He didn’t expect that Haigs was bold enough to attack himself directly and wanted to humiliate this guy here. It was really dangerous just now if the hotel was not full of job-changers. If it wasn’t for the chance that the Afar family elders talked to themselves, maybe he would really be planted here today!
Good, Higgs. We’re done with this vendetta. I’ll repay you and Lanrose! In the face of ChuFei glared at Haigs, his eyes were left with despair and hatred. Those eyes were like poisonous snakes, but at the moment, where would ChuFei care about him, resent him, and plan to destroy this guy?
The necromancer named Jon controlled Chufei and Haigs and his party to go downstairs, and then walked directly to the palace. After they left, all kinds of information were immediately blown up in the hotel and flowed out.
The third chapter 34 lion’s mouth
In name, it was temporarily supervised, but in fact, the people including He and Monroe Chufei were arranged in a side hall of the palace. Now King Lugoin is Jayhein, and other royal descendants, including Lan Ruosi, are all salivating outside. All the halls Chufei were arranged in such a place.
After all, the palace is a palace. Although it is not very lively because it has not been inhabited for a long time, the decoration and facilities are quite complete. There are blue crystals smaller than broken sapphires embedded in the walls, which not only give off cold air to cool the whole palace, but also produce a sound like waves every once in a while. It is really enjoyable to live in such a room in this desert area.
Wearing a veil and a towel, the maid came in and out from time to time, bringing in fruits, wine and food. It was Chu Feifei who wanted to see a potions. The third requirement was immediately realized. Touching this thick potions gave him a big surprise. This should be the royal family’s hiding. It’s not half as thick as this in the public library outside facing the job-changers. No wonder they all want to develop their own power and re-enter the palace. This life is really enviable.
"Well, relax a little, don’t you see that even leisure poems and dramas have been sent? This says that Jayhein is kind to his master, and I think things will be solved smoothly soon." Chufei is very leisurely * On the deck of the lounge chair, there is a layer of unknown animal fur that smells cool and refreshing. This may be a kind of ice Warcraft fur. This world is also a beast that has mutated due to the invasion of hell, but these beasts are a little stronger than ordinary beasts. It is not necessary for those who change jobs to eliminate Chufei to distinguish what animal fur it is.
Although the two sisters, like Chufei, entered the palace for the first time, they didn’t feel so comfortable as Chufei, and they always seemed cautious. This is normal, but the original is just that ordinary mercenary archers suddenly entered the palace and faced with luxury that they have never seen before. How can they be released immediately? Chufei couldn’t help but feel a little funny when he saw their caution. He spoke in an attempt to ease the mood of the two sisters.
"You sit right there, pick up poems and dramas, watch them if you like, and there are fruits and snacks next to you. You can make yourself at home if you like." In Chu Fei’s command, the two sisters dared to sit on the soft and comfortable sofa and curiously picked up the poems and dramas next to them. These royal specialties have magical images to trigger, so it is amazing to watch small pieces of similar shadow images.
"Master, aren’t you really worried? This time you have offended the Afar family and Lanruo at the same time?" Hector and Monroe carefully tried several novelty feelings and remembered another thing after the past. After all, they were inexperienced. The little girl worked hard since she was a child, but she didn’t see the current situation at all.
"First of all, just because Haigs is a member of the Afar family doesn’t mean the Afar family, and if I simply offend the Afar family or Lan Ruosi, I may be a little afraid, but if I offend both of them at the same time, I won’t be afraid of anything. Just rest assured, I guess we will be let go home soon, and maybe the elders of the Afar family will come and apologize in person!" Chufei confident way
Penny’s death is really because of herself, but the 3.5-second transfiguration is the root that can’t be detected, and absolutely no one in this world would have thought of having this kind of magic. Although Hagers attacked himself for this reason, it would be a white lie for anyone to detect Penny’s death! It just happened that there were also seven wizards in Lanruo’s hand.
Since the hotel war, Chufei has been thinking about almost all the intentions of Haigs, and he has guessed it. I have to admit that Haigs is an ambitious guy who can also throw caution to the wind. He is much taller than his younger brother Preston who knows pure jealousy, but it’s a pity that he failed after all. Later, Lan Ruosi will probably put all the charges on Haigs. After all, this time Lan Ruosi chose to cooperate with Haigs or deal with himself, but now he has lost his wife and lost his troops. This anger will naturally vent on Haigs \
According to the simulation of Chufei, it is probably that Lanruosi will shift all the responsibility from gambling to Haigs, which is of course beneficial to master Petunia’s death to frame Chufei. After all, Haigs has no profit and value, and he doesn’t want to be a big guy. If the Afar family doesn’t come forward, maybe Haigs will continue to go to Chufei in Lugaoyin. Now he knows that Penny is a thirty-five mage and a Lanruosi family. A star rises in Ran Ran, but I’m afraid Lanruosi will have a headache for a long time.
I really want to have a look at Lanruo’s expression now. I’m afraid that guy vomited blood directly! Ha, ha, ha, but what will happen next? Haigs is completely finished this time, but after all, there is still an uncle who has a big position, and his parents are not only war heroes, but also the Afar family was proud in those days. Even if Lan Ruosi holds all the charges on him, the Afar family will probably keep his life. The key is to what extent!
"Lord Fadil Marquis of Chufei is waiting outside the door, whether to invite him in = novel 52 starts = =" A maid asked Chufei at the door that this maid’s dress is really loving. I didn’t expect Jayhein and his interests to be similar, which is much more beautiful than those black scarves.
"Ask him to come in" ChuFei nodded the name although I don’t remember it very clearly, but I also have a little impression, but it must be something to come to myself at this time.
"Lord ChuFei, you are really amazing this time." A middle-aged man came in and was definitely an ordinary man. This guy’s title was actually a marquis! However, after a careful look, I have some impressions of this man, which should be seen. However, this guy was excited and praised Chufei as soon as he entered the door, but he can be sure that he was born.
"I didn’t expect that you have just become a guardian knight and achieved this step. Impey Ni died. Now Lan Ruosi has been relieved by the Presbyterian Church and has been asked to reflect on this matter. It has become the laughing stock of all major families. Since inheriting the duke’s title, Lan Ruosi has been reckless, and now he is finally afraid to be so arrogant. It’s really a way to restrain this excitement." After coming in, this person gushed out his feelings.
"Oh, I see. Then tell me what you came for." Idiots generally don’t just gloat when they encounter this kind of thing. It’s no wonder that Beatrice has been trying to revitalize the family. Her relatives are so happy and get carried away!
"My coming here is also entrusted by people. This morning, the Afar family was stationed in Lugaoin. Two elders came to the family. This has not happened for nearly a hundred years. The Afar family was also present at the coronation of Laneros. This is really an honor!" Seeing this guy want to get excited again, ChuFei is very depressed, and slamming the teacup shows him to get down to business directly.
"Well, the two elders of the Afar family mean that Haigs bewitched Lanruo’s hand to attack you. Can you settle this matter privately? Don’t apply for a decision from the Association of Job Changers. In fact, this time it is mainly to inform you that this matter has been discussed in the family. The conclusion is …" The ordinary middle-aged marquis was interrupted by Chufei before he finished.

The actual cross-country is very clear. The longer Uzumaki Kushina stays in suspended animation, even if the four generations of Huoying can well protect Uzumaki Kushina from suspended animation, Uzumaki Kushina’s physical function is also delayed and gradually decreased with suspended animation. The abnormal physical condition of Uzumaki Kushina people with whirlpool is even better.

If Uzumaki Kushina is an ordinary Nara clan like before cross-country, it is estimated that Uzumaki Kushina will become an ordinary person even if he faked his death for so long, let alone practice chakra, so it is impossible to run faster. In order to avoid unexpected situations, it is necessary to leave the war water country and go to the fourth generation of Huoying to prepare for the resurrection of Uzumaki Kushina.
The second point is that the reason why cross-country is in a hurry to leave the water country is that the duration of the war is simply as long as the French imagination.
It is true that Terumi Mei’s strategy is very good, encroaching on the territory of the water country and occupying a country’s language a little bit. When Terumi Mei’s strategy is successful, it is equivalent to the whole country’s enemy with less and less war materials in the village. Terumi Mei’s "revolutionary army" may invade the village without bloodshed.
Because it was only half a year ago, Mr. Ban’s control of Shui Ying’s loss of position has been reduced to freezing point
Those ninjas who followed Banye or Shui Ying Wuren Village already had a rebellious mind, but the "revolutionary army" still didn’t have enough advantages. Banye was still able to suppress these "blood fog" periods by virtue of Shui Ying’s majesty, and it was already turned into a killing machine.
However, Terumi Mei’s strategy is good, but is it possible to slowly encroach on the territory of the water country in a short time?
Don’t say no, just say a little!
If cross-country is to lead Ninja troops from other countries to capture the territory of the water country, it would be nice for him to manage the war. Fighting a town is a town and solving a city is a city. There is no need to think too much, but now leading the "revolutionary army", what cross-country needs to do is to start managing the people’s livelihood in the captured town after getting rid of the enemy, so that residents inside can live a stable life.
Moreover, war consumes materials to support those civilians who have just left the war, and it needs more materials.
If the cross-country is really quick in half a year, the whole water country will be solved.
If it weren’t for so many things that need to be considered, it would slowly encroach on the territory of the water country.
It is also because of this that it will take several years for the Terumi Mei strategy to be completed perfectly.
And how can cross-country drag in the water country for a whole few years?
That way, if we don’t talk about the resurrection of Uzumaki Kushina, we will say that the rest of the things that cross-country has to deal with may not be completed
The third point, the most dangerous thing in cross-country feeling is the study of Ban Ye.
If cross-country really drags on in the water country for a whole few years, how far can the research of Banye go?
Is it possible to develop a new black technology?
Is it possible?
Master ban has been resurrected in the realm of forbearance?
It is said that cross-country is really ready to leave Shuiguo muddy water for a while, first assassinate Banye to control Shui Ying, then take Kimimaro away from Wuren Village, first resurrect Uzumaki Kushina, and then prepare to take a long-term view of the rest of the things. As a result, when Terumi Mei is still thinking about staying cross-country and trying to persuade cross-country that there is no need to be radical and want to assassinate Shui Ying, he finds that cross-country determination has been set, Terumi Mei said with a deep breath.
"Shadow Master, it seems that you have really decided?"
"Well, it’s really decided."
Cross-country nodded and smiled. "Besides, after the assassination of Shuiying, we may not have a chance to meet again. Terumi Mei hopes that when we meet again, you will already be Wuren Village. Shui Ying can justify the rule of Wuren. There is no need to be like this."
"Well, I also hope to meet you as Shui Ying when we meet next time, and"
"Recruit you!"
Terumi Mei smiled at the cross-country and made a joke. Then he suddenly remembered one thing and turned to the cross-country road. "By the way, Master Shadow, since you want to assassinate Shui Ying, there is someone you must meet. Speaking of which, when I first met that guy, I didn’t expect that guy was so down and out in the water country that he needed to meet some assassinations of civilians to make a living."
"Shadow Master, since you are so powerful, can you guess who this down-and-out guy is?"
Listening to Terumi Mei’s questioning, cross-country consciousness is ready to shake his head
But I suddenly recalled that the future fate of Hakuto’s original works coincided with the fact that I was going to assassinate Shui Ying. Cross-country is to gently pick my eyebrows and ask.
"You said down and out guy"
"Is it that ghost people will never cut again?"
Chapter 63 Assassination of Shui Ying
Is it possible for a strong ninja to be down and out?
Anyway, I haven’t seen it before cross-country, but now I have.
In Terumi Mei, I arranged to ask about the assassination of Shui Ying again. For the first time, I said that what the ghost people saw when they met again was the two images in the original book of Huo Ying.
Wearing rags, my eyes are full of fatigue and skinny, just like I just got out of the desert!
Cross-country, it’s hard to imagine that ninjas can mix so badly.
What’s worse, a powerful ninja like this needs a few robberies to get rich. Is it really necessary to make himself so depressed that even ordinary people have to take the pitiful reward for revenge?
However, cross-country people don’t know that they will always be a man of integrity if they don’t cut again.
Take people’s money to eliminate disasters for others
No matter whether it’s in the water country or in the original book of Naruto, it’s a ninja principle. Otherwise, it’s like the original book of Naruto. Kado is the boss who wants to occupy the country of Poland. Isn’t it a piece of cake to stop cutting the famous black businessmen in the world and try to solve Kado’s guy?
However, in the original works of Huo Ying, we still adhere to our own principles.
Even if Cardo has been offended many times, he will not kill his employer if he doesn’t cut it again. He is willing to help Cardo become a vicious dog.
This shows that what is going on in the water country if you don’t cut it again?
To tell the truth, I heard that the reason for not being cut off from the world is a little admirable, but it is impossible to make cross-country so "moral integrity"
It’s always okay to rob some businessmen and thieves, right?
It can be said that except for the desert in the windy country, it is said that cross-country can be very good if it is thrown there.
But at this moment, if we don’t cut off the cross-country for the first time, it’s just a surprise. If we don’t cut off the poverty, we will directly get to the point and ask, "Do you know why I came to you?"
Don’t cut a cold smile and said, "Now I feel that most people want to buy Shui Ying intelligence, like me who can assassinate Shui Ying guys who want to believe it? Apart from Shui Ying’s information in my hand, Terumi Mei, if I am willing to join your "revolutionary army", will you believe me? "
"if you join our" revolutionary army ",I am naturally willing."